Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

*clears throat and shoves guy out of closet*

Now then....

Today sucked. Majorly. I slept late and had whacked out dreams... wow.
I woke up, made breakfast, shopped for gorceries, ate lunch, internetted, and took a nap. I DID UTTERLY NOTHING TODAY. I feel like shite now.

While making tea just now, I discovered a mafia gathering of fruit-flies. Upon further inspection, there was a rotten nectarine hidden under perfectly fine fruit. WONDERFUL. It was disgusting. I took the good fruit out, and threw the rest of it out, and there were maggots and cacoons and **** in the fruit basket. omfg. I hate cleaning bug stuffs. So I poured disinfectant over the counter and basket and thoroughly cleaned it. I had to make sure there were no maggots left.

REMIND ME to check my ****ing fruit basket once and a while. DAMN.

So now I REALLY have to work on that powerpoint I've been dreading... and hopefully do something active.

Ugh. *bitch moan*
****.... I miss London... there were like, hardly any bugs there. Jeez. LUCKY.
Yeah I like nothingness... once and a while. I tend to get in a habit of nothingness... and that leads to trouble. *sigh*
So I have to do stuff today. I'm starting to feel that summer angst coming.

We finished "Catch Me If You Can" in summer school today ... it was such a good movie.
****.... I miss London... there were like, hardly any bugs there. Jeez. LUCKY.
Yeah I like nothingness... once and a while. I tend to get in a habit of nothingness... and that leads to trouble. *sigh*
So I have to do stuff today. I'm starting to feel that summer angst coming.

We finished "Catch Me If You Can" in summer school today ... it was such a good movie.

yeah catch me if you can is great

I know that can be cool
Man, I should write a rant about that movie. Maybe on my LJ, lol, people would sheik in fear if I posted it here xD

Man, last night was amusing. What with ATLien's video thing. I was so ****ing slaphappy. Wow.
But I went to bed thinking that my mind-splitting headache would go away, but it's still rocking my world. (It feels like someone's taking knives to both sides of my brain and stabbing my brain, then twisting the knife around inside my head.

*searches desperately for asprin*

off to summerschool -______-;;
Have fun there...

and yeah ATLiens channel is cool...a little bit like the Truman
Have fun there...

and yeah ATLiens channel is cool...a little bit like the Truman

omg i was sooo thinking that!!! o__O;;
Thank you both! Guess what, I WOKE UP with the same headache ! it didn't go away!
but miraculously, the coffee I made made everything go away!
We watched "Trading Places" today, which was hilarious and funny

WOW, I'm really not very eloquent today... and pardon the grammar

gotta go! ttyl
Ha, that sounded like the fruit basket from hell!
I hate cleaning up really nasty stuff like that. I would have just thrown it all out into the trashcan outside and said screw it. I hate bugs alot...anytime I see one in my house, it gets smashed with a shoe.
I know I haven't been around lately. I've been trying to be more productive.
I'm sorry I haven't visited anyone's journals lately! I still love you guys!

I will tell you about today though.
I was thoughtless, literally, until the nurse ripped open a package of fresh metal instruments. I started worrying then. I tried not to look at the pictures of decayed and festering teeth. I have to say obedience by fear is quite an effective method. o_o.
I broke out into a cold sweat when Dr. Volk told me I had a very very small cavity. WHHHHAAAT? Noooo. I wanted to whine like a baby, and I think I did a little. I hate how they act like it's no big deal even though they know it is. Though I guess his lack of concern meant it wasn't something to worry about, but images of drills and flailing bodies chained down to chairs were rolling casually through my head. I asked him inbetween salt-blasting my teeth what he would do to fix the cavity, and he told me. He said it won't hurt.
He's a very odd man. He looks sweaty and gross and barely awake, but he has an almost crude but oddly charming sense of humor. I found I wasn't smiling just to be polite when he told a joke. I think his speech reminded me of my grampa.
I told him about summer school and he was like "consumer ed? what is that bullshit..." then proceeded to tell me I was lucky for having that course. ... and plenty of other swear words and incoherent phrases. I found it hard to understand his meaning between his slurred words and his contradicting meaning when compared to his words. But I found him funny none the less, genuinely. Even when he was aggrivated with the nurse, he didn't yell, he was just harsh. The nozzle for the salt water wasn't working so he said "okay, let meknow when you have a clean nozzle," and left the room.
After he was done washing my teeth with saltwater, my gums were bleeding and screaming. It felt good though. I relished the stingy throb. But the blood was making me uneasy. I was making an appointment to get the cavity filled was having a very difficult time talking because I was accumulating blood in my mouth. My last "thanks, bye" was garbled by the liquids in my mouth.
Luckily, they gave me a goody bag with a tooth brush, tooth paste, listerine, and floss so when I got outside, I spit the mouthful of blood and floruide in the woodchips. I was surprised at how bloody it was. I was glad I didn't swallow it. I brushed my teeth and gargled with water in the parking lot. I didn't care that it was in the parking lot.
I am still enjoying the sting, and dreading the cavity.

I have to go another 3 weeks knowing I have a cavity in my mouth, albeit a tiny one.

Also, I'm leaving tomorrow.

Aunt Jean is here and she got me some bling. She's so funny. For some reason, I enjoy having conversations with everyone more when she's in them. I think she brings out the playfulness in everyone.
We're having a contest.
  • Who gets the first fish;
  • the biggest
  • the smallest
  • the most
  • and maybe other categories to come.
The prizes will accumulate each day. The winner getting a few dollars to spend in hayward's shopping center! I'm going to the CANDY store. I think the last time I was there was with Rena and Alex. HOLY SHITE. too long ago.

Also, Jean is betting she can get Gramma to go swimming, go in the water. Me and mom don't think she will, but I have faith!
There's also swimming, tennis, and other stuff to do.
I'm taking my camera, and there's internet at the lounge, so I'll post some pictures and talk to folks while I'm up there.

[oh man, I just realized after posting this, I just got through explaining I had a cavity, and then proceeded to drool over the prospect of loading up on candy there! Ugh. It all makes sense now xD]

So, adeiu!

Lmao cavities hurt like hell.. lmao no but the painkillers make you feel weird. I bit open my tounge once lmao. Your aunt Jean sounds like the coolest person on earth.. besides you of course lmao.
Interesting description of your visit at dentist...very...ummm...detailed...pretty enthusiastic...

Sounds like you're gonna have some fun time...great! Can't wait to see the pics and all...^^

And yup, your love for candy really may have sth to do with your cavity...:D