Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

robw wrote:

> Have you ever been in the chaos that is a shooting scene?


> I have.

YOU can't even call the imagianry woman you have, anything but a "muse!"

If you said you have, then call up the case number, when you SCREAMED
for the police.
Name the circumstance, you ****ing liar.

> Chaos with people running around in all directions.
> We saw shots bouncing off of nearby steps, houses etc.
> And those were from the cops.

What happened when the drugs you were taking wore off?
.... and after you saw "your muse"?

Surely you stuck around to tell the cops about all the info you had to
give.. right?

Case number?

If I were a witness, I would stick around and give all the information I
had, and be willing to become a states witness for the common good.

Uh, Robwetard?
You ran away, or did you lie...AGAIN?

I get it!
You had yer hallucinated blow-up gal, and you slipped in your own
urine as you ran away, making a very hi pitched noice that scared even
yourself away.. and blew her up to boot!
No, I could have a firearm.

Now explain why four of the bullets that hit the cement steps we were hiding
behind came from the cops.

Your turn.

"Omelet" <> wrote in message
> In article <47efda73$0$5612$>,
> AstonBarrett <> wrote:
> > robw, the top posting retard wrote:
> >
> > > And what if one through four hits innocent people?

> >
> > My aim is true.
> > If #1 doesn't stop the attack, then I will fire rounds #2 through
> > whatever.
> > My shots don't "MURDER" (let alone hit) innocent people.
> >
> > Why are YOU such a bad shot?
> >
> > Oh That's right! YOU can't HAVE a firearm, and YOU don't know how to

> Seconded.
> --
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
> forgotten this." - Heinlein
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of gun fire.

It's not like being on a range, you idiot.

"Omelet" <> wrote in message
> Then somebody needs more range time.
> In article <>,
> "robw" <> wrote:
> > And what if one through four hits innocent people?
> >
> >
> > "AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> > news:47efc8b4$0$28294$
> > > robw wrote:
> > >
> > > > What happens if the first bullet is no "well placed"???
> > >
> > > Fire number's 2.. 3.. 4.. etc, until the threat is gone.
> > >
> > > Can't you count?

> --
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
> forgotten this." - Heinlein
robw the top-posting moron wrote:

> Yeah, we live in Philly and have never seen a real gun.
> Right.

Thanks for confirming that.

> We didn't get caught in the middle of a gun fight at 56th and
> Baltimore Ave. a couple years ago.

Again, we already knew that.

> And I could legally own a gun, I choose not to.

IOW, you choose to place the responsibility for your personal protection
into the hands of others.

Now, try to reply in the context of readability instead of sheer ignorant

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
In talk.politics.guns Gunner Asch <> wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:52:58 -0700, Buck Mulligan
><> wrote:
>>In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:27:45 GMT, Buck Mulligan
>>><> wrote:
>>>>In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>In article <>,
>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend
>>>>>Who is "celebrating"?
>>>>You are, you sick twisted ****. [chuckle]
>>>And these is exactly the type of response I have come to associate
>>>with gun-goons like you.
>>>Do you really think you should be allowed to own guns by sane
>>>people like me, when you make such crude remarks?

>>Our ability to discern your aberrant behavior makes us better citizens
>>than you. You enjoy reading about people getting shot and murdered.
>>Sick and twisted ****s like yourself should have their own room at

> live in California? Im outside of Bakersfield a few miles

Not any more, but I've passed by Denny's future home at Atascadero a
number of times.
Omelet <> wrote in news:eek:mpomelet-

> In article <Xns9A714797D5BF2Sandman@>,
> "RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
>> "Morton Davis" <> wrote in
>> news:ztBHj.97571$yE1.87906@attbi_s21:
>> >
>> > "" <Not PC> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream

>> >>>boys.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> OH MY GAWD! At that rate, all us "yanks" will be dead of gun shots
>> >> in only 20,000 years. (more than half the "gun dead" are from
>> >> suicide)
>> >
>> > And most of the others are criminal on criminal.

>> About 65% of homicides in a city will involve either drug or gang
>> activity or both.

> Which is yet one more good reason to end the "war on drugs".

Actually, two. Even three if you don't mind putting some DEA dudes out
of work. ;)

RD (The Sandman)

War is absolute hell.....but to give in
to terrorism is much, much worse
robw, the top posting retard wrote:

> No, I could have a firearm.

And your imgainary "muse"... what would that blow up doll think... if
it could?
Yeah, we live in Philly and have never seen a real gun.

We didn't get caught in the middle of a gun fight at 56th and Baltimore Ave.
a couple years ago.

And I could legally own a gun, I choose not to.

"AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> Omelet wrote:
> > Then somebody needs more range time.

> Robw, the top posting retard, never SAW a real gun in his/her life, and
> is PROHIBITED by law to own one.
> I can shoot his nose in on the first trigger pull.
> The other shots would be for fun!
> > In article <>,
> > "robw" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>And what if one through four hits innocent people?
> >>
> >>
> >>"AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> >>news:47efc8b4$0$28294$
> >>
> >>>robw wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>What happens if the first bullet is no "well placed"???
> >>>
> >>>Fire number's 2.. 3.. 4.. etc, until the threat is gone.
> >>>
> >>>Can't you count?
Mike Smith wrote:

> I can go buy a 357 revolver tomorrow, along with 500 bullets.

Hell, sonny, the "bullets" won't do you much good, unless
you also buy the cases, powder and primers to make yourself
some cartridges.

What are you going to do, THROW them at your attacker?
robw the top posting homo retard wrote:

> We didn't get caught in the middle of a gun fight at 56th and Baltimore Ave.
> a couple years ago.

