The Near Death Experience of Ella Jensen

You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your false
religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil surmising,
wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity. Dillan Clebold (Columbine) said
he did what he did because of Darwin. While shooting innocents, he wore a
white tee shirt with the inscription "Survival of the Fittest". Schools are
forced factories for atheism supported by tax monies. They killed John
Singer in his own front yard for taking his children out of public school.
Shot him in the back with a shotgun, threw him in the back of a pickup truck
while going down the mountain where he bled to death at the hands of a
uniformed mob comprised of armed thugs on snowmobiles acting under the color
of law. Murderers! Liars! Fools! Blind! I am an eyewitness there is a God
and he is terrible beyond your feeble understanding. There is a second
death, the death of the spirit which may take millenia to accomplish, in the
which you are ground back down to native element and lose your identity.
Reincarnation is false, saith the Lord. Again I say, there is a second
death, fool.
"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:35:00 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
>> True Science

> Yeah. Riiiight...
> --
> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:

> The devil has got you deceived by false ministers, you fool. The devil has
> you coming and going. False sciences and theories AND false religon(s). We
> expect not to be listened to. Mists of darkness. We do what we are told to
> do (by revelation from God who directs our course) in order for the witness
> we bear to stand against you at the last day, for we testify that we have
> told you the truth, and you deliberately chose unbelief to belief,

Ooooh! I just can't WAIT to cross-examine!

We'll start of with an investigation into the witness' mental health, then...

-- cary

> disobedience to obedience, that a righteous judgment may come upon you to
> the uttermost for you take pleasure in unrighteousness, fool. You have my
> complete contempt.
> 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
> because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
> 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
> believe a lie:
> 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
> pleasure in unrighteousness.
> (2 Thes 2:10-12)
> <> wrote in message
> > On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> >> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
> >> ass
> >> than it already is.

> >
> > You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
> > guy, you are.
> >
> > There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
> > stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
> > you all support each others' fantacies.
> >
> > If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
> > sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
> >
> > ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
> > the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
> > believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
> > cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
> > understand?
> >
> > -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> > aa#2015/KoBAAWA!
> >

"Art Bulla" <> wrote in message
> The devil has got you deceived by false ministers, you fool. The devil has
> you coming and going. False sciences and theories AND false religon(s).
> We expect not to be listened to.

And you're absolutely right. After all, you speak of a nonexistent impotent
fictional character. You're just verbally jerking off. But you'll keep it up
I'm sure. I see coke bottle eyeglasses and hairy palms in you future.
Rob Brown
On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> I am not a Christian, fool.

Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
**** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

-PF, Atl.
On Jun 13, 12:56 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> The devil has got you deceived by false ministers, you fool.

There is no devil, either, you ****ing idiot. It is simply another
character in the insipid Bronze Age comic book you keep quoting from.

-PF, Atl.
On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
> On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> > I am not a Christian, fool.

> Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
hasn't seen his children in a while.
On Jun 13, 1:30 pm, Neil Kelsey <> wrote:
> On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
> > On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:

> > > I am not a Christian, fool.

> > Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> > **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> > you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> > responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> hasn't seen his children in a while.

What a piece of work. I see the moron is lying about not being a
Christian as well:

"Dedicated to the redemption of Zion. Revelations of Jesus Christ,
authority, Priesthood, Kingdom of God, doctrine discusssed pertaining
to the salvation of Ephraim and Manessah."

When I was a kid, the mentally ill were housed in hospitals. After
Ronald Regan, they were all homeless. Then came the internet, and now
they all have blogs. Ahh, what a world! <g>

-PF, Atl.
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
> You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
> throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your false
> religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
> generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
> race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil surmising,
> wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity. Dillan Clebold (Columbine)
> said he did what he did because of Darwin. While shooting innocents, he wore
> a white tee shirt with the inscription "Survival of the Fittest". Schools
> are forced factories for atheism supported by tax monies. They killed John
> Singer in his own front yard for taking his children out of public school.
> Shot him in the back with a shotgun, threw him in the back of a pickup truck
> while going down the mountain where he bled to death at the hands of a
> uniformed mob comprised of armed thugs on snowmobiles acting under the color
> of law. Murderers! Liars! Fools! Blind! I am an eyewitness there is a God
> and he is terrible beyond your feeble understanding. There is a second
> death, the death of the spirit which may take millenia to accomplish, in the
> which you are ground back down to native element and lose your identity.
> Reincarnation is false, saith the Lord. Again I say, there is a second
> death, fool.
> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> news:pan.2007.
> > On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:41:15 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
> >
> >> Moonbats in denial.

> >
> > Says the guy posting to alt.ATHEISM and being surprised to find ATHEISTS
> > in the newsgroup...
> >
> > --
> > Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
> > EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"


Yeah, Bilbo. What he said. You gotta do something about
that "evil surmising". The neighbors are starting to talk.

-- cary
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:

> You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
> throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your false
> religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
> generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
> race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil surmising,
> wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity.

> Dillan Clebold (Columbine) said he did what he did because of Darwin.

Damn straight, Art! You're completely right with that last one!

Well, except for the fact that his name was "Dylan", not "Dillan".

And, well, you know, the part about his other name being "Klebold", not

Other than that ... oh, wait, we do have to mention that he
never said anything about Darwin having anything to do with

Unless, of course, you actually mis-spelled "Harris"
as "Clebold" [sic]

But other than that, you're 100 percent correct.

-- cary
On Jun 13, 12:48 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> Of course the devil has counterfeits to continue to deceive fools like
> yourself, you fool:

babble crap snipped

Read my hips, moron. The Christan bible "proves" nothing other than
the fact that ancient priests were just as afraid of real work as
modern ones are.

