The Near Death Experience of Ella Jensen

<> wrote in message
> On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
>> ass
>> than it already is.

> You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
> guy, you are.
> There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
> stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
> you all support each others' fantacies.
> If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
> sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
> ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
> the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
> believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
> cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
> understand?
> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

The Gospel appeals to the soul barring reprobates like yourself. You deny
the existence of the Holy Spirit. You deny the numerous testimonies of Jesus
Christ in the NT of the Bible and Book of Mormon by individuals who received
the Spirit. Flavius Josephus spoke of Jesus and His Apostles. The scriptures
are testimonies of God and actual history. Much more evidence than your
speculation of how the world came about, your religion which is evolution.

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but
unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1

1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they
have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there
were any that did understand, and seek God.
3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
none that doeth good, no, not one.
Psalms 14
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>

>"raven1" <> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> wrote:
>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and
>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

>> You're a bloody loon.

>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once the
>physical body is dead.

Prove it, brainwashed moron.

> The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the

And they were just as deluded as you are, falling for a convicted
confidence trickster.

> With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out of
>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

No,moron. It is up to its believers to prove it, instead of
dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:06:44 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>

><> wrote in message
>> On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>>> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
>>> ass
>>> than it already is.

>> You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
>> guy, you are.
>> There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
>> stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
>> you all support each others' fantacies.
>> If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
>> sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
>> ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
>> the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
>> believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
>> cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
>> understand?
>> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
>> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

>The Gospel appeals to the soul barring reprobates like yourself.

Deliberate, slanderous nastiness.

> You deny
>the existence of the Holy Spirit.

Nobody is denying anything, liar. It's merely somebody else's

> You deny the numerous testimonies of Jesus
>Christ in the NT of the Bible and Book of Mormon by individuals who received
>the Spirit.

Nobody is denying anything, liar. It's merely somebody else's

> Flavius Josephus spoke of Jesus and His Apostles.

No he didn't, liar. Josephus was a Jew and the passage is an obviously
out of context insertion written by a Christian and "discovered" 300
years after the alleged events.

> The scriptures
>are testimonies of God and actual history.

No, liar, they are a mish-mash of earlier myths and legends about
other hero figures retold in a first century Palestine setting.

> Much more evidence than your
>speculation of how the world came about, your religion which is evolution.

Don't be so ****ing stupid.

>18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but
>unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
>1 Corinthians 1

What kind of moron cites the bible outside his religion as "proof" of

Here's a clue, brainwashed moron: if you daren't convinced by Hindu
scriptures, why expect non-Christian to be convinced by yours?

Nobody could be that stupid.

>1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they
>have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Standard Christian nastiness, attacking a strawman out of a
combination of bigotry, ignorance and hatred, hiding behind a book he
knows is worthless to those he slanders.

>2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there
>were any that did understand, and seek God.

It would have to exist in the real world outside your deluded
fantasies fort that, brainwashed moron.

>3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
>none that doeth good, no, not one.
>Psalms 14

Art Bulla wrote:
> Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

Somewhat evolved primordial soup, but yes, that's true in a sense.

See ya, dipshit!
I am not a Christian, fool.

<> wrote in message
> On Jun 12, 1:31 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

> Oh, so who's calling names now? Hypocrite. Another Christian throwing
> a fit because normal people don't believe his funny stories. Hang it
> up, Art. You've failed as a missionary. I hear they're hiring at
> McDonald's...
> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!
"Geoff" <> wrote in message
> Art Bulla wrote:
>> Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

> Somewhat evolved primordial soup, but yes, that's true in a sense.

****, you are full of ****, fool.
> See ya, dipshit!
In article <> "Aaron Kim" <> writes:
> "raven1" <> wrote in message
> > On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> >>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
> >>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and
> >>I
> >>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

> >
> > You're a bloody loon.

> Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once the
> physical body is dead. The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
> the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
> mainstream.With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out of
> body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
> aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

Many have. Read, for instance, Susan Blackmore's "Dying to Live".

There's no there there.

