Ur musical talents

that´s cool...reading notes is hard..I just find it much easier to memorize the whole song...forinstance when I´m trying to learn a song, I remember it very quickly and then I dont like at the notes anymore..or when I listen yo some song, I can play it on piano...
Heart_LP said:
that´s cool...reading notes is hard..I just find it much easier to memorize the whole song...forinstance when I´m trying to learn a song, I remember it very quickly and then I dont like at the notes anymore..or when I listen yo some song, I can play it on piano...
yeah thats how i learned BTH.
KillMeImIrish said:
honey, he's not just any noob... he's MY noob.. isn't that right? ;)

Oh goodness, you're makin me blush. I would LOVE to be "your" newb. Now, can your newb get some brownies......that don't bounce like the last ones did?

I say we just eat pickles and ignore azem, deal? He's a big 'ol plagiarizing liar. Next thing you know, he's gonna start some huge thread about how he's leaving, and then hang around because he needs attention. Wouldn't that be funny? Nope, we don't need no stinkin' Forum whore coming between us.
misery said:
I think it's sad, not to mention hilarious, that old weezy came back. Haha, and he said we were pathetic before.

Harsh words! Seems like somebody should put you out of your misery. Seriously, the best thing you could eat would be a bullet.
azemkamikaze03 said:
ehmm.....welll im going to learn numb next..and finish bth..ihavent fully mastered it

It's not that hard, really. The Octaves get a little tricky because there's a point in which 4 octaves are supposed to be played, while a left-hand is also required. You really need 2 people to play those parts, or just cut out the lower two octaves.
azemkamikaze03 said:
can u tell me the keys...like if i sent u a pik...could you use paint shop and rite like 1 on the first key 2 on the 2nd and so forth?
I dont understand what you mean there...cause I´ve not done that b4 and I dont have oaint shop either but I can tell you the chords if you wanna know.
Heart_LP said:
I dont understand what you mean there...cause I´ve not done that b4 and I dont have oaint shop either but I can tell you the chords if you wanna know.
ok and what i ment was wen i posted bth note. u saw i how i used a pik? wel like that.
azemkamikaze03 said:
ok and what i ment was wen i posted bth note. u saw i how i used a pik? wel like that.
uuuuh? dude? whats a pik? lol I´m sorry but the thing is that my english is not so good...you see, I´m still learning´
well here are the chords, hope I explain them good.

you start with:-
E,Dm, E,C
E, Dm , E, C
(this is my dec..this is my time of the year....this is all so clear...)
E, Dm, E,Dm, E, Dm, E, Dm
(And I *4)
G, Dm, G, Dm
(and I..give it all away..,to have some to go home to)
and you repeat the whole thing starting at E again
you can also play the song starting with D
I tried the song on guitar too and it sounded good!
The song starts with piano music and the notes are
E, G, F#, G, E, G ,F#, G
D, G , F#, G,D, G , F#, G
this is when you play with the cors that I gave you but as I said, you can also play with D scale
and the notes will be
D, F, E, F, D, F, E, F
C, F, E, F, C, F, E, F.

I hope you get it.