The Official **** list!

**** FAGGOTS !!.... hey wait a minute... that sounded wrong.... I don't wanna **** a faggot.... Sorry Vortex, :mad: didn't mean to arouse you.
phreakwars said:
**** FAGGOTS !!.... hey wait a minute... that sounded wrong.... I don't wanna **** a faggot.... Sorry Vortex, :mad: didn't mean to arouse you.

Oh i get to quote a movie now :D

"...did someone say steak"?!?!?!

Hey its pride..everyone should **** a faggot!!! It only cums once a year ya know :cool:
**** GEORGE W. BU$H. :mad:
He has no ****ing clue and he needs to be impeached and put in prison for the murder of 1,700+ young men and women and not to mention the 50,000+ Iraqi civilians, including young children that perished b/c of his Oil Wars.
mikewriter said:
**** GEORGE W. BU$H. :mad:
He has no ****ing clue and he needs to be impeached and put in prison for the murder of 1,700+ young men and women and not to mention the 50,000+ Iraqi civilians, including young children that perished b/c of his Oil Wars.

**** Armchair Quaterbacks! :mad:
**** popups
**** toothy blowjobs
**** the British Dental Plan
**** Drunk Irish people
**** stereotypes
**** the meek
**** retro
**** carpet burns
**** Windows 98se
**** Yahoo messenger
**** Berillium
**** Alkali Earth Metals
**** string theory
**** Mitochondrial DNA
**** 1's and 0's
**** http transfers
**** cell phones
and Frich Dich!
Politicans begging for money, this week I recieved emails from Al Gore, Lindsay Lewis, John Kerry and today Ted Kennedy sends me this one Subject What Howard Dean's plan means. Imagine if I were a Democrat?

Dear Crispy Critter,
In these troubled days for our country, Americans are tired of this rubber-stamp Republican leadership forcing its will on the country. People are ready to stand up for the nation's best ideals, and it couldn't come at a more important time.

This administration and its Republican lap-dog Congress think they have a mandate to reverse much of the progress we have fought so hard to achieve.

Under Howard Dean's leadership, Democrats are fighting back. Our party is energized, and ready to fight for our values on every major issue. I can't overstate what an effect it has here in Washington knowing that, all across the country, Democrats are standing with us.

Now we have a chance to send another powerful message to President Bush and the Republican Congress. As the first half of 2005 comes to a close, we can show our strength with a last-minute surge of grassroots support that matches the Republican special interest payoffs.

Show your support by making a donation to the Democratic Party today:
fullauto said:
Fission fireworks!

**** GUNPOWDER... let's light the crowd-pleasers!

The Japs were quoted as saying there was all kinds of pretty colors... so I tend to agree here a bit.