Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

"The Rifleman" wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
>> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
>> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
>> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
>> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
>> would have gone in.
>> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> grudges with gunfire.

No. Crime and personal grudges take full advantage of guns. In fact
the more laws against guns the more they become the tool of choice.

Conversely, where guns are openly available, people tend to be
more cautious, more circumspect. There's a reason for this but its
not important.

As we southern boys say, "An armed society is a polite society." We
say that because until the socialism took over federal and state
governments, guns were commonplace and thus were seldom used to
settle personal fights or even as much in crime.

The prospect of imminent death tends to clarify the mind.

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Maximo Gravaticus wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> On Mar 27, 11:59 pm, Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree

>>> -Roger

>> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
>> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.

> Thats the dumbest thing I've eever heard.
>> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
>> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
>> would have gone in.

> Of course you're wrong. A person bent on commiting an insane act does not
> use common logic. You act as if the man was thinking clearly or rationaly.
> If he was clear and rational enough to use common logic, he would not not
> have even considered doing what he did. It would have never entered his
> mind.

Yes, it was personal. Yes, he was not in his normal state of mind. I
expect to find a prescription drug as the catalyst.

Nurses and others take heed - be careful who you piss off.

>> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong again. It's time to start taking guns from gun nuts, to may innocent
> people have to suffer and die so you can pray for more guns in the hands of
> idiots. Judging by your own lack of logic or even common sense, I would say
> you're no doubt a ticking time bomb ready to go off and kill a few people in
> the name of your guns. It's past time to relieve people like you of your
> weapons. To may innocent people die for you insane love of guns.

Well, any time you're ready you can come and get them.

Of course you won't. You'll keep subverting government to do your
dirty work until it turns totalitarian. If history is instructive,
at that point you'll become the primary target.

No. Crime and personal grudges take full advantage of guns. In fact
the more laws against guns the more they become the tool of choice.

Conversely, where guns are openly available, people tend to be
more cautious, more circumspect. There's a reason for this but its
not important.

As we southern boys say, "An armed society is a polite society." We
say that because until the socialism took over federal and state
governments, guns were commonplace and thus were seldom used to
settle personal fights or even as much in crime.

The prospect of imminent death tends to clarify the mind.

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<> wrote in message
> On Mar 28, 2:09 am, "\"The Rifleman\"" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
>> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
>> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
>> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
>> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
>> > would have gone in.
>> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

>> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
>> grudges with gunfire.

> Well, if they want to agree to do that in a controlled place let them.
> Duels worked quite well for many years.

Yep, and I suspect people were considerably more polite and less likely to
take offense, since either could end up costing you your life or serious
Bill Smith wrote:
>> ===================================================
>> Denneys' Comments:
>> Once again, dear readers, we see what firearms do in the "land of
>> the "spree"...err..I mean "free" (to kill) zone..err. I mean "nation".
>> Yes, we can continue this outrageous farce that guns "protect" us,
>> as these NRA gun freaks would have you and I believe, but perhaps,
>> if these three innocent victims of US gun violence could still talk,
>> instead of cooling their heels forever, first in the morgue and
>> thence onto their gravesites, the might speak out very differently
>> about the state of American gun control laws, in the 21st century.
>> -Roger

> You never post stories about someone using a gun to defend themselves,
> in fact you wish to ignore that possibility altogether. You don't seem
> to realize that virtually every technology we use carries with it a
> risk/benefit ratio. Hospitals, for example, can be very dangerous
> places, but that certainly doesn't mean we should get rid of them.
> Bill Smith

Unfortunately, liberal progressives, otherwise known as socialists,
have been conditioned by family and governments to be obsessed by
guns. To many if not most in recent generations, guns are a major
cause of lifes problems. Typically emotional and insecure, they
are convinced of two things: when guns and poverty are outlawed,
crime will essentially disappear.

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HeyBub wrote:

> I ran across something similar:
> "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops,
> cook dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair
> machines, teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and
> be respected and loved by her), play sports, make a just decision,
> climb a volcano, dress plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with
> a band of brothers, never say die but die bravely, dance willingly,
> retain a sense of humour, treat animals kindly, love God, speak
> honestly, and act resourcefully in the face of adversity. . ."
> Or at least Spartan women do...

There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
On Mar 28, 1:14 pm, Roger Denney <> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:09:00 -0500, "robw" <>
> wrote:
> >> If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >> the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >> If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >> could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >> would have gone in.
> >> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> >Oh really?

