Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
<> wrote:

>"tankfixer" <> wrote in message
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>>> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
>>> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
>>> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
>>> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
>>> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
>>> > would have gone in.
>>> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.
>>> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
>>> grudges with gunfire.

>> That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
>> were proposed.
>> That gunfights would break out everywhere.
>> Interestingly enough they were wrong....

>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

Can you imagine the chaos if even half the people in that hospital
were packing hand-guns?

Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
shot to death by thier little toys.
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:09:00 -0500, "robw" <>

>> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
>> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
>> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
>> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
>> would have gone in.
>> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

>Oh really?
>How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
>The town had concealed carry.
>Did the guy seem to care???

Of course the gun-goons always ignore these facts....well, any facts
that don't support their ideal notions of everyone packing a firearm,
that is.

Whatever it takes to keep thier guns, it matter not one bit who gets
killed and maimed, as long as they have a "right" to own a gun.
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
<> wrote:

>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

OH MY GAWD! At that rate, all us "yanks" will be dead of gun shots in
only 20,000 years. (more than half the "gun dead" are from suicide)
In article <>, says...
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
> <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree

> >
> >Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend

> Who is "celebrating"?

You are.

> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.
AstonBarrett wrote:
> Dave Bugg wrote:
>> robw wrote:
>>> Oh really?
>>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???

>> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were, it
>> wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
>>> The town had concealed carry.
>>> Did the guy seem to care???

>> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
>> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
>> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out? It
>> didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
>> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.

> Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.

Hey, I resemble that remark.

But I am losing weight and in a fitness program now. I just went through
a law enforcement fitness coordinators program to help lead our agency
back into fitness standards.

But I do miss the donuts.

Steve Rothstein
"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
> <> wrote:
>>In article <>,
>> says...
>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree

>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend

> Who is "celebrating"?
> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

NO, you are just another dumb ass subject who cannot accept the consequences
of freedom.
Stephan Rothstein wrote:
> AstonBarrett wrote:
>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> robw wrote:
>>>> Oh really?
>>>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
>>> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were,
>>> it wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
>>>> The town had concealed carry.
>>>> Did the guy seem to care???
>>> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
>>> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
>>> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out?
>>> It didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
>>> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.

>> Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.

> Hey, I resemble that remark.
> But I am losing weight and in a fitness program now. I just went
> through a law enforcement fitness coordinators program to help lead
> our agency back into fitness standards.
> But I do miss the donuts.

<to the tune of 'He Ain't Heavy'> Steve ain't heavy, he's just bulky. :)

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
In article <>, says...
> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
> shot to death by thier little toys.

Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
toxicology major to study...
tankfixer wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
>> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
>> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
>> shot to death by thier little toys.

> Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
> toxicology major to study...

It's a good thing that that bubba doesn't have a gun. Too many video games,
I suspect. I agree with you, he'd make a good pathopsychological case study.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
"The Rifleman" wrote:
>> That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry
>> laws were proposed.
>> That gunfights would break out everywhere.
>> Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on
> boys.

That's not nearly enough.

With a country in excess of 300 million, there's an awful lot of people who
need killin'.
"The Rifleman" wrote:
> "strabo" <> wrote in message
> news:1206691621_105@isp.n...
>> The purpose of guns is to prevent people such as yourself from
>> exercising political power.
>>> -Roger

> Thats what the Iraqis and Afghans are doing to the yanks but for some reason
> the yanks disagree when someone has the guns.

It's not the "yanks", it's the treasonous government.

You'd do well to pay attention to your own precarious position.

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Roger Denney wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
> <> wrote:
>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.

> Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?

It is odd that you believe that.
So very few Americans do, Roger.

What is more odd, is that YOU use the "X No Archive:yes" function.

THAT is the mark of a true COWARD.
Dave Bugg wrote:

Re your sig:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

I ran across something similar:

"Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops, cook
dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair machines,
teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and be respected and
loved by her), play sports, make a just decision, climb a volcano, dress
plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with a band of brothers, never say
die but die bravely, dance willingly, retain a sense of humour, treat
animals kindly, love God, speak honestly, and act resourcefully in the face
of adversity. . ."

Or at least Spartan women do...
On Mar 28, 1:18 am, "Maximo Gravaticus" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Mar 27, 11:59 pm, Roger Denney <> wrote:
> >>

> >> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree


> >> Associated Press Writer Thu Mar 27, 2008.

> >> COLUMBUS, Ga. - A retired teacher bearing a grudge over his mother's
> >> treatment at the hospital where she died fatally shot one of her
> >> nurses, another employee and a man outside Thursday before police shot
> >> him, authorities said.

