Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

*stumbles back in* Wow, it really has been a long time since I've been on here and talked to you. Anyways, what've you been up to? Visiting campuses? (sorry, I only skimmed some of the posts, my attention span has greatly shortened since last time)
Well hello there DA!! *hug* nice to see you again. I just went to London, but yes, i've visited two colleges so far. You?

Annnnnnd, at sygy's request, here's some of the pictures I took so far.

Day 1 and 2 slideshow!
Day 2

yeah...nice pics:thumbsup:
Merchant of Venice??? Meh, go see Antony and Cleopatra or Othello, they are the true tragedies. I know this because in past years I have been forced to witness/read such plays.

Try my Shakespeare knowledge:

> Romeo & Juliet
> Much Ado About Nothing
> As You Like It
> Hamlet
> MacBeth
> Othello
> The Tempest
> Antony and Cleopatra
> A Midsummer's Night Dream
> The Merchant of Venice

Hey Heather! What's been happening? Lol. *tackle hugs*
Oh my, so much activity in here! I'm overwhelmed! xD
Seriously though, it's scaring me o_O;;
I haven't been in a talkish mood lately, thus my inactivity, though I feel better now.

Thanks Jeezy ^_^

Thank you Fribbs! I tried my best to make them interesting. And I used a good 35 mm SLR camera.

sygy- Yess, it was sad, but not the saddest I've seen. Yeah, I know it was unfortunate... we did see the plaque for the real globe theater down a ways.
Haha, I could have watched them for a while, but mom and tim didn't care about the skaters... ;__;

woody-Wow, you've read more than I have.
I actually enjoy Shakespear. I own Othello and the 12th nightbut I have yet to read them.
Not much girl! Long time no talk! Hopefully those tackle hugs are no where in the vicinity of concrete xD

Sygy again- yes. xD

woody- no no, dear, you have it right! Sarah, if I remember correctly?

DA- Nothing new? Which ones were you thinking of going to. I might be going to Pennsylvania to visit a few colleges soon...
I like your sig, btw ;D

Fribby 2- thank you for verifying in my absence, sir! *salute*

Hey there Keli! come in and take a seat *reveals a hidden tea-table*
*pictures a lone cookie sitting on a well furnished stool* Yes, my mind is a sad, but entertaining place xD

Okay hon!

*takes a deep breath* wow. Most conversation on here in months.
Anyway, what's new?? Awww, just bein' emo about stupid things...

Every summer I get unmotivated and lazy. It's pretty much inevitable, and when someone calls me out on it, I feel like crap.
I do enjoy playing Tales of the Abyss for hours on end. God, its so addictive. When you do FoF changes and make new, nicely-animiated techniques, it makes me feel soooo good! I get so pumped when my party does their mystic artes. God they're sexy.
*rambles on about video games* Those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about(all of you xD), here's a battle sequence from ToA.
Don't watch all of it, you'll get how sexy it after a few minutes xD *so much love* Makes my spine tingle. :B

In OTHER real news... umm. not much is happening. Fourth of July wednesday. I Guess me and my friends are hanging out, as per usual. Summer School starts on the 9th.

Yeah. It's sad I talk more about a video game than my real life XDD;

Oh, I uploaded my most badass pictures onto a photobucket folder. Feel free to look through it if you want.
*double posting*

Well yesterday we went to Taste of Chicago randomly. I went with the Bahenas and their friends.
We took the cta down there from Rosemont. there was a loooot of people there. But it didn't get really bad until 6 o'clock.
I had beef on a stick first, which was sweet and tender and delicious :D
Then I had garlic potatoes and we sat in the park and ate our respective foods.
Alex wanted to eat a regular meal, but I liked walking around and sampling different foods. Maybe because I'm white xD.
I had some awesome chinese food and we sat and watched the lake for a while. So beautiful. The clouds were amazing. Later on, it started to get late, and we had to call the people we came with. They took forever though, so we waited prolly for over an hour.
We finally got home at like, ten. I was tired, but I enjoyed it. The rest said they wouldn't go back. Guess I'll go with dad then. ._. They're no fun... *sulks* I would have had more fun if they were in a better mood. I love the city though. Makes me happy.

I had breakfast with alex this morning, which was good, I'm still fulll! *groans*
Later, we have to finish cleaning this nasty apartment that these crackheads ****ed up. But it's for good money, so whatever. I'll deal. god, it's so nasty.
Later, I have to go to mom's house because we're going to Ohio for the weekend. JESUS I'M GOING TO DIE FROM BOREDOM I BET THEY DON'T HAVE INTERNET ITS JUST OLD PEOPLE AHD AHHH
it's for my step-dad's mom's birthday, but everyone's going to be depressed because my stepdad's stepdad died a few days ago. I have the faint feeling this is going to suck... but they do give me money for like, birthdays and stuff so I guess I should go.
I have to entertain myself somehow.