-- cary
That's what the Jews said to Jesus when they crucified him. Darwinists are
the real tricksters. Believing in a moronic fairy tail for grownups. Every
seen a watch "wind" itself? It would be easier for a watch to wind itself
than cell organelle such as a mitochondria assembling itself, much less the
first cell. How about the first woodpecker? Either the bird
isntantaneously "evolved" the equipment and behaviors for success, or the
failure resulted in the death of the unsuccessful attempt with no chance of
reproduction. There are no transitionary forms, fool. Every heard of a
"step function" in mathematics? No of course not. You are an ignorant fop, a
real dumbass moron darwinist eating the slop these paid liars handed out to
you in public schools taken over by these liars. Blissfully ignorant of real
science based on Physics and Mathematics. A real nitwit. You have my utter
contempt, fool. And say those things to my face and I would give you the
thrashing your foolish parents never cared enough to give you. Darwinist
families from hell producing ignorant pagan savages for spawn. Fools! Blind!

"Christopher A.Lee" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>
> wrote:
>>"raven1" <> wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
>>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
>>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:
>>> You're a bloody loon.

>>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
>>physical body is dead.

> Prove it, brainwashed moron.
>> The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
>>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the

> And they were just as deluded as you are, falling for a convicted
> confidence trickster.
>> With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
>> of
>>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
>>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

> No,moron. It is up to its believers to prove it, instead of
> dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God
gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of
evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are
worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do
them. (Rom 1:28-32) No wonder God is cursing your nation with severe
weather phenomena, etc. The gentiles attribute these to "global warming" a
manufactured dilema from the left.

"Art Bulla" <> wrote in message
> That's what the Jews said to Jesus when they crucified him. Darwinists
> are the real tricksters. Believing in a moronic fairy tail for grownups.
> Every seen a watch "wind" itself? It would be easier for a watch to wind
> itself than cell organelle such as a mitochondria assembling itself, much
> less the first cell. How about the first woodpecker? Either the bird
> isntantaneously "evolved" the equipment and behaviors for success, or the
> failure resulted in the death of the unsuccessful attempt with no chance
> of reproduction. There are no transitionary forms, fool. Every heard of a
> "step function" in mathematics? No of course not. You are an ignorant fop,
> a real dumbass moron darwinist eating the slop these paid liars handed out
> to you in public schools taken over by these liars. Blissfully ignorant of
> real science based on Physics and Mathematics. A real nitwit. You have my
> utter contempt, fool. And say those things to my face and I would give
> you the thrashing your foolish parents never cared enough to give you.
> Darwinist families from hell producing ignorant pagan savages for spawn.
> Fools! Blind!
> "Christopher A.Lee" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>
>> wrote:
>>>"raven1" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
>>>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
>>>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:
>>>> You're a bloody loon.
>>>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
>>>physical body is dead.

>> Prove it, brainwashed moron.
>>> The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
>>>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the

>> And they were just as deluded as you are, falling for a convicted
>> confidence trickster.
>>> With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
>>> of
>>>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
>>>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

>> No,moron. It is up to its believers to prove it, instead of
>> dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you.

Of course the devil has counterfeits to continue to deceive fools like
yourself, you fool:

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.

(2 Thes 2:10-12)

20 And the Lord will surely prepare a way for his people, unto the
fulfilling of the words of Moses, which he spake, saying: A prophet shall
the Lord your God raise up unto you, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all
things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that all
those who will not hear that prophet shall be cut off from among the people.

(1 Ne 22:20)

31 And wo unto the deaf that will not hear; for they shall perish.

(2 Ne 9:31)

25 And except they repent in sackcloth and ashes, and cry mightily to the
Lord their God, I will not hear their prayers, neither will I deliver them
out of their afflictions; and thus saith the Lord, and thus hath he
commanded me.

(Mosiah 11:25)

28 Therefore I say unto you, that he that will not hear my voice, the same
shall ye not receive into my church, for him I will not receive at the last

(Mosiah 26:28)

21 And their hearts are corrupt, and full of wickedness and abominations;
and they love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil;
therefore they will not ask of me.

(D&C 10:21)

4 And my vineyard has become corrupted every whit; and there is none which
doeth good save it be a few; and they err in many instances because of
priestcrafts, all having corrupt minds.

(D&C 33:4)

"Cary Kittrell" <> wrote in message
> In article <> "Aaron Kim"
> <> writes:
>> "raven1" <> wrote in message
>> > On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>> >>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
>> >>False,
>> >>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
>> >>and
>> >>I
>> >>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:
>> >
>> > You're a bloody loon.

>> Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
>> the
>> physical body is dead. The Mormons were preaching this all the way back
>> in
>> the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
>> mainstream.With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
>> of
>> body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
>> aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

> Many have. Read, for instance, Susan Blackmore's "Dying to Live".
> There's no there there.
> -- cary
duh? Moonbat! Fool! Moron!

"The Chief Instigator" <> wrote in message
> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
>>"Geoff" <> wrote in message
>>> Art Bulla wrote:
>>>> True Science of Theology

>>> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.

>>> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
>>> Bullshit.

>>Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
>>than it already is.

> I'd say it to you...but then, I shoot back.
> --
> Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Benham,
> Kentucky
> (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
> LAST GAME: San Antonio 4, Houston 2 (April 15)
> NEXT GAME: October 2007, date/place/opponent TBA
The devil has got you deceived by false ministers, you fool. The devil has
you coming and going. False sciences and theories AND false religon(s). We
expect not to be listened to. Mists of darkness. We do what we are told to
do (by revelation from God who directs our course) in order for the witness
we bear to stand against you at the last day, for we testify that we have
told you the truth, and you deliberately chose unbelief to belief,
disobedience to obedience, that a righteous judgment may come upon you to
the uttermost for you take pleasure in unrighteousness, fool. You have my
complete contempt.

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.

(2 Thes 2:10-12)

<> wrote in message
> On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
>> ass
>> than it already is.

> You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
> guy, you are.
> There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
> stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
> you all support each others' fantacies.
> If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
> sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
> ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
> the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
> believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
> cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
> understand?
> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!
One of the first things revealed to me after my first vision and the
ordinances of the Holy Priesthood being laid upon me, in answer to my
question about Hindu "scripture" is that all revelation comes only through
the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The stick of Joseph and the Stick of Judah
(the Bible). Joseph, Prime Minister to Pharoah, had two sons, who are two
of the 12 patriarchs of the House of Israel. Scripture only comes from
Israel, no other family of the earth and this according to the Covenant made
with Abraham, Isaaac and Jacob. But being a savage gentile yourself, you
know nothing.

22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried
unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter
is grievously vexed with a devil.
23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him,
saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.
24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the
house of Israel.
25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread,
and to cast it to dogs.

(Matt 15:22-26)

"Christopher A.Lee" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:06:44 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>
> wrote:
>><> wrote in message
>>> On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>>>> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
>>>> ass
>>>> than it already is.
>>> You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
>>> guy, you are.
>>> There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
>>> stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
>>> you all support each others' fantacies.
>>> If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
>>> sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
>>> ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
>>> the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
>>> believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
>>> cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
>>> understand?
>>> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
>>> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

>>The Gospel appeals to the soul barring reprobates like yourself.

> Deliberate, slanderous nastiness.
>> You deny
>>the existence of the Holy Spirit.

> Nobody is denying anything, liar. It's merely somebody else's
> religion.
>> You deny the numerous testimonies of
>> Jesus
>>Christ in the NT of the Bible and Book of Mormon by individuals who
>>the Spirit.

> Nobody is denying anything, liar. It's merely somebody else's
> religion.
>> Flavius Josephus spoke of Jesus and His Apostles.

> No he didn't, liar. Josephus was a Jew and the passage is an obviously
> out of context insertion written by a Christian and "discovered" 300
> years after the alleged events.
>> The
>> scriptures
>>are testimonies of God and actual history.

> No, liar, they are a mish-mash of earlier myths and legends about
> other hero figures retold in a first century Palestine setting.
>> Much more evidence than your
>>speculation of how the world came about, your religion which is evolution.

> Don't be so ****ing stupid.
>>18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but
>>unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
>>1 Corinthians 1

> What kind of moron cites the bible outside his religion as "proof" of
> anything?
> Here's a clue, brainwashed moron: if you daren't convinced by Hindu
> scriptures, why expect non-Christian to be convinced by yours?
> Nobody could be that stupid.
>>1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they
>>have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

> Standard Christian nastiness, attacking a strawman out of a
> combination of bigotry, ignorance and hatred, hiding behind a book he
> knows is worthless to those he slanders.
>>2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if
>>were any that did understand, and seek God.

> It would have to exist in the real world outside your deluded
> fantasies fort that, brainwashed moron.
>>3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
>>none that doeth good, no, not one.
>>Psalms 14

> Liar.
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
> That's what the Jews said to Jesus when they crucified him. Darwinists are
> the real tricksters. Believing in a moronic fairy tail for grownups. Every
> seen a watch "wind" itself? It would be easier for a watch to wind itself
> than cell organelle such as a mitochondria assembling itself,

"A mitochondria"? And you've taken biology courses?

> much less the first cell.

