vampire behavior

i was reading this mag and in it it tlked of vamps~long story but basically she killed this guy by sucking all this blood out of his body and stuff and my mate (who was with me) was like thats so kewl, 'can i suck u?'
it was kinda weird....
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
ugh we are sisters separated at birth!

Haha awesome=P If we was, we'll be like falling for the same guys and that'll be messy ^.^

Lol @ Emma. "Can I suck you" lol, that cracked me up! But that is really weird that somebody actually sucked the blood out of somebody and he/she died. Can't you get like infections and such from swapping blood like that lol? And she must've sucked a hell of a lot of blood out of the body. Anyway yeah, weird.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Haha awesome=P If we was, we'll be like falling for the same guys and that'll be messy ^.^

Lol @ Emma. "Can I suck you" lol, that cracked me up! But that is really weird that somebody actually sucked the blood out of somebody and he/she died. Can't you get like infections and such from swapping blood like that lol? And she must've sucked a hell of a lot of blood out of the body. Anyway yeah, weird.

yup i no weird huh?
i no that my friend has no infections, well at least i hope she doesnt :D
the guy died mainly of being out in the cold river but i guess the blood loss would hvae had something to do with it.....