Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 22:11:33 -0700, tankfixer
<> wrote:

>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Or at least Spartan women do...
>> >>>> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
>> >>>> Love'
>> >>> A great man...
>> >> Sure, if you appreciate big government fascists...
>> >
>> > Don't tell me.
>> > You think Starship Troopers advocated such a government, right ?

>> The book did not tell much about the government, just the Utopian method
>> of choosing same. Even the author admits so in the story.

>Are you changing your claim now ?
>Is it facist or utopian ?
>> >> OK author, bad political theorist.
>> >
>> > You never read much of his work then I take it ?

>> Obviously more than you...

>Wow now that's a reasoned statement.

I gave up on Dandan ever being capable of a reasoned statement when he
claimed RAH was a "big government fascist"


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the **** out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:08:13 -0600, Omelet <>

>In article <>,
> "robw" <> wrote:
>> No, I could have a firearm.
>> Now explain why four of the bullets that hit the cement steps we were hiding
>> behind came from the cops.
>> Your turn.
>> "Omelet" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <47efda73$0$5612$>,
>> > AstonBarrett <> wrote:
>> >
>> > > robw, the top posting retard wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > And what if one through four hits innocent people?
>> > >
>> > > My aim is true.
>> > > If #1 doesn't stop the attack, then I will fire rounds #2 through
>> > > whatever.
>> > > My shots don't "MURDER" (let alone hit) innocent people.
>> > >
>> > > Why are YOU such a bad shot?
>> > >
>> > > Oh That's right! YOU can't HAVE a firearm, and YOU don't know how to

>> aim!
>> >
>> > Seconded.

>Many CCW/CHL holders are better shots than the cops.
>And please stop top posting. It screws up the conversation flow.

Robw is in most normal peoples kill files as being to Stupid to
figure out how to post normally.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the **** out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner
In article <>,
"robw" <> wrote:

> No, I could have a firearm.
> Now explain why four of the bullets that hit the cement steps we were hiding
> behind came from the cops.
> Your turn.
> "Omelet" <> wrote in message
> > In article <47efda73$0$5612$>,
> > AstonBarrett <> wrote:
> >
> > > robw, the top posting retard wrote:
> > >
> > > > And what if one through four hits innocent people?
> > >
> > > My aim is true.
> > > If #1 doesn't stop the attack, then I will fire rounds #2 through
> > > whatever.
> > > My shots don't "MURDER" (let alone hit) innocent people.
> > >
> > > Why are YOU such a bad shot?
> > >
> > > Oh That's right! YOU can't HAVE a firearm, and YOU don't know how to

> aim!
> >
> > Seconded.

Many CCW/CHL holders are better shots than the cops.

And please stop top posting. It screws up the conversation flow.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <Xns9A719476F3BC3Sandman@>,
"RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:

> Omelet <> wrote in news:eek:mpomelet-
> > In article <Xns9A714797D5BF2Sandman@>,
> > "RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
> >
> >> "Morton Davis" <> wrote in
> >> news:ztBHj.97571$yE1.87906@attbi_s21:
> >>
> >> >
> >> > "" <Not PC> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream

> on
> >> >>>boys.
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >> >> OH MY GAWD! At that rate, all us "yanks" will be dead of gun shots
> >> >> in only 20,000 years. (more than half the "gun dead" are from
> >> >> suicide)
> >> >
> >> > And most of the others are criminal on criminal.
> >>
> >>
> >> About 65% of homicides in a city will involve either drug or gang
> >> activity or both.

> >
> > Which is yet one more good reason to end the "war on drugs".

> Actually, two. Even three if you don't mind putting some DEA dudes out
> of work. ;)

They can find something else to do. ;-)

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
Gunner Asch wrote:

> Robw is in most normal peoples kill files as being to Stupid to
> figure out how to post normally.

Even amongst his fellow top-posting morons, he's an idiot.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
In article <>,
Gunner Asch <> wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:08:13 -0600, Omelet <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > "robw" <> wrote:
> >
> >> No, I could have a firearm.
> >>
> >> Now explain why four of the bullets that hit the cement steps we were
> >> hiding
> >> behind came from the cops.
> >>
> >> Your turn.
> >>
> >>
> >> "Omelet" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <47efda73$0$5612$>,
> >> > AstonBarrett <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > robw, the top posting retard wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > > And what if one through four hits innocent people?
> >> > >
> >> > > My aim is true.
> >> > > If #1 doesn't stop the attack, then I will fire rounds #2 through
> >> > > whatever.
> >> > > My shots don't "MURDER" (let alone hit) innocent people.
> >> > >
> >> > > Why are YOU such a bad shot?
> >> > >
> >> > > Oh That's right! YOU can't HAVE a firearm, and YOU don't know how to
> >> aim!
> >> >
> >> > Seconded.