Don't know of a single example of any biologist who thinks the
modern eukaryotic cell sprang, de novo, from nothing into
its present form. Or for that matter prokaryotic cells.

> How about the first woodpecker? Either the bird isntantaneously "evolved"
> the equipment and behaviors for success, or the failure resulted in the death
> of the unsuccessful attempt with no chance of reproduction.

How about the large number of present-day species who probe bark
for insects with their bills? Some of them do it rather vigorously,
don't they? Again, you seem to think that evolution says that
suddenly <POOF!> there was a woodpecker, arising from ancestors who
had no woodpecker-like adaptations. And again you are wrong.

> There are no transitionary forms, fool. Every heard of a
> "step function" in mathematics?

Oh, I have. And the entire thrust of my post thus far is that
evolution does not deal in the biological equivalent of step

Although if Lynn Margulis' thesis explained in, for example,
"Acquiring Genomes" is correct, transitions may be more sharp
than I would have believed. "Lateral transfer" on steroids.

> No of course not. You are an ignorant fop, a
> real dumbass moron darwinist eating the slop these paid liars handed out to
> you in public schools taken over by these liars. Blissfully ignorant of real
> science based on Physics and Mathematics.

Funny, I make my living in real science based on physics and mathematics.
And I declare that you're pointing that "fool" thing in the wrong
direction. Mind it doesn't go off in your face.

A real nitwit. You have my utter
> contempt, fool. And say those things to my face and I would give you the
> thrashing your foolish parents never cared enough to give you. Darwinist
> families from hell producing ignorant pagan savages for spawn. Fools! Blind!

Tell us: do you shoult incoherently after people who pass you on
the street? We have a few of those around here.

-- cary
"Aaron Kim" <> wrote in message
> 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

OH NO!! Another of Darth God's storm troopers pulls out his "A fool hath
said" light sabre. That happens all the time and it always works. Doesn't
it? Yep, now I believe in an invisable magic guy in the sky. "Mission
Accomplished" Kim.
Rob Brown

They are corrupt, they
> have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
> 2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if
> there were any that did understand, and seek God.
> 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
> none that doeth good, no, not one.
> Psalms 14
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:

> Of course the devil has counterfeits to continue to deceive fools like
> yourself, you fool:

Well, no, Artis, you in fact aren't fooling me.

Nice try, though...

-- cary

> 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
> because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
> 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
> believe a lie:
> 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
> pleasure in unrighteousness.
> (2 Thes 2:10-12)
> 20 And the Lord will surely prepare a way for his people, unto the
> fulfilling of the words of Moses, which he spake, saying: A prophet shall
> the Lord your God raise up unto you, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all
> things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that all
> those who will not hear that prophet shall be cut off from among the people.
> (1 Ne 22:20)
> 31 And wo unto the deaf that will not hear; for they shall perish.
> (2 Ne 9:31)
> 25 And except they repent in sackcloth and ashes, and cry mightily to the
> Lord their God, I will not hear their prayers, neither will I deliver them
> out of their afflictions; and thus saith the Lord, and thus hath he
> commanded me.
> (Mosiah 11:25)
> 28 Therefore I say unto you, that he that will not hear my voice, the same
> shall ye not receive into my church, for him I will not receive at the last
> day.
> (Mosiah 26:28)
> 21 And their hearts are corrupt, and full of wickedness and abominations;
> and they love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil;
> therefore they will not ask of me.
> (D&C 10:21)
> 4 And my vineyard has become corrupted every whit; and there is none which
> doeth good save it be a few; and they err in many instances because of
> priestcrafts, all having corrupt minds.
> (D&C 33:4)
> "Cary Kittrell" <> wrote in message
> news:f4p679$9os$
> > In article <> "Aaron Kim"
> > <> writes:
> >> "raven1" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> >> >>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
> >> >>False,
> >> >>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
> >> >>and
> >> >>I
> >> >>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:
> >> >
> >> > You're a bloody loon.
> >>
> >> Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
> >> the
> >> physical body is dead. The Mormons were preaching this all the way back
> >> in
> >> the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
> >> mainstream.With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
> >> of
> >> body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
> >> aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.
> >>
> >>
> >>

> >
> > Many have. Read, for instance, Susan Blackmore's "Dying to Live".
> >
> > There's no there there.
> >
> >
> > -- cary
> >

(Newbieish top-posting corrected)

In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
> "Christopher A.Lee" <> wrote in message
> > On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>"raven1" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> >>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
> >>>>False,
> >>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
> >>>>and
> >>>>I
> >>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:
> >>>
> >>> You're a bloody loon.
> >>
> >>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
> >>the
> >>physical body is dead.

