Trifling Forum Ho's


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Well, I was looking through the shout box log and came across some conversations that were before my time. I'm not mentioning any names because I don't believe in calling people out but I saw someone messing with my girl, Chi.

She was being "dared" to post her pictures and what not. Once she offered a link to her online photo album, she was called things like "Ugly Mexican" (I happen to think Chi is gorgeous). This very same person at one time asked if I had any pics online but I ignored her request. Was not interested in a GF beauty contest.

Now, onto the topic of discussion. With the influx of new females at GF, I have noticed they are not offered a warm welcome by existing female members. They are flamed without cause and judged by their pictures. Well, let me say this, how insecure these girls must be to feel these new female members are here to steal their male prey. Why do forums always end up becoming a beauty contest among the insecure women folk?

Second, how do you feel about meeting members of the opposite sex on forums? Though I find it somewhat pathetic, it does have it's benefits. Stereotypically, men just are not the type to willingly share their feelings. However, the men on forums (not just GF) are already there to discuss their philosophies and beliefs. They already show themselves to be open to their emotions and thoughts.

As a women, do you find this beneficial as you might find a man to be interesting yet this same man might not have even turned your head if you saw him walking down the street? Men, do you like the idea that this gives you the chance to really know a women's heart and mind instead of things immediately being about sex?

Question Three: What is up with these GF personas? What is the point of exchaning your ideas if you are only putting on an act? When I spoke with a member from here privately, they told me to "drop the persona this isn't GF." I corrected this individual and said I was this crazy everywhere I go. :p But seriously, what is the point of being something your not?

Thoughts? Feelings? Any go-to-hell, Phantom's?
Phantom said:
Men, do you tend to like the idea that this gives you the chance to really know a women instead of it immediately being about sex?As in you really get to know her before transferring your attention to her body- you first get to know her mind.

I for one am offended by your comment. What makes you think that any man in the world is interested in knowing a woman? Since when does a man look at anything besides how a woman looks? Damnit woman, why would we? That's what we're there for, that's what we'll pay attention to!

I hope that nobody was taken aback by my facetious remarks. Ok, I don’t really care if you were or not… but, I do find the original proposal interesting. I’ve never been one to use the internet, specifically message boards to find love, or a hookup, or a date… I guess it would be a way to get to know someone on an emotional level before you met face to face… Hmm… I’ll have to look into it! :rolleyes:

(I almost started this reply with a completely different remark. "I for one am offended by your comment. What gives you the right to say that a man or men only care about a woman's body?... etc. etc. etc... Oh well, I like the one I did better I think!):cool:
Damn, I missed that first part.. And to be honest, if I was here at that time.. I would have definately chimed in my 2 cents.. I hate that crap..This is not a ****ing beauty pagent..

But with that said.. I have only seen one female here, jump the gun with the other female members.. The rest have pretty much welcomed me in as much as the men on this site..

I could really care less about all the bullshit involving who loves who this week, and who ****ed who last week..As long as its not me that is being discussed... I like to keep that **** kinda to myself..

Anyhow, the problem here is internet persona.. If Billy wants to be known as billybadass here..Then he can.. All he/she has to do is splash their nasty little self around, let people see how they react..And its done.. People think he/she is a *****.. Now with that being said, I have on many occasions gone to other forums, and found the same. I guess its all about timing..The longer you frequent a place..The more opportunity your going to have to actually get to know its memebers..
Sweeping generalizations strike again.
One of my favorite people on here is a female (and I'm straight).
Then again I haven't been around for the influx of new women lately. I missed all the fun :rolleyes:
I don't remember someone calling Chi ugly? I think she's very pretty and I would've remember something like that

Second, how do you feel about meeting members of the opposite sex on forums? Though I find it somewhat pathetic, it does have it's benefits. Stereotypically, men just are not the type to willingly share their feelings. However, the men on forums (not just GF) are already there to discuss their philosophies and beliefs. They already show themselves to be open to their emotions and thoughts.

I've got one man in my life, that's more than enough for me.

Well, I was looking through the shout box log and came across some conversations that were before my time. I'm not mentioning any names because I don't believe in calling people out but I saw someone messing with my girl, Chi.

How far back did you go?! :eek:

What is up with these GF personas?
This is pretty much how I am all the time. Everyone I have talked to from here in IM/PM has been the same, one on one or in a 'group' on here.
Most men I know, never want 'in' a woman's mind.. lol.. There looking for an 'in' her pants type thing..

For meeting others on this forum.. I think that I wouldn't have a problem with any of the female members.. For obvious reasons.. As for the men, well.. That is a different story.. I wouldn't want to have to wrestle any of these men down for use of there keyboard..LOL They are all keyboard whores.. have you noticed? I am joking, maybe.. lol
RegisteredAndEducated said:
What makes you think that any man in the world is interested in knowing a woman? Since when does a man look at anything besides how a woman looks?

Some men only want a "hot young thing" and some are truly interested in the whole package. I am saying if this is what appeals to you (obviously it doesn't :p) do you appreciate knowing she has the personality to go along with her appearance. But you are right, a lot of men could care less and just want an arm trinket to tout around town and take to bed.
angie said:
I don't remember someone calling Chi ugly?...I would've remember something like that... How far back did you go?!

I do not like calling people out which is why I didn't mention the name of the instigator but when I saw the comments a few days ago, it was on page 1000 exactly. No telling where it is now. If the woman wishes to reveal her identity on this post, so be it, but I will leave it to her to choose. This wasn't meant to embarass her.
Phantom said:
I do not like calling people out which is why I didn't mention the name of the instigator but when I saw the comments a few days ago, it was on page 1000 exactly. No telling where it is now. If the woman wishes to reveal her identity on this post, so be it, but I will leave it to her to choose. This wasn't meant to embarass her.
No I wouldn't ask you to do that. I was just surprised. If I want to know badly enough, I can look myself.
I think I remember that about chi. The “persona” of GF is to attack! Even though she is cute they went for her looks. I think I came back and commented that she looks great.

I’m married and I’m not looking for anything new but I do like to flirt. So do the girls most of the time. I love eye candy and we have a great batch of good looking women here. You can’t fault me for finding some of you attractive. However I would like to understand women better. You don’t get this correlation with this many anywhere else but the internet. I don’t think I will ever understand women but it dose give me an insight. (Women are from Venus, men are from Mars).

Personas: yes we all have them. How close to reality are they? I guess only your hair dresser knows for sure.
I come across patriotic. I will be frank for a moment (nice not to be Charlie Brown for awhile). I messed up during my military time. I regret it a lot. So I guess I’m trying to make it up by portraying myself a great patriot. I guess I am now but don’t know if I deserve it.

There are a lot of instances here were I didn’t like someone right of the bat. I had arguments and debates with them. But I find after awhile I start to get along with them. That’s a great thing and I wish the real life could be so simplistic.

PS: builder licks limp dicks! The goo is already on his chin.
I think he just wanted people too see his post about Builder. It would seem that through this we have learned ALOT about Builder and his sick proclivities...
KathyA said:
Most men I know, never want 'in' a woman mind.. lol.. There looking for an 'in' her pants type thing..

I've said it before and by gum I'll say it again: If you look down an outhouse, expect to find ****.

Man or woman, there are plenty to to be dismissed as idiots. If you have a problem with these folk than work on your radar and remove the dipwads form your life. i've recently been tossed into a group of mostly "Normal" folk, average dipwads running about, the odd one could be good people but is too corrupted by the others for that to make much a difference. Patriarchical BS is something I'm not used to, I took for granted that I was able to long ago weed out the scum from my personal life.

If you are one of the unfortunate many who are in thier world (assuming your not one yourself) than get the hell out if they're bothering you, its your choice.

Excuse the overly serious tone of this post. Seriously, if you saw a marine bitch about seeing toomuch green, you'd give em a good slappin