The Official **** list!

No, they are probably diseased. Wouldn't want VD.

Did you guys see the roast of Pam Anderson?

"Watching that sex tape was a new experiance for me. Before that, I had never WATCHED someone get gonnoreah(sp)..."
But one thing i cant wait is to......**** MY HUSBAND OVER AND OVER...(in the good way) !!! :D
Cogito Ergo Sum said: much more than the land of ******* offspring from convicted criminals... :eek:

although we haven't quite figured out what that "much more" is yet... :D

You'll figure it ****wit. Be patient.

The poms sent convicts to OZ after they stopped sending them to the US. You don't know your own history? The bulk of your descendents are crims, or dirt-poor Irish people escaping a famine. I guess you don't learn that at school. You really should read more.

I'm German and Norwegian blood, myself. Fourth generation Australian. So go **** yourself, papal child-molester ****. ;)
tizz said:
**** RAGWEED!!!!!! sneezes for 5000th time this morning

Do you drink milk, Tizz? Sounds like you have an alergy that is exacerbated by ingenstion of cow's milk.
builder said:
Do you drink milk, Tizz? Sounds like you have an alergy that is exacerbated by ingenstion of cow's milk.

What are you Yoda?! How the **** did you come to that diagnosis with the information she gave?
No I HATE milk, I am alergic to ragweed and because of the weather here it is in full bloom a month early dammit!
**** Freddy Mecury. Oh wait it's to late someone already did. I guess that's why he's dead.
But I was and am a Queen fan.