vampire behavior

twilightcrimson7 said:
me too. I pick my lips and my fingers. they bleed alot and sting. its a habit. one I can't break. I'm addicted. one week I picked my lip bad and it was like all swollen and red for a couple days...

damn tc7 we got somethin there in common
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Lol! This guy I talk to (Eyeliner boy) said that he wanted to get implants of fangs to his real teeth lol. He was being serious, he wanted to pull out his real teeth and get real fangs put in o_0 I thought that was crazy and told him not to lol. Really weird :)

I don't bite...much ;)

he doesnt have to get implants all he needs is to get them filed and shaped by the dentist
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
He doesn't think he's hot, but he is lol =O Without the vamp teeth though I reakon ^.^ If he got them, I'll be scared. Imagine trying to eat with them. Or when you bite your bottom lip by accident lol.
take a pic of him then..ill be the judge
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
I had his picture on the palace but it corrupted on me. I did some stuff to his eyeliner lol <3 I have his latest pic though and it's dark, and I don't think he'll appreciate it being posted on here. But trust me =) He's not ugly that's for sure lol. Man he doesn't even know this =O
he wears eyeliner!!! :eek: i find that so hott on guys!!!!!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Not keen on the nail polish, but definatly with the lip rings :X They're sexy lol. We must have sorta the same taste in guys! I love guys with dark/ black hair, and dark dark dark blue eyes or hazel or brown <3 Wheee!
ugh we are sisters separated at birth!