Vagina offends women.

snafu said:
I can't see asking to see your breasts. I mean I think chicken when I hear breasts. It's always been ****. titty's when were gettin dirty. Not trying to sound like George Carlin but it is a a friendly sounding name. I can't see why it would be found offensive.

You're reasoning with the gender that believes they need to change the blinker fluid every 150,000 blinks.
I am offended by women who are so ****in frigid that they would get upset about a name of a play like The Vagina Monologues...I am offended that our society has created a safe place for these disfunctional ****s rather then sending them off to therapy.

I just have to say that women who can't deal with their sexuality, the actual names of their parts, the names of their husband/ boyfriends parts, enjoy a functioning sexual relationship with their male counterparts...need to consider that maybe they are Lesbians...

What is a man who doesn't like *****??? A gay man.

What is a women who doesn't like **** (a real live one)???
A Lesbian.

If you can't do it, talk about it and live it, you got a problem. Advertising it by shouting from the roof tops that something as clinical as the REAL name for your own genetalia is like flying a flag that your disfuncitional in the extreme.
Builder, first I was upset at your lack of forethought. But now I'm upset that you would insult my intelligence by fobbing me off with the same kind of bullshit reply you usually reserve for the halfwits.

How could you?

builder said:
How do you want them to be seen, and when did you actually separate "them" from yourself? Boobs are a part of the human condition when you get born a female.

I already said I didn't want to elaborate, and I'm sure I never claimed to separate them from myself, but thanks for the information. Until you enlightened me, I was completely unaware that my breasts were attached to my body.

builder said:
I'm a legs and bum man, myself. My last two girlfriends have smaller **** than I have. Though I do admire the odd pert pair. Really big **** look like a burden, rather than a benefit.

Please, tell me more. I feel that your personal predilections are essential to my understanding of this complex and existential issue.

builder said:
Maybe, but one of the most successful soft-core photographers for Playboy and Penthouse was a former ****-out model called Bambi. Did she have an overlord that told her what they wanted to see in her prints?

One woman - a former nudie model called Bambi of all things - does not an equal opportunity and unisex industry make. And don't you understand what the fundamental role of a model is? They are supposed to take orders - they are told to pose in certain positions. She obviously learned - during her days on the other side of the lens - what the men who buy the magazines want to see. In other words, Bambi was no Helen Reddy, nor was she a pioneer.

builder said:
Go to Darwin. It happens all the time.

Please don't assume that I haven't travelled or that I am somehow inexperienced. I have been to Darwin - twice, in fact. I have also lived in Airlie Beach while working on Hamilton Island in The Whitsundays. I have also lived and worked in bars in Cairns. I am sure you will agree that these places have the appeal of a magnetic nirvana to yobbo tourists. And yet, while having been unfortunate enough to witness far too many wet t-shirts for my liking, I am still to see a female oblige when a man makes that particular request.

builder said:
Call me dismissive of boobs, but I have no inclination to thrust my penis between big saggy ****.

Bubbles and Desiree will be devastated, darling. But thankfully for them, some men like their women big.

By the way:

builder said:
Call me dismissive of boobs, but I have no inclination to thrust my penis between big saggy ****.

builder said:
If women want their breasts to be seen as purely functional child-raising organs, why has such an industry sprung up surrounding the exposure of absolutely beautiful children's drinking aids?

builder said:
Hmmm, too many contradictions.

I won't argue with you there :p

builder said:
The Home Girls section in any men's publication contains pix of women who send in their own pix for the sole reason of seeing themselves in the mag.

Meh. "Men's publication" indeed. Call them what you like, Builder. Nudie mags or Porn Rags is what they are. ;)

Besides which, what's your point? I already mentioned women with low self esteem who need attention and / or perhaps think they are having fun. And it's not like they are walking around the streets flashing their boobs at random strangers. That's purely the domain of men with problems who like to flash their penises in public. These woman are baring their bodies in a magazine designed purely for that purpose. So your seemingly deep question "why do women flash their boobs?" still warrants my simple answer: because men want them to.

builder said:
Meh. They're ****. Remember the old Steven King novel/movie, Carrie? Her mother called them "dirty pillows". Call them what you like, Anna. **** they are.

