Upgrade some loyal members

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lol thats y i picked foxx and fiona i really think they are good fo it cause reading their posts ull c they are nice people on the inside. :)
Thats true what you just said their Gradon
But the thing is I recall Vash or Unhingedmouse sayin
They pick Carefully who they want to be on staff.
And that they see who would be fit for it. or somthin.
GraDoN said:
lol thats y i picked foxx and fiona i really think they are good fo it cause reading their posts ull c they are nice people on the inside. :)
that's probably the best reason...to take them... :thumbsup:

but I don't know if there's a point in discussing it....

the final decission will be made by the admins...(and mods?)...and I think they'll do the best job they can in picking new staff members and elites...
I think LPF needs mods in different time zones so there is a chance at all times of the day there is a mod on. Cause they are certain times of the day you can guarantee no mods will be on with the people who have now and there locations...
FireHawk said:
I think LPF needs mods in different time zones so there is a chance at all times of the day there is a mod on. Cause they are certain times of the day you can guarantee no mods will be on with the people who have now and there locations...

Now theirs a good Idea....I would have to agree with this
suggestion, it's a good one =D
Glad we have agreement, but I doubt we will see any new mods seeing that they just worked all that stuff out like a month ago :p
eventhough it all i still feel some of the loyal older members needs elite status...
just a way to say thanks you for not leaving like so many allready have..
I don't think we (normal members) should worry to much about when and who gets upgraded and stuff the mods we know when it is time...
FireHawk said:
I don't think we (normal members) should worry to much about when and who gets upgraded and stuff the mods we know when it is time...

Yea I like to wait and see whos next
due to it's up to the staff that chooses the proper time.
*walks in and sees how much people want me as a mod*


i didn't know ya'll loved me so much u wanted me to be upgraded to a mod! THis is crazy good
Wow guys thanks for showing such love and appreciation to me!!! I really don't know what to say! Just your thought is enough to make me feel honoured! Even if i never be an elite I'll still be thankful for this love!! *hugs you all*
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