> >
> >Many CCW/CHL holders are better shots than the cops.
> >
> >And please stop top posting. It screws up the conversation flow.
> >--

> Robw is in most normal peoples kill files as being to Stupid to
> figure out how to post normally.
> Gunner

Probably not a bad idea. ;-)

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <fsp6ds$k6c$>,
"WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:

> Roger Denney wrote:
> > Not at all. In other countries people are not as afraid of each other
> > as they are here.
> >
> > Why?
> >
> > Because millions of cretins like you are walking around with guns at
> > the ready (to kill) that is.

> You can not possibly be so stupid as to truly believe that.

But he trolly believes it.

Roger is a well-known and beloved (?) troll on the subject of guns. I
suspect he derives great pleasure from trolling.
Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:10:19 -0500, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> The Bill of Rights was originally intended to apply only to the
>> federal government. This stood until 1925 when the Supreme Court,
>> through the 14th Amendment, "incorporated" Freedom of Speech from
>> the 1st Amendment upon the states. Since 1925, most of the other BOR
>> Amendments have been incorporated. The 2nd has not.

> it was not.
> The idea of "incorporation" came well after the fact and was a concept
> put forth by tyrannical officials trying do to end runs around the
> Constititon
> the People are the whole, and the sum of the residents of the states.
> You will notice that the Constitution makes no disclaimer about
> protecting only Federal Citizens.
> But hey...keep believing

I don't "believe;" I simply report the facts.

Your understanding of how the Constitution works is in error. There are
dozens of court cases attesting to the fact that the BOR applied ONLY to the
federal government. This was established law prior to the incorporation
doctrine. At no time prior to 1925 did any legal scholar - not the drafters,
the practitioners, or the courts - assert that any part of the BOR applied
to any entity other than the federal government.

For example, Connecticut had a state religion until 1818. Massachusetts had
a state religion until 1833. Local political entities maintained official
religions until much later. It wasn't until 1947 that the 1st Amendment's
religious clause was applied to the states. In Texas, for example, it is
still against the law for an athiest to run for public office.

Now we may not LIKE this distinction and we may not agree with the court's
conclusion. We may, in fact, read the BOR as applying to everybody. But,
fortunately, we don't get the luxury of having our interpretation treated as
the law of the land.
Gunner Asch <> wrote in

<snip>w now that's a reasoned statement.
> I gave up on Dandan ever being capable of a reasoned statement when he
> claimed RAH was a "big government fascist"
> Gunner
> <snip>

To be fair he probably based it on the movie 'Starship Troopers' and has
never had any of RAHs book read to him......

Mike Smith wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 19:16:18 -0500, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> Mike Smith wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:33:53 -0500, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>>>> Mike Smith wrote:
>>>>> You do not have that power, no matter how much you "think" you do...
>>>>> The second amendment gives every law-abiding citizen the right to
>>>>> own guns. You have absolutely no say in the matter.
>>>> Ah, no. At least not yet.
>>> You are wrong.
>>> I can go buy a 357 revolver tomorrow, along with 500 bullets. As long
>>> as I produce the money, I get the gun.

>> We're talking past each other. You may buy a gun, true, but it's not the 2nd
>> Amendment that allows such. The 2nd Amendment has no effect on the states or
>> the individuals within a state. The 2nd Amendment applies only to the
>> federal government.
>> For example, no law-abiding citizen in Washington, D.C. has a right to own a
>> pistol.
>> This restriction may change by early June.

> The Constitution enumerates restrictions on our government entities.
> My rights are God-given and self-evident.
> Mike Smith

You are correct on both counts.

1. The Declaration of Independence is the basis of American
sovereignty AND individual rights...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People
to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness."
- Excerpted from the Declaration of Independence

It draws upon ancient principles of Organic/Natural law and concurrent
writers which conclude that every human is given the essential power of
discernment by the greater power that created them. Thus, every
individual knows the difference between right and wrong and
responsibility is fixed upon the actions on the individual.

This effectively removes any man or system (kings, pope, government,
etc.) as superior to the individual. Today the Declaration remains an
essential tenet of American common law.

However, power mongers, thieves and oppressors do not like this

2. In 1787 a cabal of American politicians funded and led by European
bankers and commercialists, demanded that the Articles of Confederation
be replaced by a constitution creating a strong central government.
But they didn't have the votes to force the issue. George Mason, James
Madison, Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams were among those against

These opponents of federalism required the inclusion of measures which
would constrain the powers of the proposed central government.
Ratification of the constitution depended on this condition.

