What Do You Really Think Of......???

builder said:
Your Fellow GF members?

Do not be holding back now. This is, after all, the goddamn internet, for ****'s sake. You are sitting behind your monitor, and nobody can reach out and touch you, let alone slug you one in the nose. So lash out. Say what you feel. Get it off your chest. Let it all hang out. Give it your all.

The entire point of the internet is to be able to share your deepest darkest secrets in complete confidence. Nevermind the American military use of the web originally. At GF we speak the truth!!!

Wow, Builder, what a fabulous thread. How and why and when and how did you ever come up with such a wickedly awesome idea? ;)

And your opening statement ... somehow ... it sounds so familiar! sudden mystical atmosphere

I'm disappointed that people are holding back, though. We all know what they are REALLY thinking, so why bother to hide it?

I don't know why they are scared, but **** it, I'm going to go hard.

Stay tuned for my deliciously bitchy impressions, coming soon.....

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I hate to admit this, but I think builder deserves some positive rep for creating this thread... I tried to give him some but I "must spread around some more rep" first... So let's divvy some rep up for the old moronic bloke.

This just made my day.
Ok, I just spent way too much of my work day compiling this list.

However, I haven't even encountered quite a few people on the original list, so I am only going to describe the names of the people I recognise.

In a vague order of preference:

Anna Perenna - From what I can gather, Anna is a very bored, mysterious human/cyborg who remains deliberately ambiguous in regards to revealing a specific age & gender, in order to maintain a semblance of an enigmatic air. But what is his/her purpose here? Simply to stir the pot? Or is it more complex than that? Obviously Anna is highly irritable and confrontational, yet, he/she cannot resist the lure of some of the more serious topics. Hmmm. Whatever. I simply cannot stand that pugnacious little prolix! In fact, I hate Anna with a passion, and you should too.

Phreakwars - Yeah, we've had some misunderstandings, and he's pissed me off a couple of times, but what married couple in the midst of a messy divorce doesn't fight? And even though I'll never understand why he acted duplicitously in order to manipulate me into fighting with Tori (perhaps, ultimately, we were supposed to mud wrestle for his affection? ;) I still like him. He somehow manages to be cool while blatantly flaunting his sci-fi geekiness, and I can't help but respect that. Not to mention the fact that he is the absolute heart and soul of this fine establishment, the instigator and the fire starter of all the big events & dramas, and he stands head and shoulders above the rest of the members here - because not only is he hilarious, naughty, and bad, but he gets my warped sense of humour, he always tries to make me feel good about myself (so sweet! so adorable!) and most importantly, he understands the pointlessness of taking any website too seriously. Rock on, Rockstar.

The Jenn88 - I really like TheJenn, I think she's funny, easy-going, and quite cool. She has the best attitude out of all the women: she's just here to muck around and amuse herself, which is how it should be for everyone. And most importantly - she's a Canuckian. I love Canadians. (p.s. My boyfriend is from Canada, and he likes to be called The Jay :)

Angie - I don't know much about her, really, because she never says anything to capture my attention. However, she's got a picture of Foamy in her avatar, she seems pretty sweet, and she was welcoming when I first came. So, I guess she's okay. p.s. Thanks for your hate-vote, Angie. I am enjoying the notoriety :)

Fullauto - Ok, time for a direct description - I recently looked at your picture, and I am willing to concede that you truly are an attractive guy. However, back when I told you I thought you were 'super hot', I was being sarcastic. Your anti-women rant was a total turn off. So, basically, to make it clear - the only way you will ever get to see any pictures of me, naked or otherwise, is if you agree that women are wonderful, kind, smart, superior, sexy, mysterious & enigmatic creatures of beauty and divinity - and even then, only if you ask me very, very nicely :p

Tori Allen - She manages to irritate me with her smug arrogance and delusions of grandeur while simultaneously putting me into a coma - quite a feat, really. But I have started to like her, and I am glad she is here, because above all else she's a strong woman, and I always appreciate that. However, she stifles her potential to be cool by turning every second post into yet another tedious attempt at a magnum opus. I am not interested in a long-winded essay filled with bland bullshit - I come here to have fun, not to fall asleep. She needs to embrace the beauty that is brevity, and then I'm certain we could have a good time. But then again, she's not exactly on my level, she is extremely conceited, and she pretends to not enjoy the attention of the men here while posting countless pictures of herself - thus negating her faux act of not needing to be found attractive by the myriad desperate lepers who make up the majority of the male equivalent of this forum. So, when she stops being a big phony and pulls out from her arse both her own head and the large carrot stuck firmly in there, I think we could get along famously. Not that she'd want to after what I just wrote. Hehe.

Tizz - I enjoy Tizz, actually. Her psychotically emotional response to me was really rather amusing (at first). Unfortunately, she then took her violent exception (to me) to an unprecedented level, and stalked me mercilessly, for no sane reason that I can fathom, and it got to a point of ridiculousness quite beyond my realm of comprehension and my ability to deal with it. However, she has since - probably thanks to the recommendation of a medical professional - decided to ignore me. Great news! But it was funny while it lasted. Thanks for the memories, Tizz.

