The same old AIG argument, Christianity!!!

i just take joy in knowing that every day US soldiers are doing their duty to eradicate the muslims. my best friends brother has served 2 tours of duty and has 13 kills

His judgement is with God.

Awww isnt that the reaction you were hoping for?

ps: and americans are suprised that they are hated??? Look at this moron
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Which is exactly why I don't answer her, hugo.

No actually, you just cant debate. You shout so much about muslims this Islam that but never can you bring proof to back your accusations. I can proove that the bible is no longer the book of God.And how stupid can people get and still claim it to be so??:confused:

Your loud voice doesn't show the depth of your knowledge,MRIH,an empty vessel makes more noise than a full one,darling.:rolleyes:

Dont you just hate me being back.he he
Ruse said:
My question is, AIG, (by the way, I was fascinated with your comparisons) where is the evidence that the Muslim book is fact? I mean, what makes the Bible suddenly a "fabrication of man", and the Qu'ran still a holy book? How do we know that it's not fiction, also, like the Bible, as you claim? You could say that about both books.


Good question. The evidence is in your belief, to be honest. And have you seen the Quran being changed into several hundred books? And no one on earth can produce anything similar to it(if they dont copy it word for word that is).There is so much wisdom in it and it is a guide to mankind. If everyone followed and practiced what it says,this world would be a better place. It doesnt condone Slavery,in fact slavery was stopped when it was send down.The killing of female infants was stopped when it was sent down.
It doesnt have disgusting,pornographic language that only man could produce.
I mean,look at the bible, God is protrayed as a weakling/perv.
And God talks directly to us in the Quran,not through men(paul,john blah blah).
There is not one place in the bible that it says:''Jesus said''.And Jesus never claimed to be God at all in the bible,which hugely confuses me.
So Ruso,maybe this isnt enough for you,but it is certainly enough for me.
The Quran has changed many people's lives and mine and still is.Just look at the number of Americans who converted to Islam in the past few years. We are not brainwashed. It makes far more sense for the people who believe that God condoned slavery and harlotry while being Gracious at the same time,to be called brainwashed lunatics.;)
snafu said:
AIG you didn’t even take time to understand what the first two said in the bible. I didn’t even read the rest of this **** because that was a long winded post. And well I don’t read the bible that much anyway.:rolleyes:

Does God forget: Thats someone asking God a question.
Does God Sleep: The second was a metaphor.

Same old AIG..

Can't you make a thread with another theme. Something else you now about. Maybe you could give us a rundown on bomb making!

Ofcourse,my bad,the bible is certainly nothing but a metaphor!

Unlike MRIH, Iam not gonna put some commentary to go with the verses I produce just to try and get people to think like me. I'll just produce the verses,let the people read and decide for themselves.

YOUR BIBLE-''the book of god''

[Gen. 19:30]
Lot went up out of Zo'ar and dwelt in the hills with his two daughters.
And the first-born said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is
not a man on earth to come to us after the manner of all the earth.
may preserve offspring through our father. So they made their father drink

And on the next day, the first-born said to the younger "Behold, I lay
last night with my father, let us make him drink wine tonight also; then
you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring through our
So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger
arose, and LAY WITH HIM; and he did not know when she lay down or when
[2.Sam. 13:1] Amnon the son of David fell in love with his sister Ta'-mar.
"Amnon was so tormented that he made himself ill because of his sister
Ta'-mar; for she was a virgin, and it seemed impossible to Amnon to do
anything to her.
Amnon had a friend who said to him, "Lie down on your bed and pretend to
be ill, and when [your father] the king comes to see you, you say to him:
let my sister Ta'-mar come and give bread to eat from her hand. David sent
Ta'-mar to her brother and ordered her to feed her brother by her hand.

Ta'-mar took the cakes she had made, and brought them into the chamber to
Amnon, but when she brought them near him to eat, he took hold of her,
and said to her, "Come, lie with me, my sister", she said, "No my brother,
do not force me." But he would not listen to her; and being stronger than
she, he forced her, and lay with her."
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GF Welcomes Back AIG(pbuh), it's unofficial Ambassador of The Religion of Peace!


