Victim's Stuff

I tried it again( I am determined to get it right):

Using the vector tut, I posted a little while ago, but this is it:

Its easy to follow, but i found it a little tricky, brushing excactly right.. This calls for alot of erasing and deleting, until you are happy, but has an awesome outcome.


I just made this, but I think it looks like ****, but I thought I would share it with you guys anyway.


Another Edit:

My first attempt at C4D, not to bad, I think:

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I like both of them....but the second one has something special...I don't know what it is...but it makes it look really good...
Yeah, I really like the Halo one.. I think I am gunna start working with c4ds more. They are fun, and come out with a cool effect.
both are awesome but the C4D one lol tried that tutorial and i ****ed up :\
lol that render is overused ><
looks awesome though... you really are better than me
Yeah i agree about the render, but I just grabbed it because it was a "Halo c4d tut" so I figured I would work with the theme a bit.

You should give c4d another shot, you never know! And give that vector one a shot too, my stuff doesn't always turn out good, but just go with it.. It just takes alot of trail and error..
Since I have talked so much about using tuts, I have decided I would post some that got me on the track I am on:

1st I ever tried(the tech robot one):

Halo c4d tut:

Soft Grudge tut(easy to follow, one of the first ones I used):

Another grudge tut:

'Nother grude:

Yet another grude(this is the one I used to make the "Death is Waiting" one):

^ All of this links came from
great site check it out!

Vector sig:

Check out game renders in general, great site go get renders and has tons of tuts on it!!!

DeviantART, of course:

Full page of tuts, I have never tried them myself, but I have been meaning to:

*Remember some of these are very basic, simple tuts, but have helped me tons. Also, if you plan on using this, throw some of your own stuff in, don't follow it step by step.. I never do, I always go back and change some things.. I suggest you always do the same when following a tut.
Another thing, All the tuts I have posted are for PS(Photoshop) but there are greats tuts for every program out there, just look!

And those are my secrets to success!
Holly f...!!! Ooops sorry!! Bad girl...*blushes* Freakin great Hail!!! You're such a super artist! But you know what I like more? The fact that you posted those links!! You're so helpful thanks so much!!! :thumbsup:
No problem, I like to see all the artist's work progress over time, I like to see people get better and learn new skills.. So, if I can do a simple thing like post some links to help out, its the least I can do.
I can't wait to see some of the stuff you guys do with these tuts!

Heres another c4d I did:
This time I didn't use the tut, I just applied what I had learned from it, so it was all from memory -


I personally like the Halo one better.
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Yea, for some reason, it won't lemme edit right now, so DP, and made a new sig.. And I LOVE it:


Victim is a little tought to read, but I will fix that later.