untitled, more of collision_course_777's girlfriend's stuff


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
Henderson, Kentucky
Do you hear that...the sound of fear.
It's getting louder...it's drawing near.
And this time I can't stop it.
You can't see it? You can't feel it?
It's overpowering.
I was swimming but now i'm drowning.
Am i so sure I want out this time?
I can't ignore it, there's no point.
One last try, and i'm outta this joint.
The tears have fled. I'm starting to dread
the daylight. or the night for that matter.
Sleep, precious sleep, was my only escape.
But no longer, never again.
It's haunting. Intriguing. And to a certain degree, i'm addicted.
That same old habit, that i try so hard to quit.
But I can't. It's what i am used to.
The only life i know.
Blood and tears.
Tears and blood.
It's over now, or is it?
I see the light creeping through this darkened room
it's pissin me off, what else is new
i'm scared of the dark- scared of the light
running away from the rest of my life
i am not who daddy wants me to be
i'm tired of everyone thinkin so highly of me
i am not superwoman
i'm barely makin it through each second
they last so long sometimes
what's so amazing about such a simple mind
am i living a lie or dreaming of one
psychosis is setting in
i just want to be left alone
here i go again
mad at the world
pushing away everyone who cares
oh well
cause "in the end it doesn't even matter", right?
my hope was shot out the window long ago,
maybe thats where the lights coming through from
These scars will never fade away
nor will the memory of why they are there
maybe it's time to share my story
maybe someone will care
i'm not the average adolescent
i've been through more in the past three years
than a lot of adults have their entire lives
i've seen the bad and the worse-
i have cried a million tears
but i am a fighter- a trooper
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger
everything works out in the long run
can't keep relationships with anyone
too scared i will lose them
but i am also terrified of being alone
the scars on my arms and my legs will never go away
but the pain eventually will
it's not easy knowing i have developed disorders for staying in those situations
no one will ever know how i feel
no one could possibly understand until they have walked in my shoes
with the shoe strings tied farely loose-it would be too much to handle
i held my head high for so long
trying to pretend that nothing was wrong
that got me absolutely no where
someone out there must care and show affection to me
i am pleading for you to heal my broken heart
as long as you don't hurt me