The Official **** list!

**** YOU!

Nothing personal but I just don't like you very much. Who me, you ask? Ya, you, asshole!
**** society and everything it stands for. Gotta love the movie Falling Down. Should be movie of the century.
**** Imigration
Pedro was trying to get into the U.S. legally through Immigration.
The Officer said "Pedro, you have passed all the tests, except there is one more test. Unless you pass it you cannot enter the U.S."

Pedro said, " O.K."

The officer said "Make a sentence using Yellow, Pink and Green."

Pedro thought for a few minutes and said "Mister Officer, I am ready."

The Officer said "Go ahead."

Pedro said "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, "Yellow, this is Pedro.'"

Needless to say, Pedro now lives in a neighborhood near you. Have a nice day!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
**** ME (Especially if you're a milf)

**** me for asking...but Im not well versed on todays straight anagrams.

Explain milf for a moment...all i find are obvious pay porn sites.

(i know its a woman liking something...)...but i dont know the actual anagram...

(i know im gonna regret asking this question)
Gentilhomme said:

M= Mom
I= I'd
L= Like to
F= ****

Somebody else should fielded that question. :)

mom i'd like to ****...really that is what it one on me...course in the gay world i could turn that one around... (kidding....i think)