-PF, Atl.
On Jun 13, 10:35 am, wrote:
> On Jun 13, 1:30 pm, Neil Kelsey <> wrote:
> > On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:

> > > On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:

> > > > I am not a Christian, fool.

> > > Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> > > **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> > > you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> > > responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> > Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> > the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> > hasn't seen his children in a while.

> What a piece of work. I see the moron is lying about not being a
> Christian as well:

I suspect he doesn't see himself as a Christian because he thinks he
is the equivalent to Jesus. Well, ironically, so do I, since I think
Jesus suffered from the same mental illness as Art does. Well, that
is, if Jesus even existed.

> "Dedicated to the redemption of Zion. Revelations of Jesus Christ,
> authority, Priesthood, Kingdom of God, doctrine discusssed pertaining
> to the salvation of Ephraim and Manessah."
> When I was a kid, the mentally ill were housed in hospitals. After
> Ronald Regan, they were all homeless. Then came the internet, and now
> they all have blogs. Ahh, what a world! <g>

Hah! A little education is a dangerous thing...
On Jun 13, 2:06 am, "Aaron Kim" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> >> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
> >> ass
> >> than it already is.

> > You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
> > guy, you are.

> > There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
> > stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
> > you all support each others' fantacies.

> > If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
> > sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...

> > ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
> > the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
> > believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
> > cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
> > understand?

> > -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> > aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

> The Gospel appeals to the soul barring reprobates like yourself. You deny
> the existence of the Holy Spirit. You deny the numerous testimonies of Jesus
> Christ in the NT of the Bible and Book of Mormon by individuals who received
> the Spirit. Flavius Josephus spoke of Jesus and His Apostles.

Deny? You speak as if you presuppose such creatures exist. Why do you
morons continue to speak of these creatures as if it is universally
accepted that they do? Are you still living in the tenth century?

Read it again, moron. Until you idiots can provide evidence for your
claims, to folks not brainwashed by your mythology what you believe is
just something stupid that you believe.

> The scriptures
> are testimonies of God and actual history.

No, they are not. This has been proven again and again.

> Much more evidence than your
> speculation of how the world came about, your religion which is evolution.

I have no religion, dumbass. You think you have the right to state
your opinions about atheism after demonstrating that you have no idea
what it is? Tell ya what, bunkie...since no one else will have you,
why don't you go **** yourself.

-PF, Atl.
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>

>"raven1" <> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> wrote:
>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and
>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

>> You're a bloody loon.

>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once the
>physical body is dead. The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
>mainstream.With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out of
>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

Scientists have. All the effects of NDEs are explainable by anoxia.

"O Sybilli, si ergo
Fortibus es in ero
O Nobili! Themis trux
Sivat sinem? Causen Dux"
"Neil Kelsey" <> wrote in message
> On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
>> On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> > I am not a Christian, fool.

>> Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
>> **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
>> you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
>> responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> hasn't seen his children in a while.

Art was persecuted no differently than all the past Prophets. The scriptures
says that the natural man is an enmity to God. Jesus said in Matthew 10:

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the
daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he
that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his across, and followeth after me, is not worthy
of me.

So you are just the latest generation of fools to reject the Gospel.
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:12:08 +0000, Cary Kittrell wrote:

> In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
>> duh? Moonbat! Fool! Moron!

> Physiognomist! Philateler! Adhesion!

Philateler? Adhesion? <snicker>

Stewie: Did you forge my name? How dare you! Is this backwards "S"
supposed to be cute? I'm going to crap double for you tonight!

On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:11:14 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:

> You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
> throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your false
> religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
> generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
> race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil surmising,
> wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity.

Well, you certainly rant insanely enough to be a godder of the first
degree, but ranting doesn't quite cut it around here. Got some evidence
these god things exist?

Nope, didn't think so. Try again. Screeching about invisible magic sky
pixies just doesn't make you look all that sane.

The inspiration in the Bible depends on the ignorance of the reader.
In article <> Kelsey Bjarnason <> writes:
> On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:12:08 +0000, Cary Kittrell wrote:
> > In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
> >
> >> duh? Moonbat! Fool! Moron!

> >
> > Physiognomist! Philateler! Adhesion!

> Philateler? Adhesion? <snicker>

As it is written, and as we have read: Art was driven into
the wilderness, for that he dared to preach the Truth.

Can't you see him as a kind of anti-Francis, railing
at the wildlife and furiously rebuking all creatures in
the Name of.... well, just rebuking?

-- cary
In article <> "Aaron Kim" <> writes:
> "Neil Kelsey" <> wrote in message
> > On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
> >> On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> > I am not a Christian, fool.
> >>
> >> Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> >> **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> >> you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> >> responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> >
> > Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> > the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> > hasn't seen his children in a while.

> Art was persecuted no differently than all the past Prophets. The scriptures
> says that the natural man is an enmity to God. Jesus said in Matthew 10:

Oh? And what was that arraignment all about, then?

I have yet to see any of you mention the details of that.

-- cary
On Jun 11, 3:35 pm, "Fart Bullshit" <> wrote:
> True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer

When you start out lying like that before you've typed two dozen
words, I can only conclude that you're addicted to the Moron religion.

Any time you can present solid evidence for this pathetic little god
of yours, I'll be happy to take it down. Until then, you're a waste
of skin.

Got that?

Art Bulla wrote:
> "Geoff" <> wrote in message
>> Art Bulla wrote:
>>> Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

>> Somewhat evolved primordial soup, but yes, that's true in a sense.

> ****, you are full of ****, fool.
