Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:23:17 -0400, AstonBarrett <>

>Roger Denney wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>> <> wrote:
>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.

>> Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?

>It is odd that you believe that.
>So very few Americans do, Roger.

You seem to forget that in other countries, its MUCH less due to gun
control laws they have there. One chance is all you get in those
states, then your life is over for all intents and purposes.

Yes, one illegal weapon there can send you away to prison for many,
many years unlike here where Americans are much more given to
killing each other with firearms, knowing that gun restriction laws
are so weak presently .

>What is more odd, is that YOU use the "X No Archive:yes" function.
>THAT is the mark of a true COWARD.

How is that the mark of a true coward?

Besides, its reset to archive my messages.

Happy now?
Roger Denney wrote:
> Does that mean I have to accept gun owners shooting at me in my car or
> at my home too?

Unfortunately, yes.

But look on the bright side: they're shooting at you, not at me.
"Gunner" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:01:54 -0700, Roger Denney <>
> wrote:
>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>><> wrote:
>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.

>>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?

> And knives and sash weights and automobiles and blunt instruments and
> boots and telephone cords and....

Actually, if you think about it, most Americans turn to (~790,000) doctors
who are responsible for ~120,000 accidental deaths annually.
Compare that to ~80,000,000 gun-owneres with ~240,000,000 guns and 800
accidental deaths annually.

>>The NRA and all their members have blood running off their hands and
>>out the doors all the way to Congress.
>>But not for long !! <bg>

> Will you be slitting your belly on YouTube if Scotus finds against
> you?
> Need a good sharp knife?

Give him a dull wooden one.
(Need to see Hara-kiri again)
In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:

>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
><> wrote:
>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.

>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?
>The NRA and all their members have blood running off their hands and
>out the doors all the way to Congress.
>But not for long !! <bg>

I just got my new assault rifle, Denny.
In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:

>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
><> wrote:
>>In article <>,
>> says...
>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree

>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend

>Who is "celebrating"?

You are, you sick twisted ****. [chuckle]
In article <>,
Gunner <> wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:51:50 -0600, Omelet <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Roger Denney wrote:
> >> >
> >> > I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> >> > gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.
> >>
> >> At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works for
> >> me.
> >>
> >> My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest
> >> offerings
> >> and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the trigger
> >> and
> >> pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me
> >> company.
> >> I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never judges
> >> me
> >> or makes irrational demands.
> >>
> >> My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.
> >>
> >> I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will never
> >> fail it.
> >>
> >> As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I
> >> will fear no evil. . ."

> >
> >Nice. :)
> >--

> "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is
> my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my
> rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle
> true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me.
> I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that
> what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst,
> or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will
> hit.
> My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I
> will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its
> strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I
> will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We
> will become part of each other.
> Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my
> country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my
> life.
> So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace.

I recall that one from "Full Metal Jacket".

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:35:04 -0600, Omelet <>

>In article <>,
> Gunner <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:51:50 -0600, Omelet <>
>> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> > "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Roger Denney wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
>> >> > gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.
>> >>
>> >> At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works for
>> >> me.
>> >>
>> >> My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest
>> >> offerings
>> >> and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the trigger
>> >> and
>> >> pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me
>> >> company.
>> >> I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never judges
>> >> me
>> >> or makes irrational demands.
>> >>
>> >> My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.
>> >>
>> >> I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will never
>> >> fail it.
>> >>
>> >> As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I
>> >> will fear no evil. . ."
>> >
>> >Nice. :)
>> >--

>> "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is
>> my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my
>> rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle
>> true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me.
>> I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that
>> what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst,
>> or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will
>> hit.
>> My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I
>> will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its
>> strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I
>> will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We
>> will become part of each other.
>> Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my
>> country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my
>> life.
>> So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace.

>I recall that one from "Full Metal Jacket".

I remember that one from the DI who drilled it into my skull.

In article
<>, wrote:

> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> would have gone in.
> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

By far, the vast majority of hospitals have strict anti-gun policies. I
can't even commute with one as one is not allowed in my car in the
parking lot on the campus.

The security guards are not armed either, but that may change soon.

It's not a matter of local state law, it's a matter of company policy.

Having unarmed employees somehow makes everybody "safer".


Or so they think...

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <>,
"\"The Rifleman\"" <> wrote:

> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> > would have gone in.
> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> grudges with gunfire.

You moron! Few, if any, CCW/CHL holders do that!

I guess you are afraid that that is what YOU would do with regular
access to firearms?

Quit projecting your morals on us. They don't apply.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
Roger Denney wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:23:17 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
> wrote:
>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.
>>>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?

>>It is odd that you believe that.
>>So very few Americans do, Roger.

> You seem to forget that in other countries, its MUCH less due to gun
> control laws they have there.

You seem to forget those "other countries" also have less murder when
using OTHER weapons as well... so your point is moot.

So when are you going to move?
In article
"'Possum...the American Marsupial" <> wrote:

> Nurses are not always the calm, caring stereotypes from TV's
> "Emergency"...

Ain't that the freakin' truth. :-(

But, ime, most of them are by FAR!

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <ZR5Hj.743$NU2.351@news01.roc.ny>,
"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote:

> I once used a handgun to stop two Dobermans which seemed bent on making a
> snack out of my son. Not a shot was fired, but the presence of the weapon
> was enough to convince the dog criminal (owner) that he had a very serious
> problem. He called the cops. The NY State Trooper ticketed him for breaking
> the law (unleashed dogs at a state owned boat launch). He mouthed off at the
> cop, who then suggested that he continue his afternoon of fishing in the
> town jail. The dog criminal became very well behaved at that point. The
> trooper waited until I had my boat out of the water, in case the dog
> criminal got any stupid ideas. The trooper said "Have a nice day" and we
> both went on our ways.
> Sounds to me like the gun did its job nicely.

It did indeed. :)
Thanks for sharing that.

Is it just my imagination or are most (not all!) "tough" dog owners ass
holes? I have a neighbor with pit bulls that is a real jerk, but my
best friend owns a big, fat solid white female one and they are good
people. They used to own rottweilers so not ALL of them are jerks, but
I'd say a good number of them are. I think they substitute tough dogs
for testicles.

But, like me, my friends make an effort to keep their dogs confined.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <eb7Hj.97748$>,
"RM v2.0" <> wrote:

> ""The Rifleman"" <> wrote in message
> >
> > <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> >> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >> would have gone in.
> >> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> >
> > Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> > grudges with gunfire.
> >

> We have heard this "blood will flow int he streets" line in every state
> right before they pass CCW laws and guess what? They are always 100% wrong.
> Nice try, but doesnt happen.

Crime rates drop tho'.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <>,
"\"The Rifleman\"" <> wrote:

> "tankfixer" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> >> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >> > would have gone in.
> >> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.
> >>
> >> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> >> grudges with gunfire.

> >
> > That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
> > were proposed.
> > That gunfights would break out everywhere.
> > Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

Cite please.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <>,
Stephan Rothstein <> wrote:

> AstonBarrett wrote:
> > Dave Bugg wrote:
> >
> >> robw wrote:
> >>
> >>> Oh really?
> >>>
> >>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
> >>
> >>
> >> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were, it
> >> wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
> >>
> >>
> >>> The town had concealed carry.
> >>> Did the guy seem to care???
> >>
> >>
> >> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
> >> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
> >>
> >> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out? It
> >> didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
> >>
> >> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.

> >
> > Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.

> Hey, I resemble that remark.
> But I am losing weight and in a fitness program now. I just went through
> a law enforcement fitness coordinators program to help lead our agency
> back into fitness standards.
> But I do miss the donuts.
> Steve Rothstein

Keep it up and y'all can publish an annual Calendar like the firemen do:

Never underestimate the political power of women that enjoy a nice set
of abs. <g>

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <>,
"HeyBub" <> wrote:

> Dave Bugg wrote:
> Re your sig:
> "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
> butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
> accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
> give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
> problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
> efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
> I ran across something similar:
> "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops, cook
> dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair machines,
> teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and be respected and
> loved by her), play sports, make a just decision, climb a volcano, dress
> plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with a band of brothers, never say
> die but die bravely, dance willingly, retain a sense of humour, treat
> animals kindly, love God, speak honestly, and act resourcefully in the face
> of adversity. . ."
> Or at least Spartan women do...

You've never met my dad...


Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
In article <>,
Gunner <> wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:35:04 -0600, Omelet <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > Gunner <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:51:50 -0600, Omelet <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >In article <>,
> >> > "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Roger Denney wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> >> >> > gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.
> >> >>
> >> >> At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works
> >> >> for
> >> >> me.
> >> >>
> >> >> My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest
> >> >> offerings
> >> >> and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the
> >> >> trigger
> >> >> and
> >> >> pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me
> >> >> company.
> >> >> I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never
> >> >> judges
> >> >> me
> >> >> or makes irrational demands.
> >> >>
> >> >> My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.
> >> >>
> >> >> I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will
> >> >> never
> >> >> fail it.
> >> >>
> >> >> As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death,
> >> >> I
> >> >> will fear no evil. . ."
> >> >
> >> >Nice. :)
> >> >--
> >>
> >> "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is
> >> my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my
> >> rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle
> >> true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me.
> >> I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that
> >> what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst,
> >> or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will
> >> hit.
> >>
> >> My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I
> >> will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its
> >> strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I
> >> will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We
> >> will become part of each other.
> >>
> >> Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my
> >> country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my
> >> life.
> >>
> >> So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace.

> >
> >I recall that one from "Full Metal Jacket".
> >--

> I remember that one from the DI who drilled it into my skull.
> Gunner

I never served in the military.
Mom and dad met in the Air Force. Dad discouraged me from doing it,
otherwise I might have.

He always had authority issues but by the time I realized that, it was
too late.

I was able to live at home for 3 of my 4 years getting a BS-MT degree so
I'm doing ok. No real regrets. :)

Not having to pay room and board in college is a real plus. Minimum wage
jobs took care of the rest (tuition and books) and made me appreciate
money more.

I'm just glad that I was able to graduate from college with no student
loan debt.

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
Omelet wrote:
> In article <>,
> Stephan Rothstein <> wrote:
>> AstonBarrett wrote:
>>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>>> robw wrote:
>>>>> Oh really?
>>>>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
>>>> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were, it
>>>> wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
>>>>> The town had concealed carry.
>>>>> Did the guy seem to care???
>>>> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
>>>> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
>>>> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out? It
>>>> didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
>>>> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.
>>> Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.

>> Hey, I resemble that remark.
>> But I am losing weight and in a fitness program now. I just went through
>> a law enforcement fitness coordinators program to help lead our agency
>> back into fitness standards.
>> But I do miss the donuts.
>> Steve Rothstein

> Keep it up and y'all can publish an annual Calendar like the firemen do:
> =UTF-8
> Never underestimate the political power of women that enjoy a nice set
> of abs. <g>

We could do that now with some of th guys on the agency. In any law
enforcement agency you will find a percentage of guys who like to work
out. It is not as high as in fire departments because of the way the
work differs (they get to work out in the station while waiting for
fires, we have to drive around to the donut shops while waiting for
calls), but there are some.

Given the state law, our agency will now have a higher percentage of
them than many departments. Maybe for 2010, our agent's association will
publish a calendar as a fund raiser. I will suggest it to them.

Steve Rothstein
In article <>, says...
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:55:41 -0700, tankfixer
> <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
> >> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
> >> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
> >> shot to death by thier little toys.
> >>

> >
> >
> >Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
> >toxicology major to study...

> I wonder how many hallucigens they would find?

Quite a few I suspect....
In article <>,
Stephan Rothstein <> wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > Stephan Rothstein <> wrote:
> >
> >> AstonBarrett wrote:
> >>> Dave Bugg wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> robw wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Oh really?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???
> >>>>
> >>>> Were there any folks with a concealed weapon there? If there were, it
> >>>> wouldn't have been a tragedy or near the same level of tragedy.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> The town had concealed carry.
> >>>>> Did the guy seem to care???
> >>>>
> >>>> If you re-read what was written, there was nothing stated about a
> >>>> deterrence, just that it could have been cut short.
> >>>>
> >>>> Now, given the Virginia Tech "Gun-Free Zone", how'd that work out? It
> >>>> didn't seem that guy seemed to care.
> >>>>
> >>>> I carry a gun, cause I can't carry a police officer.
> >>> Cops are rather heavy, what with all the donuts they eat.
> >> Hey, I resemble that remark.
> >>
> >> But I am losing weight and in a fitness program now. I just went through
> >> a law enforcement fitness coordinators program to help lead our agency
> >> back into fitness standards.
> >>
> >> But I do miss the donuts.
> >>
> >> Steve Rothstein

> >
> > Keep it up and y'all can publish an annual Calendar like the firemen do:
> >
> >
> > =UTF-8
> >
> > Never underestimate the political power of women that enjoy a nice set
> > of abs. <g>

> We could do that now with some of the guys on the agency.

I've seen them at the local Gym.
But the firemen still outnumber them 4 to 1. <g>

> In any law
> enforcement agency you will find a percentage of guys who like to work
> out. It is not as high as in fire departments because of the way the
> work differs (they get to work out in the station while waiting for
> fires, we have to drive around to the donut shops while waiting for
> calls), but there are some.

So keep some dumbbells in the cruisers.

Uh, nevermind. <g> (JUST KIDDING!!!)

> Given the state law, our agency will now have a higher percentage of
> them than many departments. Maybe for 2010, our agent's association will
> publish a calendar as a fund raiser. I will suggest it to them.
> Steve Rothstein

Seriously. :)

Could not hurt for PR...

I'm still annoyed about the information from you that the loss of
officers during 9-11 was not as well publicized as the loss of fireman.
That was so unfair.

On the upside, the assistant chief showed up (briefly) at class last
week wearing shorts and a muscle shirt.

One of the less inhibited students whistled. And the dude has gray
hair. :) He was obviously showing off. And that's ok!

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein