Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
Roller coasters just make me sick. I have a veryweak stomach, lol

well bike riding would have been great, had we not goteen in trouble for something. Alex has this idea to put a stick with **** on it on this one girl we HATE's doorstep. Only the neighbors reported it to them, so their parents came up and her mom, Debbie, started getting in our faces and swearing at us, and telling us we were stupid. I just looked at her and said okay. sthen she accused me of giving her attitude. WTF. she told us that we were the ones giving amanda the ****. OMG I wanted to kill her! Finally she left and said if my dad didn't call her, then she'd call the police. FINE! call the ******* police, she'll getin mopre trouble than us!!

So when I got hom,e she'd already called dad, and he told me she was psycho and that he'd tell her i was wrong to to that **** sick thing, but she was wrong to yell and swear at us. Kewl. I feel bad tfor Nikhil and Alex tho, their parents might be mad at them.

anways, cookies couldn't come, for some reason or another. We went to starbucks and the library, but I couldn't check anything out becuase I have like a 16 dollar fee! lmao whoops. anyways, I had to come home, now I'm here, tired, and cold.




New member
Sounds stressful :eek:

Haha, $16 fee, nice. My friend has had a GameCube game from Blockbuster for like a year and a half. They finally quit calling his house, lol.

Well, hope you get some rest :p So long!



New member
It was stressful, but I'm okay now. I'm just so ******* ****** at the ignorance of some people!

lmao, did he have to pay for it, or did they just give up, and he kept it? lmao I don't think I could get away with that lmao...

thanks, but I'm kind of awake now! :D



New member

He didn't have to pay for it. He'll never get to rent anything from blockbuster again unless he wants to pay like a $300 fee though, lmao. He hasn't been there since, lol.



New member
I think so. But Medicine Hat only has one Blockbuster, lmao. So he just goes to Movie Gallery or something.


New member
LOL yeah, it was very humorous at the time! XD I'm okay now, thanks Vero!

Okay Sunday, april 10th!

^.^ *lazy ****

K so last night I watched FmA, so effed up!

THEN, I watched Van Hellsing with dad and it sucked so bad that we had to turn it off. Omg, it was the most boring thing... I'm starting to get ****** with my lack of quality entertainment. T_T

This mornign I was woken by the phone.

Blah, I took a shower and then (since i found out last night that we have On Demand) watched TV. You can play Music Videos that you want, and movies, and I even found some anime channels! so I watched some random shows...I watched this one thing where it reviewed a couple shows that were coming out. Ummm One looked realllllly funny, it was something about a highschool for delinnquents (forgot the name of the highschool) but it was hilarious!

hmm, yeah, lol, I was happy becuase on demand is so awesome!

I have to do laundry, h/w and make cookies. -.-

so ima go now, bye bey y'all!! <3



New member
Van Helsing was horrible. I stopped half-way through too, lol.

Have fun with your homework/cookies, haha. So long!



New member
Hmm..I dont like taht kind of movies cause Draculas are just stupid lol

Sounds like on demad is really cool!

omg lol I cant bake! so I dont do it! ther´s not 1 time that I´ve baked something and either it´s raw or it´s burned lol

I just suck at it!

well, good luck to you :p

*hugs back*



New member
:D yeah I'll give you all cookies! *makes rainbow again............but of cookies*

Yeah VH was one of the worst movies...very repetetive, bad acting, annoying characters, horrible plot, and no suspense... I had a serious lack of intrest. It was like torture to stay awake... finally dad said, "do you wanna keep watching this??" Im like :"NO!" lmao, so yeah



New member
Cookies for me or for misery? *wonders*

I´ve just always found draculas really really stupid..I mean what´s up with the coat idk I just dont like ´em..



New member
BOTH OF YOU! *spreads arms wide!* sorry I'm hyper...! and anyone else who visits me! *sounds like an old grandma*

lmao, yeah....I really don't like dracula, or warewolves or any stuff like that



New member
whahaha lol dont worry!

you always somehow seem to crack me up lol

idk why...guess you´re just funny! :p

yaaaay thanx gra--I mean Twi :D

*eats ´em* ooooh...yyummy in the tummmy!! mmmmmmmm

the only thing I like in this kinda stuff is the adams family! lol I love them! :p



New member
me too!

I gotta sleep...

I´m not tired!

oh I know..I´ll continue drawing..

yeah so anyways..

good luck with the stuff dude



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