The Review You Dont want To Hear.

Breakdown Conspiracy

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2006
New Zealand

You can't blame Rick Rubin for this shambles. Reinventing Linkin Park - the last bastions of nu-metal - is an impossible task, even for a music super producer with a Midas touch.

Minutes To Midnight is the first real stinker to have Rubin's name attached to it. And what a shocker it is, exposing a band that's had its head stuck firmly up its own arse for far too long.
Linkin Park's first new album in four years proves the chart pleasers are wallowing in nu-metal no-man's land. It discards the previously successful riff-rap-rock formula for 12 tracks of self-indulgent wishy-washy experimentation.
It's full of weak ballads (Leave Out all the Rest, Shadow of the Day, In Between), lame hip-hop (Hands Held High) and U2-style bombast (What I've Done). Only Bleed It Out's funky hand claps show any sign of progression or - gasp - sense of fun.
Funnily enough, Linkin Park seem to know how bad it is, bleating on about what a difficult album Minutes to Midnight was to make in the album's bizarre liner notes. Suck it up, losers.
Even lead singer Chester Bennington doesn't seem to like the new album. When he finally gets his heckles up on Given Up, he screams "Put me out of my misery" at the top of his lungs.
If only we could, Chester. If only we could."

**** him..just **** him.

So what if MTM aint the best theyve done, its not the last.
He needs to give No Roads Left a listen.

EDIT: oops the tilte should read "the review", not interview.
No Roads Left was definitely the worst stuff LP has ever made and wouldn't help his opion, but I don't care what he says M2M was okay....

I hate it when reviewers get all up their own ass like this... What a complete *****. Even if this review was on a band I didn't like I would still dispute it.
on what does he put hes review?
i mean "weak ballads" bla bla bla
its just one of them metal loving 12 year olds who review cd's for random wannebe sites
funny enough i love the ballads on mtm
all of them
This is a clear example of the amount of opinionated *****s there are on the internet, he respects no-one's views but his own, and makes himself feel good by spending his life in his basement, trolling people over the internet and provoking flame wars by typing **** like this.

And thus ends another example of man's unwillingness to change their opinions.

On a lighter note, we can all live with the fact that our six guys will always be able to buy this guy's ass any day, though I don't see a reason to do so.
Who is this guy anyway?

He said the album is a stinker, and yet, according to the same site, LP's new album is #1 on the NZ charts. So much for a sinker, huh? He's of course entitled to his own opinion, but the least he could do was be proffessional about it. Using words like, "arse," is hardly professional, so these seems like a really weak ass site that have people on the writing staff who can hardly be called, "writers."

^There is the evidence that LP's MTM is a real "stinker."

You can't blame Rick Rubin for this shambles. Reinventing Linkin Park - the last bastions of nu-metal - is an impossible task, even for a music super producer with a Midas touch.

Minutes To Midnight is the first real stinker to have Rubin's name attached to it. And what a shocker it is, exposing a band that's had its head stuck firmly up its own arse for far too long.
Linkin Park's first new album in four years proves the chart pleasers are wallowing in nu-metal no-man's land. It discards the previously successful riff-rap-rock formula for 12 tracks of self-indulgent wishy-washy experimentation.
It's full of weak ballads (Leave Out all the Rest, Shadow of the Day, In Between), lame hip-hop (Hands Held High) and U2-style bombast (What I've Done). Only Bleed It Out's funky hand claps show any sign of progression or - gasp - sense of fun.
Funnily enough, Linkin Park seem to know how bad it is, bleating on about what a difficult album Minutes to Midnight was to make in the album's bizarre liner notes. Suck it up, losers.
Even lead singer Chester Bennington doesn't seem to like the new album. When he finally gets his heckles up on Given Up, he screams "Put me out of my misery" at the top of his lungs.
If only we could, Chester. If only we could."

The website has another review (well not technically a review but it sounds like that one guy is referenced a a profestonal, but this article just talks about fans divided)..
Well, pardon me for being so nasty but that guy who wrote that review (like every person who is so hateful and cynical thinking he/she can make an impression) has either been sexually deprived for very long OR suffers from a violent inferiority complex... Typical "I'm being an ass" attitude... What a moron... Just ignore him ;)'s so hilarious how kids on this forums can't stand this kind of opinions.
He kinda read my mind when he wrote this about this record. but well....who cares

First of all I'm not a kid Mister, I'm older than you are and second there are two kinds of ways to judge something: a) I don't like it, it has certain flaws blah blah blah and b) The despicable way he did it. So if you agree with the way he wrote this review then I'm just sorry to hear that... No one in here objects to critique... All opinions are accepted... The thing is can you critisize with decent arguments and not offending terms carrying nothing but hatred? That's the catch...;)
Don't worry, I agree. We're on the Off Topic Forum so of course there are people who would defend Linkin Park through thick and thin. The thing is, I can understand where people can say that "haters" of M2M are narrow-minded because they are not letting Linkin Park experiment. But to me it feels like if there was someone who was a fan of an Indie Band like Death Cab for Cutie and they started doing Metal music. Very likely, the fan wouldn't like the change. It's not narrow-minded, it's just the fact that that's not what the fan liked the band for.

It's true, though, everyone. There are a LOT of people disappointed with the album. And then there are a lot of people who love the change. But basically, it's not just this guy. So I can agree with Mr....Marilyn Manson here...
Mate, I really have nothing against those who are disappointed in the album, read my post ALL opinons are accepted. I just focused on the WAY that review was written it was just rude it wasn't an objective critique it looked like a personal hateful attack to the band you know what I mean? It's like... If you get a new haircut... would you prefer something like "You look like a moronic freak ewwww get out of my sight!!!" or maybe something like "New haircut huh? Well, I don't like it I'm afraid but well... You could do better..." Both are negative which one is more decent in your opinion though? I repeat THE WAY something is expressed gives it validity...;)