> >How'd that wok out in Fla at that Wendy's???

> >The town had concealed carry.
> >Did the guy seem to care???

> Of course the gun-goons always ignore these facts....well, any facts
> that don't support their ideal notions of everyone packing a firearm,
> that is.
> Whatever it takes to keep thier guns, it matter not one bit who gets
> killed and maimed, as long as they have a "right" to own a gun.

Funny, when I lived in Colorado and we ALWAYS carried a rifle and
pistol in the car/truck either in a seat cover pocket or glove box, in
case we saw edible game, we NEVER had any "shootouts" in town or
anywhere else. Know why, because everyone KNEW OTHERS HAD A GUN.
I used to walk into the grocery store with my pistol on my belt and NO
That was 1978. Those were the good old days....
On Mar 28, 5:47 am, Gunner <> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:18:49 -0400, "Maximo Gravaticus"
> <> wrote:
> >> More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> >Wrong again. It's time to start taking guns from gun nuts,

> How do you propose to do that? If the people dont surrender them,
> make them criminals?
> mean like the criminals now, who have guns?
> Gunner


You're admitting that the only difference between a criminal and a gun
nut is one law....

tankfixer wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
>> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
>> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
>> shot to death by thier little toys.

> Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
> toxicology major to study...

That's the way metrosexuals see the world. Very emotional and

----== Posted via Pronews.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups
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> In article <>,
> says...
> "tankfixer" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> <> wrote in message
> >> news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> >> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> >> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> >> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> >> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> >> > would have gone in.
> >> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these
> >> > nutjobs.
> >>
> >> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> >> grudges with gunfire.

> >
> > That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
> > were proposed.
> > That gunfights would break out everywhere.
> > Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

1) More than half of those 30,000 are SUICIDES
And suicide is MEANS-independent. In other words if they suicider
doesn't have access to a gun, they will use something else.
2) Most of the 14,000 or so homicides are criminals killing other
criminals with guns they shouldn't even have
Which goes to show 2 things
a) gun-control does not stop criminals from getting guns
b) It's a good thing when criminals kill each other. It reduces
the population of those who can prey on the law-abiding
Roger Denney wrote:
> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
> shot to death by thier little toys.

What makes you say that? I've got a lot of kinfolk that need killin' (mostly
on the "in-law" side).
Roger Denney wrote:
> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works for

My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest offerings
and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the trigger and
pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me company.
I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never judges me
or makes irrational demands.

My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.

I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will never
fail it.

As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I
will fear no evil. . ."
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:42:46 -0500, "Don Staples"
<> wrote:

>"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>> <> wrote:
>>>In article <>,
>>> says...
>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend

>> Who is "celebrating"?
>> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
>> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

>NO, you are just another dumb ass subject who cannot accept the consequences
>of freedom.

Does that mean I have to accept gun owners shooting at me in my car or
at my home too?

After all, in the news story below, that is exactly what happened and
this isn't the first time. The Beltway snipers are a prime example of
what your culture of bloody death tolerates, so that you can have a
"right" to keep a gun.

Where are the rights to life of the individuals who get shot and
killed each and every year by you gun-goons?
In article <>,
"HeyBub" <> wrote:

> Roger Denney wrote:
> >
> > I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> > gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

> At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works for
> me.
> My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest offerings
> and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the trigger and
> pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me company.
> I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never judges me
> or makes irrational demands.
> My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.
> I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will never
> fail it.
> As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I
> will fear no evil. . ."

Nice. :)

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
Roger Denney <> wrote in

> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:42:46 -0500, "Don Staples"
> <> wrote:
>>"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>In article <>,
>>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend
>>> Who is "celebrating"?
>>> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
>>> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

Really? Then be honest with yourself, if not the rest of us.

What do you feel when you see an article like this one in the paper or the
net? Are you dismayed and tearful at these tragic deaths? Or do you get a
little rush of elation at yet another opportunity to throw it in the face of
the 'gun owners' you despise?

>>NO, you are just another dumb ass subject who cannot accept the consequences
>>of freedom.

> Does that mean I have to accept gun owners shooting at me in my car or
> at my home too?
> After all, in the news story below, that is exactly what happened and
> this isn't the first time.

It's called crime and it's not going away. That's one of several reasons
that the rest of us who aren't you want to have guns around. It makes perfect
sense to the rest of us. The mystery is where your damn fool logic comes from.

> The Beltway snipers are a prime example of
> what your culture of bloody death tolerates, so that you can have a
> "right" to keep a gun.

