What are you doing now other than viewing LPF?

Looking at papertank, about to give writingforums one last glance...then I'm getting off my computer and playing rockband or something...
This is when I say -
I hate it when Rav's right. She predicted this exact thing. I should start listening to that woman more now that I think with a clear head (and it's been some months since such actions).
Heh. If you're anything like me your head's still not clear. Probably clearer than it's been, though; try and keep it that way, eh?
Yeah I'll try. I think I'm gonna wait until lunch time 1ish or so to drop the letter off. It's just, I don't know, trying to delay anything never helped anyone. The Japanese got totally owned in the long run by the Americans in WW2 because they delayed their attacks on the country...omg, I'm using historical allusions. Someone save me from myself.
QUICK come back to the present (that's nothing like 'back to the future', at all)!

Yeah...I'm not sure comparing your life to WW2 is exactly the most optimistic thing you can do... Then again, guess it all depends on which side you're on. ;)
post more of Tourniquet on papertank. I thinkit's gotten pretty good feedback, hasn't it? and {advertisment} read what I've posted {end advertisement} :)
Dw you're back to being normal.

Cooking my beef lasgna...I've never cooked one of these before and any recipe that involves simple instructions always end up being ****ed up.
Excuse me?! Are you inferring I was abnormal prior to this revelation? Or... are you talking to someone else... hahaha :mad:

Contemplating changing my room around. In fact I reckon I might go do that soon... need a change of scenery or sth...