> >> Charles Johnston, 63, is being charged with murder and will be turned
> >> over to police after an overnight stay in another hospital, where he
> >> was treated for a shoulder wound, Police Chief Ricky Boren said.

> >> The chief said the gunman arrived at Doctors Hospital with three
> >> pistols, including a 9mm automatic and a .38-caliber revolver, and
> >> went to the fifth-floor intensive care unit where his mother had been
> >> in 2004.

> >> "He blamed a male nurse. He didn't think his mother had been properly
> >> cared for," Boren said.

> >> Boren gave the following account:

> >> Johnston overheard someone call the nurse's name, then waited until he
> >> went into an empty room, where he confronted him, saying: "Do you
> >> remember me? Do you remember my mother?"

> >> He shot him once; the nurse started to run, then fell in the hall
> >> after being shot again.

> >> When the gunman started to leave, an administrative secretary entered
> >> the area, saying, "Where did he go?" As he rounded a corner, he was
> >> shot, too, Boren said.

> >> The gunman started to take an elevator but finding it too slow went
> >> down the stairs.

> >> As he was getting into his car in the parking lot, another car pulled
> >> in facing his, and the driver was shot as he got out of the vehicle.
> >> That man died later.

> >> A city deputy marshal arrived in the parking lot; he fired at her and
> >> she shot back, but neither was hit. A plainclothes detective blocked
> >> the gunman's car, and when Johnston pulled a gun, the detective shot
> >> him, Boren said.

> >> Johnston, who used to teach school, appears to be in satisfactory
> >> condition after surgery, Boren said.

> >> Columbus is in western Georgia, on the Alabama line.

> >> ===================================================
> >> Denneys' Comments:

> >> Once again, dear readers, we see what firearms do in the "land of
> >> the "spree"...err..I mean "free" (to kill) zone..err. I mean "nation".

> >> Yes, we can continue this outrageous farce that guns "protect" us,
> >> as these NRA gun freaks would have you and I believe, but perhaps,
> >> if these three innocent victims of US gun violence could still talk,
> >> instead of cooling their heels forever, first in the morgue and
> >> thence onto their gravesites, the might speak out very differently
> >> about the state of American gun control laws, in the 21st century.

> >> -Roger

> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.

> Thats the dumbest thing I've eever heard.
> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> > would have gone in.

> Of course you're wrong. \

No I'm not.
If there were "Another person intent on killing for revenge shot down
by trained gun toting citizen." news stories on the TV every day
instead of, "Another crazed gunman kills defenseless children" there
wouldn't be so many people not thinking "logically."

>A person bent on commiting an insane act does not
> use common logic.

Especially when they have no fear of reprecussions to themselves.

>You act as if the man was thinking clearly or rationaly.

He had the power and KNEW NO ONE ELSE DID.

> If he was clear and rational enough to use common logic, he would not not
> have even considered doing what he did. It would have never entered his
> mind.

Nor wouldit if he saw gn toting nurses.

> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong again.

Why don't we try it and see?

>It's time to start taking guns from gun nuts,

By who's definition?

>to may innocent
> people have to suffer and die so you can pray for more guns in the hands of
> idiots.

Many of which would be alive if they or someone close by had been
packing heat.

>Judging by your own lack of logic or even common sense, I would say
> you're no doubt a ticking time bomb ready to go off and kill a few people in
> the name of your guns.

Just gives me more reason to kill fascists like you who label people
something they are not and then try to steal their property and
violate their right to protect themselves.

>It's past time to relieve people like you of your
> weapons.

Better take my girlfriend's 45 too then because she will shoot you if
you try to take mine.

>To may innocent people die for you insane love of guns.