From someone who refers to nudie magazines as "men's publications", that's a little rich.

Can't you just acquiesce to that fact that most women don't like it when you call our breasts "****", and change your name for them accordingly? It wouldn't kill you.

Go on, just be a nice gentleman about this. I dare you.

Phantom said:
If my husband ever used the word bosom or bosoms while talking dirty to me, I could never take him seriously again. :p

You actually take him seriously?

I don't mind if my man uses silly words. In fact, I accept anything - melons, jugs, bazoongas, fun bags, and even mammaries - over "****". Yech!
Anna Perenna said:
Until you enlightened me, I was completely unaware that my breasts were attached to my body.

I knew it! You are a mutant. I, along with all other normal human females, carry my breasts around in an alabaster chest.
Lethalfind said:
One of my ex's used to call them my GUNS...
No, he was referring to your arms alright... probably because you are shaped like a ****ing man and all. Kinda look like one too..

I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary:

Nope, no reference to your chest, except way down at the bottom... which, BTW, if he was talking about you, he would have called PANCAKES.
Lazy builder replies in
Yellow text.

Anna Perenna said:
Builder, first I was upset at your lack of forethought. But now I'm upset that you would insult my intelligence by fobbing me off with the same kind of bullshit reply you usually reserve for the halfwits.

What's so bullshit about it? I try to be honest, and you call bullshit?

How could you?

With all my fingers touch-typing in some fashion while I stare vacantly into space. Nothing unusual here, Anna.

I already said I didn't want to elaborate, and I'm sure I never claimed to separate them from myself, but thanks for the information. Until you enlightened me, I was completely unaware that my breasts were attached to my body.

I've tested this theory of detachment on several willing participants, and I think you're right. They are attached. It's this personification of "them" that strikes me as being somewhat odd and detached. When I say that my balls are itchy, never for one moment would I consider sending "them" to the cleaners for delousing.

Please, tell me more. I feel that your personal predilections are essential to my understanding of this complex and existential issue.

As you would, my Darling. As you would. Your breasts are actually not that appealing to my sensibilities, though I do enjoy resting my head between them, and sucking your nipples actually takes me back to a time when........oh, we don't really need to go down that track for the purposes of this thread. Do we?

One woman - a former nudie model called Bambi of all things - does not an equal opportunity and unisex industry make.

Oh, but she was such a sex kitten. Five foot nothing, and butt cheeks do die for. What else does one require for a career as a feminist photographer? Curly hair? She had that too.

And don't you understand what the fundamental role of a model is? They are supposed to take orders - they are told to pose in certain positions.

Oh, but Bambi (not her real name, of course) revolutionised the poses and positioning of the limbs. She was a natural. She took over from greasy slimy greek himbos. That's a good thing, yes?

She obviously learned - during her days on the other side of the lens - what the men who buy the magazines want to see. In other words, Bambi was no Helen Reddy, nor was she a pioneer.

Oh, but yes she was. Bambi had that knack of putting women at ease for the purpose of capturing the true light of her subject material. No greasy old Greek could achieve that.

Please don't assume that I haven't travelled or that I am somehow inexperienced. I have been to Darwin - twice, in fact.

Did you make it to the Blue Heeler's bar? Aussie icon, that joint. And not a bare breast in sight. Sorry, I meant no boobs allowed.

I have also lived in Airlie Beach while working on Hamilton Island in The Whitsundays.

Tut tut. All those naughty girls showing their mammaries on the yachts. What would their mother think?

I have also lived and worked in bars in Cairns.