I agree.
I never said you did.
YOU LIED when you and your "imaginary muse" said you did.

YOU Can't back it up with any proof, so that's what makes you a
consistantly CONSTANT liars.

YOU keep making up **** that you can't back up!

Just like this real doll/woman that you refer to as "A Muse".
(she must have cost a fortune according to )

Did yer Mommy get tired and finance it?
No problem.

There are a couple ethnic restaurants along 56th and Baltimore Ave. in
Philly. Many of these places (including those in Chinatown) turn their
basement levels into rooms where you could have a wedding reception, etc.
Seeing as how the ceremony, post reception and reception are generally all
held in the same place it makes "conventional" halls that charge by the hour
not financially wise or economical.

Seeing as how most of the use of these rooms would be at the weekends, the
rooms aren't generally used during the weekdays. There are a couple small
music promoters who rent the rooms to put on shows because they can get the
halls at a cheap price.

We were at a "noise" show at one of the places.

As we were coming out we heard the "pop, pop ,pop" starting and dove under
the cement steps of a nearby house.

Seeing as how you had thirty or so people all dialing 911, and seeing as how
that's not a great area and there are always cops nearby the place was a
Chinese New Year in minutes. Luckily no one got shot, but you had many
rattled nerves.

It wasn't fun.

Now tell us about your experiences here.

"AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> robw wrote:
> > Have you ever been in the chaos that is a shooting scene?

> Nope.
> > I have.

> Liar!
> YOU can't even call the imagianry woman you have, anything but a "muse!"
> If you said you have, then call up the case number, when you SCREAMED
> for the police.
> Name the circumstance, you ****ing liar.
> >
> > Chaos with people running around in all directions.
> >
> > We saw shots bouncing off of nearby steps, houses etc.
> >
> > And those were from the cops.

> What happened when the drugs you were taking wore off?
> ... and after you saw "your muse"?
> Surely you stuck around to tell the cops about all the info you had to
> give.. right?
> Case number?
> If I were a witness, I would stick around and give all the information I
> had, and be willing to become a states witness for the common good.
> Uh, Robwetard?
> You ran away, or did you lie...AGAIN?
> I get it!
> You had yer hallucinated blow-up gal, and you slipped in your own
> urine as you ran away, making a very hi pitched noice that scared even
> yourself away.. and blew her up to boot!
robw wrote:
> No, we dove under a cement stoop.

What is the 'No,..' in reference to, top-posting moron?

We'll have a conversation just as soon as you can correctly place the
context of your response to whatever it is that you're replying to.
robw, the top posting RETARD wrote:

> No problem.

You just can't stop being a rather large fibber, can you?
Roger Denney wrote:
> Not at all. In other countries people are not as afraid of each other
> as they are here.
> Why?
> Because millions of cretins like you are walking around with guns at
> the ready (to kill) that is.

You can not possibly be so stupid as to truly believe that.


"As seen in the classified ads:

Learn how to get idiots to send you a dollar and their SSN.
Send $1 & your SSN to..." -- DarkFiber /
robw wrote:
> "No" we didn't expect someone else to protect us.
> Now, I'm not going to change where I post for you.
> You have two choices.
> Live with it or not.

Not. < to the clown-file wid ya>

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:33:53 -0500, "HeyBub" <> wrote:

>Mike Smith wrote:
>> You do not have that power, no matter how much you "think" you do...
>> The second amendment gives every law-abiding citizen the right to own
>> guns. You have absolutely no say in the matter.

>Ah, no. At least not yet.

You are wrong.

I can go buy a 357 revolver tomorrow, along with 500 bullets. As long
as I produce the money, I get the gun.

Mike Smith
I noticed you skipped the post about the event.


"AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> robw, the top posting retard wrote:
> > No, I could have a firearm.

> And your imgainary "muse"... what would that blow up doll think... if
> it could?
No, we dove under a cement stoop.

At that point we had no idea what the police response would be.

What would you have done.
Gotten into a gun fight where shots were coming from all directions.

Oh, please tell us Wyat Earp.

You probably would have **** your pants.

"Dave Bugg" <> wrote in message
> robw the top-posting moron wrote:
> > Yeah, we live in Philly and have never seen a real gun.
> > Right.

> Thanks for confirming that.
> > We didn't get caught in the middle of a gun fight at 56th and
> > Baltimore Ave. a couple years ago.

> Again, we already knew that.
> > And I could legally own a gun, I choose not to.

> IOW, you choose to place the responsibility for your personal protection
> into the hands of others.
> Now, try to reply in the context of readability instead of sheer ignorant
> laziness.
> --
> Dave
> "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
> butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
> accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
> give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
> problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
> efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
Don't change my words.

"AstonBarrett" <> wrote in message
> robw the top posting homo retard wrote:
> >
> > We didn't get caught in the middle of a gun fight at 56th and Baltimore

> > a couple years ago.

> I agree.
> I never said you did.
> YOU LIED when you and your "imaginary muse" said you did.
> YOU Can't back it up with any proof, so that's what makes you a
> consistantly CONSTANT liars.
> YOU keep making up **** that you can't back up!
> Just like this real doll/woman that you refer to as "A Muse".
> (she must have cost a fortune according to )
> Did yer Mommy get tired and finance it?
"No" we didn't expect someone else to protect us.

Now, I'm not going to change where I post for you.

You have two choices.
Live with it or not.

"Dave Bugg" <> wrote in message
> robw wrote:
> > No, we dove under a cement stoop.

> What is the 'No,..' in reference to, top-posting moron?
> We'll have a conversation just as soon as you can correctly place the
> context of your response to whatever it is that you're replying to.