Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
lmao guys, Mr. J is Mr. Jones, my business teacher.

full update for today

This morning it was really warm, so I didn't wear a jacket. On the bus, I thought it was extremely amusing that these kids wont ask me to move my backpack. instead they try and pry their way into the seat, and hanging off it. Today one kid attempts to sit on my backpack. I mean, where do you draw the line. I had to urge to laugh in his face.

english: Dwyer manages to not be here everytime we have a reading quiz.

Gym: Highlight of my day, I think. volleyball was fun. I played on a team with Lauren, Wakana, Paige, Alison, and Carina. Haha, I'm not going to describe all the funny things, so you can take my word for it :p

Computer apps: nothing too exciting happened.

Lunch: good day today. lmao @ kim and brad. Another one of those "you had to be there" things. Brad: "I'M NOT FAT" *covers his ears and shakes* XD

Alexis and Rena were absent though. :'(

Chemistry was stupid. Me, Gina, and Vilo worked on the debate, but everyone was so disorganized. >.> we just did random stuff...

Business was better than usual. we actually did something.

Cameron: *starts typing and Gabe reads it outloud*

"Ryan and me are best friends. We love to hang out. Sometimes he comes over to my house and we touch each other. it's a lot of fun..." etc. *****. Ryan was like 'wtf rofl'

XD yeah that was the highlight of the period.

Spanish was like always. boring and stupid, yet amusing at the same time.

Geometry was meh. We got our tests back, and I got a C. not that I expected any better.

Mr. Zizzo annoyed me today. He's so pompous. and his sneakers. ugh.

when I got home, it was like 40 mph winds, and the workers across the street had a friggen huge fire, and the smoke was horrible.

I went to the store, and took a shower, and here I am.



New member
Ugh, I'm glad I don't take the bus anymore, lol. Too crowded and grungy and stuff, haha.

Reading quiz? Weird, lol. Is that when you read like a short story and analyze it or something?

As for your chemistry groupwork thing, yea, that happens alot. Oh well.

Anyways, sounds like a pretty good day. Take care :)



New member
Aww lucky!! you have a car or something??

I have to wait til this summer to get a car, then next year I can drive to school!

Yeah, we had to read an excerpt from autobiographies of John Stuart Mill and Charles Darwin, then we had to take an individual quiz, and a group quiz, which comprised of writing lengthy resposes over the material. *nod*

Yeah, I hate group work :rolleyes:

thanks buddy :)



New member
haha...sometimes we touch each other, it's a lot of fun

that got me lauging XD

your school sounds like a lot of fun, at least at times



New member
OOOhhhhh okay Mr.J i get it now XD I thought you were just

Calling fribs that XD oh well just gonna say Hi and bye cause I gotta go to work now

OOOOOooooHHHhhhhh NNNnnnooooo!!!!1 o_O '



New member
aww josh, thanks for your visit. nothin' much is up,you?

<3 ya

fribby- lmao yeah, I was laughing just typing that

Well the friends and stuff is great, but not the actual classes, except for a few :)

Shaun: lmao maybe I should call fribby Mr. J! XD

lol have fun hun



New member
Ahh Woody how can you possibly make me pick?I love every single song...

but some favorites are

*The Perfect Drug

*Head Like A Hole


*Kinda I Want To

*Something I Can Never Have


*With Teeth

*Right Where It Belongs

*The Hand That Feeds

*March of the Pigs





*Terrible Lie

Yeah, just some of my favorites (wow, that's a lot)

<3 ya Woody
I love you so much twi !

Have I ever told you that?



New member
Oh my I forgot a few

*Into the Void


*We're In This Together


Yes, I think you have told me that, but it's always nice to be reminded. :D

I love you too ^^



New member
Twitwi. :(

I feel so bad for not coming here more often, its been years! Lmao.

How have you been doing,lovely?

Hopefully everything is going good.

Take care.*muah*



New member
Misery- Niiice, even though I don't know what kind of car that is XD

Sammi- Hiiii hon! I've missed you ^_^ I'm fine. reallly hungry right now though :p


Faded- Oh I'm sooo glad to see you again!!!!!!!!!! *super big hugs*

It feels like years, no??? And how are you???? :D

Nothing really to update. Today has been rather bland so far. just looking forward to lunch



New member
ahhh today sucked.

I can't wait until break.

*eats bagel*

I hate people in general.

I like books, and I like thinking.

and eating and sleeping.

I have to meet with Paige tonight.

Tomorrow me and Alexis are baking cookies for Mr. O's birthday XD. yeah, I hope alexis is okay by tomorrow.

[/end random thoughts]

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