Their solution to centralized power was accomplished by counter
positioning individual rights within the core document. The articles,
later called the Bill of Rights, were inspired by John Locke
> Nobody 'tolerates' it, dumb ass. That's why cops put manhunts on to
> find
> the assholes that do it. If you want a world without guns there are many
> places in the world where you can go for that. The US isn't one of them.

You mean, they have guns there. Oh, how about,
wait, they have criminals with guns there too. I know, try Mexico, they have
a ban....damn, they have criminals and a high murder rate too.
"RM v2.0" <> wrote in news:AH5Ij.248100$us.232775

>> Nobody 'tolerates' it, dumb ass. That's why cops put manhunts on to find
>> the assholes that do it. If you want a world without guns there are many
>> places in the world where you can go for that. The US isn't one of them.

> You mean, they have guns there. Oh, how about,
> wait, they have criminals with guns there too. I know, try Mexico, they have
> a ban....damn, they have criminals and a high murder rate too.

He said he wanted a ban. He didn't say anything about a successful one.
Thewre's always Japan or China. I'm sure there are others.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm
to pass... it's about learning to dance
in the rain."
tankfixer wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:31:56 -0700, tankfixer
>> <> wrote:
>>> In article <0XOHj.2$cl7.1@newsfe05.lga>, says...
>>>> tankfixer wrote:
>>>>> In article <4YdHj.38$ta2.3@trndny05>, says...
>>>>>> HeyBub wrote:
>>>>>>> I ran across something similar:
>>>>>>> "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops,
>>>>>>> cook dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair
>>>>>>> machines, teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and
>>>>>>> be respected and loved by her), play sports, make a just decision,
>>>>>>> climb a volcano, dress plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with
>>>>>>> a band of brothers, never say die but die bravely, dance willingly,
>>>>>>> retain a sense of humour, treat animals kindly, love God, speak
>>>>>>> honestly, and act resourcefully in the face of adversity. . ."
>>>>>>> Or at least Spartan women do...
>>>>>> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
>>>>>> Love'
>>>>> A great man...
>>>> Sure, if you appreciate big government fascists...
>>> Don't tell me.
>>> You think Starship Troopers advocated such a government, right ?
>>>> OK author, bad political theorist.
>>> You never read much of his work then I take it ?

>> Dandan thinks only Mao and Marx were good authors.

> I suspect so.

Yes, I believe you are ignorant to believe that. Shows how little you
pay attention. Sadder still, you are PROUD to display that fact to the

tankfixer wrote:
> In article <_PYHj.325$Lt7.142@newsfe06.lga>,
> says...
>> tankfixer wrote:
>>> In article <0XOHj.2$cl7.1@newsfe05.lga>, says...
>>>> tankfixer wrote:
>>>>> In article <4YdHj.38$ta2.3@trndny05>, says...
>>>>>> HeyBub wrote:
>>>>>>> I ran across something similar:
>>>>>>> "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops,
>>>>>>> cook dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair
>>>>>>> machines, teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and
>>>>>>> be respected and loved by her), play sports, make a just decision,
>>>>>>> climb a volcano, dress plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with
>>>>>>> a band of brothers, never say die but die bravely, dance willingly,
>>>>>>> retain a sense of humour, treat animals kindly, love God, speak
>>>>>>> honestly, and act resourcefully in the face of adversity. . ."
>>>>>>> Or at least Spartan women do...
>>>>>> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
>>>>>> Love'
>>>>> A great man...
>>>> Sure, if you appreciate big government fascists...
>>> Don't tell me.
>>> You think Starship Troopers advocated such a government, right ?

>> The book did not tell much about the government, just the Utopian method
>> of choosing same. Even the author admits so in the story.

> Are you changing your claim now ?
> Is it facist or utopian ?
>>>> OK author, bad political theorist.
>>> You never read much of his work then I take it ?

>> Obviously more than you...