Yeah, I worked on a triple-decker power cat on the reef cruise. Had a couple of Pomgolian chicks tweaking my sack when I wore the budgie smugglers. Phreaked me out totally. What were they thinking? That I'm on show for them or something? Bloody outrageous. Wrote a letter to Margaret Thatcher, and she sent back a short reply saying "Ha-Ha". The heartless bitch.

I am sure you will agree that these places have the appeal of a magnetic nirvana to yobbo tourists.

Apparently so. Even blokes in budgie smugglers aren't safe.

And yet, while having been unfortunate enough to witness far too many wet t-shirts for my liking, I am still to see a female oblige when a man makes that particular request.

What is the appropriate response to a foreign tourist when they have your testicals in the palm of their hand?

Bubbles and Desiree will be devastated, darling. But thankfully for them, some men like their women big.

As a testosterone imbalanced teen, I thought that big ti.....I mean bosoms were the be all and end all. Now I know that I don't really care for them. Love and understanding is what we need. If you find some, box it up, and post it pronto.

By the way:

I won't argue with you there :p

Oh, thanks. I'm just about argued out.

Meh. "Men's publication" indeed. Call them what you like, Builder. Nudie mags or Porn Rags is what they are. ;)

Anna, with five sisters, I've read just about every "Women's publication" that has ever been printed. Your women's editors broach topics that even Larry Flint would baulk at, so don't give me the shits about Penthouse being risque. As if women want to look at the back end of a scrotum. If they did, it would be in your "Women's Publications".

Besides which, what's your point? I already mentioned women with low self esteem who need attention and / or perhaps think they are having fun.

They sure don't look like they are under the pump, if that's what you are alluding to.

And it's not like they are walking around the streets flashing their boobs at random strangers.

Not like in California. Or Purga Creek.

That's purely the domain of men with problems who like to flash their penises in public.

I think turkey-slapping blokes who crash out at parties is one of the most covered-up sexual activities in the world. Thank god for digital cameras on phones.

These woman are baring their bodies in a magazine designed purely for that purpose.

There's men doing exactly the same thing. Cleo centrefold is legendary.

So your seemingly deep question "why do women flash their boobs?" still warrants my simple answer: because men want them to.

Why do men flash their abs? Because women want them to. You girls are lucky, because studs don't have to wear tops.

From someone who refers to nudie magazines as "men's publications", that's a little rich.

Are you telling me you don't read Cleo? Are you telling me you don't ogle men's pecs?

Can't you just acquiesce to that fact that most women don't like it when you call our breasts "****", and change your name for them accordingly? It wouldn't kill you.

I'll try it now, Anna. Just for you. Show us yer boobs. Show us yer breasts. Show us yer mammaries. I dunno. It's gonna take a while to catch on, I think.

Go on, just be a nice gentleman about this. I dare you.

I'm always a gentleman. It's my biggest flaw.

You actually take him seriously?

Nah, but a bit of controversy never hurts. What are we talking about anyway?

I don't mind if my man uses silly words. In fact, I accept anything - melons, jugs, bazoongas, fun bags, and even mammaries - over "****". Yech!

I'm not a boob man. I don't care if a woman has none, or a 38DDDDD

Show me a nice butt, and a shapely pair of legs, and I'm interested.
builder said:
Lazy builder replies in
Yellow text.

I'm not a boob man. I don't care if a woman has none, or a 38DDDDD

Show me a nice butt, and a shapely pair of legs, and I'm interested.

I know ass and legs are part of a total package, however a dude could have nice legs and butt. Chicks have ****.
RoyalOrleans said:
I know ass and legs are part of a total package, however a dude could have nice legs and butt. Chicks have ****.

RO, there's no doubt in anyone's mind here that you love a big pair of bouncy boobs.

The fact that I'm an arse and leg man does not, in any way, suggest that I'm attracted to my fellow man.

Got it now? ;)
builder said:
RO, there's no doubt in anyone's mind here that you love a big pair of bouncy boobs.

The fact that I'm an arse and leg man does not, in any way, suggest that I'm attracted to my fellow man.

Got it now? ;)

A vagina man myself.