> >
> > Prove it, brainwashed moron.
> >
> >> The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
> >>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
> >>mainstream.

> >
> > And they were just as deluded as you are, falling for a convicted
> > confidence trickster.
> >
> >> With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
> >> of
> >>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
> >>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

> >
> > No,moron. It is up to its believers to prove it, instead of
> > dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you.

> That's what the Jews said to Jesus when they crucified him.

They did? The Jews mocked Jesus, saying "It is up to its believers to prove it,
instead of dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you."?

Odd, I can't find that in my Bible. What chapter are you looking at?

-- cary
On Jun 13, 9:35 am, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> That's what the Jews said to Jesus when they crucified him. Darwinists are
> the real tricksters. Believing in a moronic fairy tail for grownups. Every
> seen a watch "wind" itself? It would be easier for a watch to wind itself
> than cell organelle such as a mitochondria assembling itself, much less the
> first cell. How about the first woodpecker? Either the bird
> isntantaneously "evolved" the equipment and behaviors for success, or the
> failure resulted in the death of the unsuccessful attempt with no chance of
> reproduction. There are no transitionary forms, fool. Every heard of a
> "step function" in mathematics? No of course not. You are an ignorant fop, a
> real dumbass moron darwinist eating the slop these paid liars handed out to
> you in public schools taken over by these liars. Blissfully ignorant of real
> science based on Physics and Mathematics. A real nitwit. You have my utter
> contempt, fool. And say those things to my face and I would give you the
> thrashing your foolish parents never cared enough to give you. Darwinist
> families from hell producing ignorant pagan savages for spawn. Fools! Blind!
> "Christopher A.Lee" <> wrote in message
> > On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:53:33 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>
> > wrote:

> >>"raven1" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> >>> wrote:

> >>>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> >>>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
> >>>>False,
> >>>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No!
> >>>>and
> >>>>I
> >>>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

> >>> You're a bloody loon.

> >>Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once
> >>the
> >>physical body is dead.

> > Prove it, brainwashed moron.

> >> The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
> >>the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
> >>mainstream.

> > And they were just as deluded as you are, falling for a convicted
> > confidence trickster.

> >> With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out
> >> of
> >>body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
> >>aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.

> > No,moron. It is up to its believers to prove it, instead of
> > dishonestly expecting the less gullible to do your work for you.-

I can almost hear your blood vessels popping from here.

If you want us to believe you're a Prophet I think you're going to
have to come up with better arguments than "you're a fool." And I also
think you've used up your quota for uses of the word "moonbat" for
You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your false
religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil surmising,
wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity. Dillan Clebold (Columbine)
said he did what he did because of Darwin. While shooting innocents, he wore
a white tee shirt with the inscription "Survival of the Fittest". Schools
are forced factories for atheism supported by tax monies. They killed John
Singer in his own front yard for taking his children out of public school.
Shot him in the back with a shotgun, threw him in the back of a pickup truck
while going down the mountain where he bled to death at the hands of a
uniformed mob comprised of armed thugs on snowmobiles acting under the color
of law. Murderers! Liars! Fools! Blind! I am an eyewitness there is a God
and he is terrible beyond your feeble understanding. There is a second
death, the death of the spirit which may take millenia to accomplish, in the
which you are ground back down to native element and lose your identity.
Reincarnation is false, saith the Lord. Again I say, there is a second
death, fool.

"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:41:15 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
>> Moonbats in denial.

> Says the guy posting to alt.ATHEISM and being surprised to find ATHEISTS
> in the newsgroup...
> --
> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
In article <> "Art Bulla" <> writes:

> duh? Moonbat! Fool! Moron!

Physiognomist! Philateler! Adhesion!

> "The Chief Instigator" <> wrote in message
> > "Art Bulla" <> writes:
> >
> >>"Geoff" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Art Bulla wrote:
> >>>> True Science of Theology

> >
> >>> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.

> >
> >>> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
> >>> Bullshit.

> >
> >>Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your
> >>ass
> >>than it already is.

> >
> > I'd say it to you...but then, I shoot back.
> >
> > --
> > Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Benham,
> > Kentucky
> > (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
> > LAST GAME: San Antonio 4, Houston 2 (April 15)
> > NEXT GAME: October 2007, date/place/opponent TBA