AIG - Mohammed says "you better be wearing your bhurkha or I'll kill you!"

View attachment 825

Gee...Islamic suicide bombers believing in virgins for themselves... Yes, the truth is very insulting to the Muslims of the world. Damn truth, always gets in the way.

Mankind will only be free when all religion and superstitious belief has been eradicated from the world. - CES


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No actually, you just cant debate. You shout so much about muslims this Islam that but never can you bring proof to back your accusations. I can proove that the bible is no longer the book of God.And how stupid can people get and still claim it to be so??:confused:

Your loud voice doesn't show the depth of your knowledge,MRIH,an empty vessel makes more noise than a full one,darling.:rolleyes:

Dont you just hate me being back.he he
No AIG, you are still just as wrong as you ever were... We went over all this last time you were here. You go on the offensive to mask the true problem that is ISLAM. All you have to do is look everywhere there is islam and the effects of islam's presence in those areas, then look at Christianity and effects of Christianity in those regions... By telling you the obvious, won't sway you and I really could care less. Don't mistake the lack of desire to debate with the inability to debate.
His judgement is with God.

Awww isnt that the reaction you were hoping for?

ps: and americans are suprised that they are hated??? Look at this moron

and the muslims he killed are being judged in hell
Since when are americans SURPRISED that we are hated LOL

it think it is more a case of knowing but not caring. That doesn't surprise me either
its really more of a jealous hatred cuase you know most people would switch places with us in a heart beat if they could
Skaterdude409 said:
its really more of a jealous hatred cuase you know most people would switch places with us in a heart beat if they could

List some things to be jealous of that can;t be found in other countries.
The only thing the USA has is a better equipped military. Not something to to be jealous about unless you care more about killing people in other countries rather then improving your own citizens' lives. (education,health,etc.)

But just keep thinking everyone is jealous if it makes you feel better.
how about our damn economy. it acounts for 20% of the world economy, or our low unemployment rates. how about the fact that the us is a free country unlike many other countries out their. we also have one of the highest standards of living in the world. and we also have one of the highest median incomes in the world. these are just a few of the endless advantages we have over other countries
wolvesslasher said:
List some things to be jealous of that can;t be found in other countries.
The only thing the USA has is a better equipped military. Not something to to be jealous about unless you care more about killing people in other countries rather then improving your own citizens' lives. (education,health,etc.)

But just keep thinking everyone is jealous if it makes you feel better.

Interesting statement, have you traveled outside the US much because I saw ALOT of things we have that they don't?
Lets take England for example, the US has a written constitution, England doesn't...
Skaterdude409 said:
how about our damn economy. it acounts for 20% of the world economy, or our low unemployment rates. how about the fact that the us is a free country unlike many other countries out their. we also have one of the highest standards of living in the world. and we also have one of the highest median incomes in the world. these are just a few of the endless advantages we have over other countries

Material advantages??? thats all you can come up with? what you're obviously forgetting is the way that wealth was obtained. But that doesnt matter to you.
What the rest of the world has over you is a lack of boasting,dim wits like yourself.And most countries are not ruled by the village idiot.:rolleyes:
Jealous of you? aha ha ha ha ha hahaaaa hahaa.
um CES, I have seen those pictures before. They do annoy me, but as I said before the judgement is with God. Let the ignorant people have their fun.
Patience is a huge part of my faith.Faithless people like you wouldnt understand.

May Allah guide you and have mercy on you;)

MRIH, christianity doesnt have an effect on anything because it no longer exists. Priests preach what is not in the bible.
I wonder how many people would turn up if they read the actual content of the bible?Parents protect their children from pornography and indecency.There would definately be a fall in number in church, that is if their indifference to their religion hasn't done so already.

Hmmm, what would they think of this???

[Gen 9:21]
Noah drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent.
and Ham [his son] saw the NAKEDNESS of his father.

[1 Sam. 19:23]
And the spirit of God came upon Saul.. And he too STRIPPED OFF HIS
CLOTHES, and he too prophesied before Samuel and lay NAKED all the day
and all the night.

[2 Sam. 6:20]
David DANCES NAKED before the people and before the Lord.

[Exo. 15:20]
And so his sister Mariam the Prophetess dances, she took a tremble and
dances with the women.

[Judg. 14:19]
And the spirit of God came upon Samson, he killed thirty men.

[Judg. 15:5]
And he burned up the shocks and the standing grain as well as the olive

[Judg. 16:1]
And he went to Gaza, and there he saw a HARLOT, and he went into her.

What is this obsession with NAKEDNESS? I guess this is your idea of freedom. Us muslim women are oppressed because we cover up. sheeesh!!!!

Dont worry MRIH, you dont have to respond, I bet you didnt even know that your bible says this.
Christians argue for the bible and hardly know anything about its content.

Dont get me wrong MRIH, please do sleep with your sister & daughters, your bible advises you to! Wonder why this doesnt disgust you?:rolleyes:
Material advantages??? thats all you can come up with? what you're obviously forgetting is the way that wealth was obtained. But that doesnt matter to you.
What the rest of the world has over you is a lack of boasting,dim wits like yourself.And most countries are not ruled by the village idiot.:rolleyes:
Jealous of you? aha ha ha ha ha hahaaaa hahaa.

What the hell elese are people LIVING on earth supose to be jeaslous of. oh he thinks happy....y they hell cant i do that....y must i suffer. Yeah that sounds kinda gay. in this life material gains are what matters. after death they dont. after death, muslims will be burning in hell where they belong for not accepting jesus. while christians are in heaven. hows that for an advanteage. your religion is false and hypicritical and theirs no sense in trying to convince you of it but u will understand when you die how wrong you have been
Faithless people like you wouldnt understand.

May Allah guide you and have mercy on you;)

Thank you AIG.

May the Great Universe absorb you back into the Circle of Life the same as it does everything else; Energy neither created nor destroyed - merely reshaped.
um CES, I have seen those pictures before. They do annoy me, but as I said before the judgement is with God. Let the ignorant people have their fun.
Patience is a huge part of my faith.Faithless people like you wouldnt understand.

May Allah guide you and have mercy on you;)

MRIH, christianity doesnt have an effect on anything because it no longer exists. Priests preach what is not in the bible.
I wonder how many people would turn up if they read the actual content of the bible?Parents protect their children from pornography and indecency.There would definately be a fall in number in church, that is if their indifference to their religion hasn't done so already.

Hmmm, what would they think of this???

[Gen 9:21]
Noah drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent.
and Ham [his son] saw the NAKEDNESS of his father.

[1 Sam. 19:23]
And the spirit of God came upon Saul.. And he too STRIPPED OFF HIS
CLOTHES, and he too prophesied before Samuel and lay NAKED all the day
and all the night.

[2 Sam. 6:20]
David DANCES NAKED before the people and before the Lord.

[Exo. 15:20]
And so his sister Mariam the Prophetess dances, she took a tremble and
dances with the women.

[Judg. 14:19]
And the spirit of God came upon Samson, he killed thirty men.

[Judg. 15:5]
And he burned up the shocks and the standing grain as well as the olive

[Judg. 16:1]
And he went to Gaza, and there he saw a HARLOT, and he went into her.

What is this obsession with NAKEDNESS? I guess this is your idea of freedom. Us muslim women are oppressed because we cover up. sheeesh!!!!

Dont worry MRIH, you dont have to respond, I bet you didnt even know that your bible says this.
Christians argue for the bible and hardly know anything about its content.

Dont get me wrong MRIH, please do sleep with your sister & daughters, your bible advises you to! Wonder why this doesnt disgust you?:rolleyes:
AIG, you are absolutely the THE MOST IGNORANT person ever to grace the internet. Why don't you actually READ some of what you post and misinterpret?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG, you are absolutely the THE MOST IGNORANT person ever to grace the internet. Why don't you actually READ some of what you post and misinterpret?

what do u expect from a muslim.