> Wow now that's a reasoned statement.
tankfixer wrote:
> In article <_PYHj.325$Lt7.142@newsfe06.lga>,
> says...
>> tankfixer wrote:
>>> In article <0XOHj.2$cl7.1@newsfe05.lga>, says...
>>>> tankfixer wrote:
>>>>> In article <4YdHj.38$ta2.3@trndny05>, says...
>>>>>> HeyBub wrote:
>>>>>>> I ran across something similar:
>>>>>>> "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops,
>>>>>>> cook dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair
>>>>>>> machines, teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and
>>>>>>> be respected and loved by her), play sports, make a just decision,
>>>>>>> climb a volcano, dress plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with
>>>>>>> a band of brothers, never say die but die bravely, dance willingly,
>>>>>>> retain a sense of humour, treat animals kindly, love God, speak
>>>>>>> honestly, and act resourcefully in the face of adversity. . ."
>>>>>>> Or at least Spartan women do...
>>>>>> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
>>>>>> Love'
>>>>> A great man...
>>>> Sure, if you appreciate big government fascists...
>>> Don't tell me.
>>> You think Starship Troopers advocated such a government, right ?

>> The book did not tell much about the government, just the Utopian method
>> of choosing same. Even the author admits so in the story.

> Are you changing your claim now ?
> Is it facist or utopian ?

What claim? Is WHAT fascist or Utopian? And explain why it cannot be both?

>>>> OK author, bad political theorist.
>>> You never read much of his work then I take it ?

>> Obviously more than you...

> Wow now that's a reasoned statement.


Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 22:11:33 -0700, tankfixer
> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Or at least Spartan women do...
>>>>>>> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
>>>>>>> Love'
>>>>>> A great man...
>>>>> Sure, if you appreciate big government fascists...
>>>> Don't tell me.
>>>> You think Starship Troopers advocated such a government, right ?
>>> The book did not tell much about the government, just the Utopian method
>>> of choosing same. Even the author admits so in the story.

>> Are you changing your claim now ?
>> Is it facist or utopian ?
>>>>> OK author, bad political theorist.
>>>> You never read much of his work then I take it ?
>>> Obviously more than you...

>> Wow now that's a reasoned statement.

> I gave up on Dandan ever being capable of a reasoned statement when he
> claimed RAH was a "big government fascist"
> Gunner

Which is why you remain the ignorant lout you are so proud of being.

Bill wrote:
> Gunner Asch <> wrote in
> <snip>w now that's a reasoned statement.
>> I gave up on Dandan ever being capable of a reasoned statement when he
>> claimed RAH was a "big government fascist"
>> Gunner
>> <snip>

> To be fair he probably based it on the movie 'Starship Troopers' and has
> never had any of RAHs book read to him......
> Bill

To be fair, you know nothing of which you speak, which is obvious from
your reply.

Have you ever read any of his stuff?

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:45:34 -0500, Bill <> wrote:

>Gunner Asch <> wrote in
><snip>w now that's a reasoned statement.
>> I gave up on Dandan ever being capable of a reasoned statement when he
>> claimed RAH was a "big government fascist"
>> Gunner
>> <snip>

>To be fair he probably based it on the movie 'Starship Troopers' and has
>never had any of RAHs book read to him......

Probably true.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the **** out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner
I'm in yours because of your moronic "I have a Victoria's Secret Model" lie.

"Gunner Asch" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:08:13 -0600, Omelet <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > "robw" <> wrote:
> >
> >> No, I could have a firearm.
> >>
> >> Now explain why four of the bullets that hit the cement steps we were

> >> behind came from the cops.
> >>
> >> Your turn.
> >>
> >>
> >> "Omelet" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <47efda73$0$5612$>,
> >> > AstonBarrett <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > robw, the top posting retard wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > > And what if one through four hits innocent people?
> >> > >
> >> > > My aim is true.
> >> > > If #1 doesn't stop the attack, then I will fire rounds #2 through
> >> > > whatever.
> >> > > My shots don't "MURDER" (let alone hit) innocent people.
> >> > >
> >> > > Why are YOU such a bad shot?
> >> > >
> >> > > Oh That's right! YOU can't HAVE a firearm, and YOU don't know how

> >> aim!
> >> >
> >> > Seconded.

> >
> >Many CCW/CHL holders are better shots than the cops.
> >
> >And please stop top posting. It screws up the conversation flow.
> >--

> Robw is in most normal peoples kill files as being to Stupid to
> figure out how to post normally.
> Gunner
> "Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
> Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
> off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
> them self determination under "play nice" rules.
> Think of it as having your older brother knock the **** out of you
> for torturing the cat." Gunner
Ask Gunner about his former girlfriend.

"Dave Bugg" <> wrote in message
> Gunner Asch wrote:
> > Robw is in most normal peoples kill files as being to Stupid to
> > figure out how to post normally.

> Even amongst his fellow top-posting morons, he's an idiot.
> --
> Dave
> "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
> butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
> accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
> give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
> problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
> efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."