Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

It's not that I'm quick... its that, when I enter a thread by accident, or if I decide I don't want to post, I want to go back to the new posts page, so my habit it to press the "new posts" link at the top, but most of the time, it won't let me because of that stupid rule. I just... I'm not in the habit of pressing the back space, I just press the link instinctively... and it pisses me off cause now I have to break the habit! Oh god I'm corny.


Lucid Dreaming

Before we begin, consider this: if the average person spends 7 hours a day sleeping, and lives an average life of about 75 years, then he or she has slept nearly 1/3 (22 years) of his or her life away. Those averages are not based on any official gathered data, but serve to impress the point of just how much of our lives we actually spend sleeping. It’s possible, however, to get more life out of those wasted years through lucid dreaming and dream control. Of course, that’s more easily said than done. Before being able to control your dreams you have to be able to recognize that you are dreaming.
Lucid dreaming (also known as dream consciousness or conscious dreaming) is dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming. To actually have a lucid dream you merely have to recognize that you are dreaming. Realizing you are dreaming may not seem all that special, but becoming aware that you are dreaming presents the opportunity of controlling dreams. The idea is that once you are aware you are dreaming you can alter your dreams and dictate what happens: you can do anything you’ve ever wanted and go anywhere you’ve ever desired. Furthermore, everyone can learn how to have lucid dreams. Sound too good to be true, or perhaps a little too “new-ageish?” Lucid dreaming is very real and very possible, and there are many practical and down-to-Earth reasons to experiment with lucid dreams. Are you a little apprehensive over the idea of controlling your dreams, for various reasons? You can also use components of lucid dreaming to simply aid in dream recall, to provide you with more of an opportunity to deeply explore your dreams, and to even help increase the chances of you dreaming about things that you’d like to dream about—without having control. Regardless, we are getting ahead of ourselves here. A good place to start is with a more complete explanation of just what constitutes lucid dreaming.
Woah fribs.... I... are you in a bad mood, cause that was full of fury! o.o Not that you can't be. But you're usually in such a good mood ^^
Yeah, people really started pissing me off t'day.

sygy-it is amazing! Here's the community.
I really want to be able to fully experience my dreams... It's very very exciting.
I actually took a very long and satisfying nap after my horrid day of summer school, and after uselessly trying to do homework.
I had a pretty vivid dream that involved some girls and a pet (WHY DIDN'T I WRITE IT DOWN? IT'S PART OF MY TRAINING..ahahafdhadfadfja;lkdfj *slaps self*) but the part I vividly remember is we were driving down a hugeee highway that bridged over another huge highway and it was at night. I saw like 10 lanes wide filled with cars... and in front of us were Gundams (if anyone has ever watched a gundam show... xD) or they might have been transformers. either way, they were huge. And they were just walking casually down the highway... and when we passed them, I waved at them and smiled and they waved back, and I was SOOO happy xD.

But I really have to start keeping my dream journal.

Thing is, I'm actually pretty energetic (might go dance to some techno) and I dunno if I 'm going to get a good night's sleep. O__O

So, possible things coming up that are worthy of my excitement xD
  • This friday, probably going to see An Ideal Husband, which is a play by dear mr. Wilde. *sighs*
  • Going to the Wheaton DuPage fair and seeing The Hush Sound!
  • College visit day the next day....
  • August 4-11 FISHING trip to Wisconsin :D
  • SEPTEMBER FIRST=PROJEKT REVOLUTION. (i still can't believe I'm going)
Ah yeah, lucid already happened to me sometimes when I was dreaming in the morning (which is quite interesting cuz we are supposed to be dreaming pretty soon after we fall asleep...) and I was aware that I was dreaming...I also tried to make the dreams go my way but then I ussually woke up and couldn't get back to the dreams...

Well, yeah, it would be pretty cool to be able to control dreams but Idk...I ussually don't remember them, especially for the last few weeks...
Woah fribs.... I... are you in a bad mood, cause that was full of fury! o.o Not that you can't be. But you're usually in such a good mood ^^
Yeah, people really started pissing me off t'day.

sygy-it is amazing! Here's the community.
I really want to be able to fully experience my dreams... It's very very exciting.
I actually took a very long and satisfying nap after my horrid day of summer school, and after uselessly trying to do homework.
I had a pretty vivid dream that involved some girls and a pet (WHY DIDN'T I WRITE IT DOWN? IT'S PART OF MY TRAINING..ahahafdhadfadfja;lkdfj *slaps self*) but the part I vividly remember is we were driving down a hugeee highway that bridged over another huge highway and it was at night. I saw like 10 lanes wide filled with cars... and in front of us were Gundams (if anyone has ever watched a gundam show... xD) or they might have been transformers. either way, they were huge. And they were just walking casually down the highway... and when we passed them, I waved at them and smiled and they waved back, and I was SOOO happy xD.

