The Official **** list!

**** bridges that can be burned...they werent meant to be built :)

(u know im just ****ing with you...right)
Vortex said:
**** bridges that can be burned...they werent meant to be built :)

(u know im just ****ing with you...right)

dunno. You say one thing, and dream another,
OmegaManiac said:
**** the plastic pour spout thing that is cemented into the neck of any large bottle of wild turkey!!!!!!!! :mad:

**** chicks that drink wild turkey.

No, seriously. I like to **** chicks that drink wild turkey.
Jhony5 said:
**** chicks that drink wild turkey.

No, seriously. I like to **** chicks that drink wild turkey.

hang on..lemme get a bottle and put some makeup on :p
Vortex said:
hang on..lemme get a bottle and put some makeup on :p

Hey i'm getting desperate here. I broke up with my insane girlfriend last month and i'm starting to get a chaped palm.

I could probably get another girlfriend but i'm far too lazy. I'm so lazy I would rather masturbate then actualy have sex with a woman. Unfortunately I get more viruses from internet porn then I would from a $10 hooker.
Jhony5 said:
Hey i'm getting desperate here. I broke up with my insane girlfriend last month and i'm starting to get a chaped palm.

I could probably get another girlfriend but i'm far too lazy. I'm so lazy I would rather masturbate then actualy have sex with a woman. Unfortunately I get more viruses from internet porn then I would from a $10 hooker.

very true....very true......
Jhony5 said:
Hey i'm getting desperate here. I broke up with my insane girlfriend last month and i'm starting to get a chaped palm.

I could probably get another girlfriend but i'm far too lazy. I'm so lazy I would rather masturbate then actualy have sex with a woman. Unfortunately I get more viruses from internet porn then I would from a $10 hooker.

Lay on your arm until it goes numb. When you use that arm to polish the rod, it feels like someone else is doing it. ;)

If you are having trubs with sites invading, try Zone Alarm. It's free.
builder said:
Lay on your arm until it goes numb. When you use that arm to polish the rod, it feels like someone else is doing it. ;)

If you are having trubs with sites invading, try Zone Alarm. It's free.

**** all this Low-Calorie, low carb, low sugar, and low fat bullshit!!!

Enough is enough...i like my beer loaded with calories, and carbs.........

It's with a ****ing flavor! :mad:

and **** Michael Ian Black....this idiot is not funny! :mad: