vampire behavior

ss1 i'm gonna get you

*chases ss1 around and graps and bittes her neck*

just joke but

* graps ss1 and flys her away to the fire realm*
Taking an idea from Aqua Teen Hungerforce, I am a "Reverse vampire!" (Master Shake btw). If I am inside for too long, I get headaches.
Like it was said before though, this whole "Vampire behavior" thing is purely psychological. Could it be you have seasonal allergy? They say that you can actually be allergic to the sunlight in the summer, while you are fine in the winter, and vice versa. The symptoms are headaches, lathargy, and depression. They have remedies for this including medication and special lamps.
You should talk to a doctor about this behavior, or symptoms, whichever you like more.
stupidsoul1 said:
my friend has fangs lol

um....i bite but that is really out of pure anger or boredom

Lol! This guy I talk to (Eyeliner boy) said that he wanted to get implants of fangs to his real teeth lol. He was being serious, he wanted to pull out his real teeth and get real fangs put in o_0 I thought that was crazy and told him not to lol. Really weird :)

I don't bite...much ;)
Doesn't blood taste kinda like metal? I dunno how to describe it, it's like a tangy metally umm thingy twist taste to it. I don't know lol. Tastes bad to me lol. Sorry I'm a weirdo for tasting my blood lmao. It's just when you ***** your finger or something and you automatically bring it to your mouth to suck lol. Uhh anyway lol....
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Doesn't blood taste kinda like metal? I dunno how to describe it, it's like a tangy metally umm thingy twist taste to it. I don't know lol. Tastes bad to me lol. Sorry I'm a weirdo for tasting my blood lmao. It's just when you ***** your finger or something and you automatically bring it to your mouth to suck lol. Uhh anyway lol....

well i pick my lips alot and sometimes they bleed and i just leave my tounge there for how long it take till the bleeding stops.