But I really have to start keeping my dream journal.

Thing is, I'm actually pretty energetic (might go dance to some techno) and I dunno if I 'm going to get a good night's sleep. O__O

So, possible things coming up that are worthy of my excitement xD
  • This friday, probably going to see An Ideal Husband, which is a play by dear mr. Wilde. *sighs*
  • Going to the Wheaton DuPage fair and seeing The Hush Sound!
  • College visit day the next day....
  • August 4-11 FISHING trip to Wisconsin :D
  • SEPTEMBER FIRST=PROJEKT REVOLUTION. (i still can't believe I'm going)
ehh I dunno. I might seem calm usually, but actually sometimes I can get very angry....

that lucid dreaming and dream journal sounds kinda...exciting
too bad I'm way too lazy to do it...but good luck to you lol :p
that whole dream thing is kinda strange

I don't know if it really makes sense to "read" dreams...
diana- oh yeah, I've had plenty of dreams where I'd try to "get back into them" but it doesn't work. Apparently with this dream recall discipline, I can have that kind of control over my dreams.

and for all you lazy-butts, MORE AWESOME DREAMS FOR ME THEN! xD

AHHH I almost forgot to mention. Today as I was dropping alex off, we saw someone crash and burn. Okay, maybe not burn, but there was smoke all over the place! It took me a while to figure out what it was. Alex saw some guy in a car moving around and he went off the road and just smoked. I was too busy watching the car to realize there were parts of his car all over the road in front of us. I tried to avoid driving over one, but it was MOVING so I did my best. I heard it clank against the underside of my car. Damn, i hope Bobo (my car) is okay. Good thing I didn't run over it though, right?
So I was in shock for a few seconds, and I was like "should I call 911?" cause I was never in a situation that required that.
So Alex used my cell to call 911... we told them we were headed eastbound on the ElginOhare and that we were a mile away from medinah road and they were like, all confused. So we told them the best we could, where he crashed.
I was a little dazed... so I dropped off alex and I had to go back on the ElginOhare to get to Mom's house.
The road was backed up, because people were looking at the accident. When I finally passed it, I saw a bunch of people standing around. Firefighters, police, regular people. I didn't see any stretchers or blood. So I hope the guy made it out okay. I hope he's not injured too bad. I was really attached to the scene though, because I could have saved his life. Granted, someone else might have called, or HE might have called... but still, NO BODY might have called. So there's a possibility that I saved someone's life. I'd like to think that anyway. I felt really good though... and horrible at the same time. I don't know for sure if he survived.... and I wanted to know so badly. But I had to move on lest someone run ME over.
So that event will be in my mind for a while.

You know what I realized, I haven't OBSESSED over trent in a while.
Jeezy's journal has inspired me to spam you guys with his image.





GOD THAT'S HOTT xD *is shot*
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sheesh! thats awful, at least in america you have space so if theres a crash it isnt as bad as it is here, which london being so small as with our narrow roads (compared to yours) youcanimage if theres a crash its like carnage and pile up!

anyways, trent was good looking, hes kinda lost it now! >.< got fat for a bit didnt he?
why is it that a guy can (and for some women, should) have a lot of hair, but under no circumstances can he have a beard...exept it's like a 3-day thing lol

But long silky hair is a plus. I DUNNO FRIBS. Its just a psychological thing I guess.
It's weird though, I usually like more feminine faces... so it confuses me why I love Trent so much since he is so masculine... but then I remember HE IS AMAZING.
shall we be frankly honest about beards? they look and have the same texture as pubes ok, ive said it now, its in the open! >:O!!! its the honest truth. *shiffty eyes*

as for men twi, i highly agree with you, i use to quite like those angrodenous types too, but then when push comes to shove and it comes down to it, i'ld rather like some uber mascline man. you know, really tall (over 6'') and with the broad chest! and the hair, the next luxerious hair which is well taken care of but not to girly. then the uber deep voice and i nice man grin..ummmmmmmmm and maybe those like POWER legs of doom! and big muscular arms...and good teeth, basically everything british men are generally not! with the expection of Glen from the scottish oaks i want his kilt to blow up.*drools like homer* but they have to have a senistive side as well..and not blonde....ok thats my fantasizing over..for now
lmaooo xD
i love you sygy xDDD
your phrasing is delightful. ^_^
I love androygynes ( like Brian Molko!) ;)

but Trent is god.

Come to think of it... Trent used to have some pretty nice drag going on in his PHM days.


But they both seem to have lost that look lately....


And I don't mind :D <3
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