My love of guns has never hurt a soul.
Roger Denney wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:16:20 -0500, strabo <>
> wrote:
>> Roger Denney wrote:
>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>> Associated Press Writer Thu Mar 27, 2008.
>>> COLUMBUS, Ga. - A retired teacher bearing a grudge over his mother's
>>> treatment at the hospital where she died fatally shot one of her
>>> nurses, another employee and a man outside Thursday before police shot
>>> him, authorities said.
>>> Charles Johnston, 63, is being charged with murder and will be turned
>>> over to police after an overnight stay in another hospital, where he
>>> was treated for a shoulder wound, Police Chief Ricky Boren said.
>>> The chief said the gunman arrived at Doctors Hospital with three
>>> pistols, including a 9mm automatic and a .38-caliber revolver, and
>>> went to the fifth-floor intensive care unit where his mother had been
>>> in 2004.
>>> "He blamed a male nurse. He didn't think his mother had been properly
>>> cared for," Boren said.
>>> Boren gave the following account:
>>> Johnston overheard someone call the nurse's name, then waited until he
>>> went into an empty room, where he confronted him, saying: "Do you
>>> remember me? Do you remember my mother?"
>>> He shot him once; the nurse started to run, then fell in the hall
>>> after being shot again.
>>> When the gunman started to leave, an administrative secretary entered
>>> the area, saying, "Where did he go?" As he rounded a corner, he was
>>> shot, too, Boren said.
>>> The gunman started to take an elevator but finding it too slow went
>>> down the stairs.
>>> As he was getting into his car in the parking lot, another car pulled
>>> in facing his, and the driver was shot as he got out of the vehicle.
>>> That man died later.
>>> A city deputy marshal arrived in the parking lot; he fired at her and
>>> she shot back, but neither was hit. A plainclothes detective blocked
>>> the gunman's car, and when Johnston pulled a gun, the detective shot
>>> him, Boren said.
>>> Johnston, who used to teach school, appears to be in satisfactory
>>> condition after surgery, Boren said.
>>> Columbus is in western Georgia, on the Alabama line.
>>> ===================================================
>>> Denneys' Comments:
>>> Once again, dear readers, we see what firearms do in the "land of
>>> the "spree"...err..I mean "free" (to kill) zone..err. I mean "nation".

>> Yes. The freedom to defend against tyrants.

> When did you plan on exercising that right?
>>> Yes, we can continue this outrageous farce that guns "protect" us,
>>> as these NRA gun freaks would have you and I believe, but perhaps,
>>> if these three innocent victims of US gun violence could still talk,
>>> instead of cooling their heels forever, first in the morgue and
>>> thence onto their gravesites, the might speak out very differently
>>> about the state of American gun control laws, in the 21st century.

>> That's the argument Stalin used to confiscate weapons. Soon
>> after the purges began which resulted in about 50,000,000
>> killed and many tortured and enslaved.

> No proof of that is made available, of course, as usual.
> Just a simpleton's mantra that you gun-loons pass around to make
> you feel better about all the bloody gun-deaths you are responsible
> for in this country alone.
>> The purpose of guns is to prevent people such as yourself from
>> exercising political power.

> Now I see. So you don't really believe in any form of democracy,
> only your ability to own firearms to"protect" yourselves from
> "tyrants" like myself, correct?
> Clue: Your "right" to own a gun stops at my and all other person's
> rights to stay safe, alive and unharmed by gunfire from you cretins.

You have no right "to stay safe, alive and unharmed by gunfire."
You cannot have a right which obligates other people to protect

You have a right to protect yourself, but, you can't do that by
taking my stuff. If you do try to take my stuff, I then have the
right to stop you.

Now, if you are smart, you'll stop threatening people with
disarmament and start addressing the problems concerning
personal and national survival.

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---= - Total Privacy via Encryption =---
On Mar 28, 2:09 am, "\"The Rifleman\"" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> > would have gone in.
> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> grudges with gunfire.

Well, if they want to agree to do that in a controlled place let them.
Duels worked quite well for many years.
On Mar 28, 12:29 pm, "\"The Rifleman\"" <>
> "tankfixer" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > says...

> >> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> >> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >> > would have gone in.
> >> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> >> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> >> grudges with gunfire.

> > That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
> > were proposed.
> > That gunfights would break out everywhere.
> > Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

You have cite for this number of "deaths?"
I'd be surprised if it's 3,000.
But then again Dr,'s only kill 350,000 a year.
Stephan Rothstein wrote:

> AstonBarrett wrote:
>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> robw wrote:
>>>> Oh really?
>>>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
>>> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were, it
>>> wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
>>>> The town had concealed carry.
>>>> Did the guy seem to care???
>>> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
>>> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
>>> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out? It
>>> didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
>>> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.

>> Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.

> Hey, I resemble that remark.

See how you are? :)
On Mar 28, 1:09 pm, Roger Denney <> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
> <> wrote:
> >"tankfixer" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> In article <>,
> >> says...

> >>> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> >>> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >>> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >>> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >>> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >>> > would have gone in.
> >>> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> >>> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> >>> grudges with gunfire.

> >> That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
> >> were proposed.
> >> That gunfights would break out everywhere.
> >> Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> >and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

> Can you imagine the chaos if even half the people in that hospital
> were packing hand-guns?

Could just as easily be tranquilizer darts.

> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
> shot to death by thier little toys.

How do you know so much about what "gun loons want?"