Timmay is literally Burnore's bitch.

On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:58:41 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?

>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?

>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.

I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.

Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> posted
<m89gf3tg6662e6vukcis0dn920vvbbq4hq@4ax.com> in alt.flame on Mon, 24
Sep 2007 21:59:11 +0100:

>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:

>>>He does have a point about the stalking thing. Did you ever post any
>>>proof of that claim?

>> I didn't, others did; xposted to alt.hackers.malicious, IIRC.

>Most of your Usenet acquaintances are also druggies, so its not
>surprising paranoia got the better of them.

Druggies? Really Timothy. These totally fabricated and unsubstantiated
accusations of yours are "the reason" why you are not taken seriously.

>>For awhile there he was post-humping me across several ngs.


You were still post humping and morphing in order to get attention.
It was quite an immature display on your part Timothy.

>>>Hop to it. Silence or the usual side-stepping techniques ("Yawn",
>>>"pats head", etc) will be read as cold hard proof you have none, and
>>>it will be 1-0 Timmay.
>>>And how sad would that be?

>>Incredibly sad.
>>This enough?

>Nope. Anyway, back to your original quote:
>"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
>claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy."
>Your quote clearly states I was stalking you from newsgroup to

No it doesn't. Well, it doesn't to any sentient being with some
reading comprehension skills.

>That indicates we're you're referring to at least three
>newsgroups I don't read (I'm presuming you're not over exaggerating)
>and all I've seen references to are AHM, which I was posting to for a
>little while to gloat at Burnore's server getting hacked.

Funny that even back then you were Gary's little bitch boi.
Some things never change.

>I've never seen any other newsgroups mentioned. Personally I just
>think you are a wailing banshee who got caught up with the Kittrie
>incident and got carried away, then turned to claiming victimhood into
>your sole Usenet pastime. Why you just can't admit you got a little
>paranoid and made a mistake I don't know.

So this is a declaration by Timothy that he didn't following Sharon
around from group to group yapping like a little deranged dog in some
feeble attempt to get attention.

OK Timothy...we really believe you .

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia.
-Charles Schultz

Hammer of Thor, April 2005
#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:

>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>and form a jerk circle.

>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"

Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?

>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.

>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.

If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
blow on the head recently.


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>> Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>> Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:

>> [...]
>>>> Everyone knows you're a dried-up bitter old hag who spends her time
>>>> claiming membership of whichever minority group can gain you the most
>>>> sympathy. Some people shy away from letting too many details slip
>>>> because they don't want that kind of attention. You, you wear your
>>>> badge of victimhood with pride and you'll shout down a megaphone to
>>>> make as many people aware of it. In years to come your time will be
>>>> spent attending funerals for people you barely knew and others will
>>>> regard you as some nosy old bag who is now a professional mourner.
>>>The irony.

>> You use the word 'irony' when something is being intimated, but you're
>> not quite sure what it is. Your fellow countrymen have the same
>> problem with irony. It stems from a poor education. I'd be shocked if
>> you were able to tie your own shoelaces and other such complex tasks.

>You never fail at not exceeding my expectations, dumb****. You've done
>such a great job at being a failure otherwise.

I liked the way you sidestepped explaining the irony you saw in my
paragraph. Don't trip over your shoelaces, you illiterate retard.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> posted:

>>I've never seen any other newsgroups mentioned. Personally I just
>>think you are a wailing banshee who got caught up with the Kittrie
>>incident and got carried away, then turned to claiming victimhood into
>>your sole Usenet pastime. Why you just can't admit you got a little
>>paranoid and made a mistake I don't know.

>So this is a declaration by Timothy that he didn't following Sharon
>around from group to group

'Following' in this case entails downloading newsgroups I don't
normally read to follow up her posts. It didn't happen. No proof has
been posted to support your argument. Sharon is a proven liar.


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 00:30:21 +0100, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>and form a jerk circle.

>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"

>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.

No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 00:30:32 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.

>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.

>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>blow on the head recently.

If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
you a day off from fluffing him.

Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.
>>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.

>>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>>blow on the head recently.

>If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
>you a day off from fluffing him.

If you're tired of sucking that cue ball, I'll have a word with
O'Neill and get him to give a day off from being his gimp.


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>>and form a jerk circle.
>>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"

>>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.

>No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.

Not another stupid kook in sight today. Looks like they do turn up on
their own.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 23:12:20 +0100, in
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>>>and form a jerk circle.
>>>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"
>>>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.

>>No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.

>Not another stupid kook in sight today. Looks like they do turn up on
>their own.

Don't reach down too far in the bag-o-lame, you just may not like what
you find.
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 23:12:14 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.
>>>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.
>>>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>>>blow on the head recently.

>>If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
>>you a day off from fluffing him.

>If you're tired of sucking that cue ball, I'll have a word with
>O'Neill and get him to give a day off from being his gimp.

Once you get a day off, try not to spend it sending messages about how
you have to take a whole ****ing day off.

Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>>>>and form a jerk circle.
>>>>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"
>>>>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.
>>>No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.

>>Not another stupid kook in sight today. Looks like they do turn up on
>>their own.

>Don't reach down too far in the bag-o-lame, you just may not like what
>you find.

Still only one stupid kook in sight. This has to be a first.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.
>>>>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.
>>>>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>>>>blow on the head recently.
>>>If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
>>>you a day off from fluffing him.

>>If you're tired of sucking that cue ball, I'll have a word with
>>O'Neill and get him to give a day off from being his gimp.

>Once you get a day off, try not to spend it sending messages about how
>you have to take a whole ****ing day off.

Did you enjoy your day off from being O'Neill's gimp?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 20:36:14 +0100, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>>>>>and form a jerk circle.
>>>>>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"
>>>>>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.
>>>>No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.
>>>Not another stupid kook in sight today. Looks like they do turn up on
>>>their own.

>>Don't reach down too far in the bag-o-lame, you just may not like what
>>you find.

>Still only one stupid kook in sight. This has to be a first.

Wow, my credibility just took a hit. Dayam, what shall I do, deary me,
called a kook, by a multi-award winner. Oh, the ignominy of it all.

Did you get any of that on you?


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 20:36:19 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>>>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.
>>>>>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.
>>>>>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>>>>>blow on the head recently.
>>>>If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
>>>>you a day off from fluffing him.
>>>If you're tired of sucking that cue ball, I'll have a word with
>>>O'Neill and get him to give a day off from being his gimp.

>>Once you get a day off, try not to spend it sending messages about how
>>you have to take a whole ****ing day off.

>Did you enjoy your day off from being O'Neill's gimp?

Did you enjoy being voted Gary's bitch?

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 13:01:41 -0700, Aratzio wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 20:36:14 +0100, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
> <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Cujo DeSockpuppet <cujo@petitmorte.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>You wait ages for one stupid kook to reply and three turn up at once
>>>>>>>>and form a jerk circle.
>>>>>>>ITYM "three ****ing weeks"
>>>>>>Thanks for justifying the stupid kook tag.
>>>>>No one truly faults you. They just assume you cannot help yourself.
>>>>Not another stupid kook in sight today. Looks like they do turn up on
>>>>their own.
>>>Don't reach down too far in the bag-o-lame, you just may not like what
>>>you find.

>>Still only one stupid kook in sight. This has to be a first.

> Wow, my credibility just took a hit. Dayam, what shall I do, deary me,
> called a kook, by a multi-award winner. Oh, the ignominy of it all.
> Did you get any of that on you?

He's the nursing home resident of lamers.
Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd be grateful if there was less mediocrity crossposted to alt.flame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make a note not to allow Timmay to cross-post into alt.flame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of felching Burnore already, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being Gary's bitch yet, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being made to run around in circles like a labrat, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of being a Usenet clown for nigh on 10 years, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of shooting fish in a barrel with only a water pistol in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>armory, Snooze?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of still being made fun of over your "three ****ing weeks" faux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pas, Timmay?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Still smarting after being spanked by a bunch of wannabe hobbits,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>elves and wizards?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Still trying to shake the legacy of being Big Daddy Zeus' runty little
>>>>>>>>>>>>Still posting to Usenet and pretending to be a woman, crossdresser?
>>>>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be mistaken for someone from the South of England,
>>>>>>>>>>Still hoping to be taken by a man, transsexual?
>>>>>>>>>Finally given up on the hope of being accepted and liked, Fyshy?
>>>>>>>>I'm close to giving up hope that you're going to flame me this month.
>>>>>>>I'm close to realizing why BDZ left you to whither on the vine.
>>>>>>If you're close to realising anything then you must have taken a heavy
>>>>>>blow on the head recently.
>>>>>If you're close to crying, let it all out - I'm sure Burnore will give
>>>>>you a day off from fluffing him.
>>>>If you're tired of sucking that cue ball, I'll have a word with
>>>>O'Neill and get him to give a day off from being his gimp.
>>>Once you get a day off, try not to spend it sending messages about how
>>>you have to take a whole ****ing day off.

>>Did you enjoy your day off from being O'Neill's gimp?

>Did you enjoy being voted Gary's bitch?

Did you enjoy sucking O'Neill's cue ball for hours on end?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>>Still only one stupid kook in sight. This has to be a first.

>Wow, my credibility just took a hit.

You never had any in the first place.

>Dayam, what shall I do, deary me, called a kook, by a multi-award winner.

Hopefully you'll get the message that constantly making yourself a
laughing stock with these tepid displays of your mediocre (f)laming
talent and endeavour to dive in front of a bus, allowing spam to
improve the signal to noise ratio in AF.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:

>He's the nursing home resident of lamers.

If it isn't AUK equivilant of JR Ewing. How's the oil business? Want
to talk about your laughable boasts yet? IT Contractor too. Netware.
You're so laughable.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades

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