Nobody 'tolerates' it, dumb ass. That's why cops put manhunts on to find
the assholes that do it. If you want a world without guns there are many
places in the world where you can go for that. The US isn't one of them.

> Where are the rights to life of the individuals who get shot and
> killed each and every year by you gun-goons?

You don't have a right to life. You have a life. It's your job to protect

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm
to pass... it's about learning to dance
in the rain."
In article <>,
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> >
> > "tankfixer" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> > >>
> > >> <> wrote in message
> > >> news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->
> > >> > If there was gun at the nurses station and training of everyone was
> > >> > the norm he never would have gotten out of there.
> > >> > If he knew that people trained in firearms were everywhere and a gun
> > >> > could be anywhere to be used to protect those he went after, he never
> > >> > would have gone in.
> > >> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these
> > >> > nutjobs.
> > >>
> > >> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> > >> grudges with gunfire.
> > >
> > > That is the same argument the anti crowd tried when concealed carry laws
> > > were proposed.
> > > That gunfights would break out everywhere.
> > > Interestingly enough they were wrong....

> >
> > and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.
> >

> 1) More than half of those 30,000 are SUICIDES
> And suicide is MEANS-independent. In other words if they suicider
> doesn't have access to a gun, they will use something else.
> 2) Most of the 14,000 or so homicides are criminals killing other
> criminals with guns they shouldn't even have
> Which goes to show 2 things
> a) gun-control does not stop criminals from getting guns
> illegally
> b) It's a good thing when criminals kill each other. It reduces
> the population of those who can prey on the law-abiding

I had not figured suicides in but you are correct.
In article <>, says...
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:42:46 -0500, "Don Staples"
> <> wrote:
> >"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >>>In article <>,
> >>> says...
> >>>>
> >>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
> >>>
> >>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend
> >>
> >> Who is "celebrating"?
> >>
> >> I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
> >> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

> >
> >
> >NO, you are just another dumb ass subject who cannot accept the consequences
> >of freedom.

> Does that mean I have to accept gun owners shooting at me in my car or
> at my home too?

Why would they be doing that ?
You piss off the drug dealer on the corner ?
In article <4YdHj.38$ta2.3@trndny05>, says...
> HeyBub wrote:
> > I ran across something similar:
> >
> > "Women want men who can sail ships, set broken bones, plant crops,
> > cook dinner, write a masterpiece, solve equations, invent and repair
> > machines, teach a child, help a friend, respect and love a woman (and
> > be respected and loved by her), play sports, make a just decision,
> > climb a volcano, dress plainly and elegantly, defeat oppression with
> > a band of brothers, never say die but die bravely, dance willingly,
> > retain a sense of humour, treat animals kindly, love God, speak
> > honestly, and act resourcefully in the face of adversity. . ."
> >
> > Or at least Spartan women do...

> There ya go :) Robert Heinlein gets the credit for mine: 'Time Enough for
> Love'

A great man...
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:55:41 -0700, tankfixer
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
>> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
>> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
>> shot to death by thier little toys.

>Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
>toxicology major to study...

I wonder how many hallucigens they would find?

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:01:54 -0700, Roger Denney <>

>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
><> wrote:
>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.

>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?

And knives and sash weights and automobiles and blunt instruments and
boots and telephone cords and....
>The NRA and all their members have blood running off their hands and
>out the doors all the way to Congress.
>But not for long !! <bg>

Will you be slitting your belly on YouTube if Scotus finds against

Need a good sharp knife?

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:51:50 -0600, Omelet <>

>In article <>,
> "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> Roger Denney wrote:
>> >
>> > I am reporting the true-crime news about the blood-soaked American
>> > gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

>> At least we've GOT a god. Okay, some may call it an idol, but it works for
>> me.
>> My gun protects me, helps me get what I want, demands only modest offerings
>> and requires a fairly benign ritual of keeping my finger off the trigger and
>> pointing in a safe direction. It listens to my prayers and keeps me company.
>> I can count on it to support me in dire circumstances and it never judges me
>> or makes irrational demands.
>> My gun is my friend and companion. It will keep me safe.
>> I love, honor, and respect my gun. It will never fail me and I will never
>> fail it.
>> As the psalmist said, "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I
>> will fear no evil. . ."

>Nice. :)

"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is
my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my
rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle
true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me.
I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that
what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst,
or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will

My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I
will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its
strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I
will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We
will become part of each other.

Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my
country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my

So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace.