Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

Oh well that's a relief. I thought you were eating it like everyday o___O; that'd be sick.

So last night. Crazy.

Not really, but it was fun.

We met at Em's, and we jumped on her trampoline! OMGWTFBBQ.... I always wanted one, but I never knew how fun they were.
Damn. We were just jumping and giggling. I mean, there's nothing funny about it, but you just GIGGLE, like a madman. and then you fall down in a pile of jello-limbs and laugh your ass off. Man.

Then we finally got to walking to the fest. I bought some tickets after having a hotdog and lemonade that cost me NINE DOLLARS. jesus. They sucked too.

The first ride I went on was Pharoh's Fury, which I was reluctant to do, because that's the most intense ride I was willing to go on, and I just ate. But I figured, the hell, I'll do it. Somehow Emily and Nikhil convinced me to sit on the END of the boat, and HOLY ****ING CHRIST, I was scared out of my mind. You go UP until you're PERPENDICULAR with the ground! I SWEAR I WANTED TO PEE MY PANTS. I was shaking really hard and I just wanted it to end! *is such a whimp*
But man... I'm never sitting on the end again. Ever. It was slightly fun, but the terror overrode it by millions. When we would reach the very top of the arch, You would be facing forward, and you'd see the ground. Seriously, and I would feel like I was coming out of the seat, and oh my god, I just was terrified.

Anyway, I watched my friends go on some other insane rides... then they convinced me to go on the Tilt-a-whirl and it was actually pretty fun, and I didn't get sick!

We had some funnel cake, and I saw my aunt and her friends so I talked to them a bit.

Now the sun was down, and we went on the ferris wheel, which was really calming, despite my fear of heights.

We walked around a bit then left.

It was like ten, and we went to jump on the trampoline again xD
We had so much fun, and we just mused and reflected for a while. I really would have liked to sleep out there.

I ended up sleeping over at alex's house... and here I am.
Have to go get an oil change...
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That's not bad. But normally, a hotdog + drink is around 3.5 dollars here. So it's like 3x more at the fair.

Every year my village has a fair. Every year its the same, lol. Its tradition... I should get the pass next year.

Oh my gosh, i went to get my oil change... stupid me, during rush hour. I took the elgin o'hare to wooddale, no problem, but coming back was ridiculous. I attemped to go the way I came there, and I realized it would be busy. But there was construction on irving, so I figured it'd be twice as bad going that way. So I waited in the left turn lane for about 10 minutes and gave up. I went north a bit and figured if I turned left up there, I'd reach medinah that way. So I did, I turned on Devon and it wasn't so bad, but I didn't realize devon ended at Rhowling! So I had to make a sloppy decision and turn left there. But it was all good, because the elgin o'hare was right there. But that seemed pointless since I wanted to avoid the elgin o'hare. But whatever. Thorndale was just too busy. It was worth it I guess. Butttt, when I was ALMOST back to irving, I got stuck at a train. Not just one train, but once the other one left, ANOTHER one came in from the other direction. I was like *gape* god does not want me to get home.

So anyway, I just thought that was way more complicated than it should have been. And I realize NO ONE will know what I'm talking about in terms of streets and stuff, but I just needed to rant.
Yeah.. I heard it's quite a fortune to drive there... not to mention, a pain.
Yeah, we have kind of the same thing here, police officers can drive normal cars, so you wouldn't identify them, and all of a sudden, they pull you over.
But mom taught me how to identify them their license plates always start with an M.

Yeah, in the suburbs, driving is a necessity sometimes.
I haven't really had the motivation to post here lately...

I just noticed that the "30-second rule" regarding the "new post" thing really pisses me off. I don't want to hit the back key, I want to hit the NEW POSTS link. Jeez. *random griping*

I've been trying to improve my dream recall in order to have lucid dreams (blah blah weirdness)

night one was a failure, but I think I understand my mistakes.

summer school today was HELL.
I hate people.