Allah Is Great - On the plus side, I agree with most of her political opinions, and I like her ability to dispose of her opposition, even when there are several of them angrily ganging up on her. Unfortunately, she seems to feel the need to bring her religion into every debate, and she fails to convince her detractors because she goes about her arguments the wrong way. Also, she's not at all articulate, and her grammar/syntax needs work. Oh well, at least she is trying. On the negative side, I think she is pre-occupied with gaining the favour and the attention of the men on here, which is annoying, particularly when you consider that they are the ones who give her the most ****. I also find her to be insecure and possessive, especially when it comes to Builder. She has been fairly catty towards me, and seems genuinely jealous of his affection for me, which is retarded, because I
Well, that is one of the reasons GF is broken down into simple categories, If you wanna slam people, go to the piss pot, for a debate, try the debate forum, wanna share an interesting website with others ?? Then SPAM FORUM it is. and etc, etc...

Essentially, all GF has ever asked out of anybody, is to speak from inside themselves the best way they know how.

For some, it's by name calling and topic derailing, for others It's well educated communication and linguistics.

Sure there are people here that you consider retarded half hits, but myself, I see them as people who have not yet expressed their true ideals.

So I simply PUSH THEM to get them to express themselves more.

Personally I will be giving Anna and builder rep for the topic, I do know it was Anna's subject.

Hopefully all of the posters were honest about their true feelings... I know I was. And this post has helped some of you get off your high horse bitchiness about the way new members are treated by the GF community.

We haze the ****ers in, if they don't like it, who gives a ****. The strong willed ones are the ones we get to know about. Get to learn about them as a person.

tear to the eye :rolleyes:
Anna Perenna said:
Vortex - The only gay in the village, he's even more hilarious than Daffyd. We fought at first, but I always found him funny, and then he realised that my posts were meant as jokes, so he came around to my side in the end. And now, we're friends. Awwww. (Love you, Vorty). However, I doubt the validity of his claims when he says he loves me, because he seems to enjoy telling me that everyone hates me, (relishing the thought of some impending insecurity, perhaps?) and his vote on this poll really makes me doubt his sincerity. Nevertheless, he's perfectly sweet to my face, and lots of fun to talk to, so I'll continue to enjoy his company on here as long as he maintains his sense of humour.

If it helps you understand my psyche then you should know i tend to root for villians in every movie or book i read :) so a vote in that poll from me really isnt a true hate since i dont really hate anyone on here.......at least not for long.
Lethalfind said:
Royal Orleans, I think you would be a magnificent lay.

Whatever gave you the impression that I would be a magnificent lay?

Ahhh... I remember... my vanity plate...

Glad to see I've stayed under most people's radars....excellent.
For the record, NO I have not popped out this damn kid yet...11.5 weeks left (but no, I'm not anxious or anything!).

ToriAllen: Smart. Bitchy. Good woman.

fullauto: A little bit "different" (How many satanists do you meet?). Good looking, seems responsible. Pretty likeable.

Outlaw2747: Great guy, but needs to get out more, and meet a real woman.

phreakwars: More unstable than a menopausal schizophrenic. But has a good heart.

Anna Perenna: Sneaky. Came around and the majority of us thought she was an idiot. Quite the opposite. Witty, amusing. A keeper.

tizz: Great gal. Sometimes I worry she might go off the deep end, but then she climbs back out.

TheJenn88: Not much to say here. Seems okay, will have to pay more attention to her posts.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Smart, funny, but you gotta keep your eye on him. Never know what evil plot he has up his sleeve!

skategreen: Hilarious lady! Love her.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell: Hm..not too sure. A bit too conservative at times, but all around, tolerable.

snafu: Undecided.

Jhony5: Undecided.

RoyalOrleans: Dirty good ol' boy. Just the way I like em!

builder: Good bloke. Intelligent, funny, and a very good heart.

Vortex: My favorite gay man! After living with a gay guy for about a year, I never thought I would be able to deal with one for more than five minutes without pulling out my hair...Vortie made that all better!

Hugh G. Rekshun: Gotta watch out for this one. He strikes when you least expect it.

angie: Who?

Komrade Vostok Hazard: Good kid, a bit too angry for my taste, but is headed in the right direction.

ALLAH IS GREAT: 3 months til mud wrestling...Amusing, a little too religious at times, needs to let loose, but good to have around

ParasiteGod: Undecided.

cool_dude: Just another attention whore

tonon: A bit "touched"

jokersarewild: :yawn:

cynthiaa89: Unsure still...seems likeable.

Crispy Critter: Gave me a hell of a flaming when I came in...miss ya where you been?


Silver_dragon87: Attention whore to the MAX. Pissed me off a bit when I tried asking her about her "religion" and she kept going around in circles.
RoyalOrleans said:
Whatever gave you the impression that I would be a magnificent lay?

Ahhh... I remember... my vanity plate...


It was the discription you gave in chat one night of you, in your tight little uniform and how women hit on you. You were drinking at the time so you might not remember but I do. I have a thing for UPS men in their tight little uniforms. I have branched out to Fed Ex, I got an overnight letter and the Fed Ex guy was a tall drink of water, he had to be 6'4, I wanted to lick him from his feet to his eyebrows...
ToriAllen - Tori is a real delight to talk with in the chatroom and a strong poster/thread starter. I tend to think of her as being too full of herself, but I look past it in hopes of wooing her for domestic purposes.

fullauto- As long as he's been a member I don't know a whole heckuvalot about the man. I know he's cool and a strong poster. Intelligent and a stand-up guy.

Outlaw2747 - Don't get me wrong, I respect Outlaw. I find him a little pretentious, though. Some of the chats I've had with him have been completely one-sided discussions about his dementia. I hate to break it to you, Outlaw, the ENTIRE world ain't as ****ed up as your life.

phreakwars - Goes for the jugular and feasts on the soul. I wanted to be the People's Mod, but I'm not that cool. I've always enjoyed reading PW's posts/threads. However, I feel that he doesn't back up his fellow Mods in the independent decisions that they make. It's quite belittling to have a Mod's work corrected by another Mod. I am grateful for the nod. My internet mentor.

Anna Perenna - **** this ****ing ****. Kidding. I daresay I find Anna to be quite entertaining. I scoff at her antics like a little silly boy prancing in his mother's bra. Despite her belief that I'm "TUFF" only on the internet, I will give her some positive rep.

tizz - The popular opinion of Tizz, is that she's a whore and stupid. I'm here to dispell those rumors, she's neither one of them. She's a skank and a dipshit.

TheJenn88 - I enjoy Jenn. She's a genuine sweetheart with a venomous bite. The venom, however, tastes like strawberry syrup. She and I have had several long chats and my bottom line opinion of Jenn is... she's an intelligent, well-adjusted, mature young lady.

Cogito Ergo Sum - One of my all time favorites. His opinions border on the truth and the way **** should be. The man is a God-prodigy... enough said.

skategreen - I don't know all that much about skategreen. I've chatted with her a few times and enjoy some of her posts. I think she'd like to ride Space Mountain.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell - The unofficial poster boy of GF. Pissed? Yes! Opinionated? Yes! Not always right? Who cares? This is a stand-up guy who doesn't take anything sitting down, except shits.

snafu - I like Snafu. A patriot and a scholar. I'd like to get to know him a little more.

Jhony5 - Let builder steal my lighter. I've always enjoyed Jhony's material and would like to see more in the future.

RoyalOrleans - An asshole. Thinks he is so tough and hardcore because he slams people on the net. Get a life, tool! Seriously... I have one word that sums me up best... beer. The end.

builder - Paul Hogan's former flatmate, evicted him because of builder's BO... a melange of Old Spice and fish. I've always respected builder, I've always supported builder, and I have never liked him. A solid poster... evidently he dives into a lot of muff. The chicks dig him.

Vortex - I enjoy Vortex' posts... his outlook... his witty remarks. Vortex has a lot of good qualities as a member and a person. Never knew he was gay.... I mean, a fruit.

Hugh G. Rekshun - A brother in arms, both online and in the US Military. Hugh shares many of my own convictions; Fears no man and takes no ****. Hugh is liked by a few, hated by many, respected by all.

angie - If that is really her in her profile picture, then she has a great future behind her. Admirable to say the least. I respect the fact that she wants to bring a kid into this world. A solid poster.

Komrade Vostok Hazard - Not a fan of his prescribed political outlook. Says some funny ****, though.

ALLAH IS GREAT - Not a big fan of her prescribed religion. I do have to admit that she's intelligent and keeps up with MRIH as they continue to slander each other.

ParasiteGod - Another member that I don't know that well. I'd like to here more out of her/him/it so that I can formulate an opinion.

cool_dude - Seems to want a lot of respect for his limited intelligence and thought capacity.

tonon - An idiot's idiot.

jokersarewild - Has fallen off the face of the earth. If he's fishing about and is reading this... don't ever use that Link and Chicken avatar again.

cynthiaa89 - I've enjoyed her posts thus far. I haven't heard that much out her lately. Has a cute profile picture.

Crispy Critter - GF's Dragon Slayer. That's all I really know.

WHATEVER - Wishes Eminem was black.

Silver_dragon87 - Like everybody else says, an attention whore. Be it as it may, she's a solid poster and stands behind her beliefs no matter how insanely stupid they are. She's just a kid and confused, but most of all misunderstood.

Lethalfind - Would pay me to parade around in my UPS uniform and give her a special package. I don't like Dr. Pepper, though. I have enjoyed her posts and will continue to enjoy her posts. She's straight to the point and opnionated.
Hate to burst your bubble...not me in the profile pic. That was given to me by Phreak. :cool:
Lethalfind said:
It was the discription you gave in chat one night of you, in your tight little uniform and how women hit on you. You were drinking at the time so you might not remember but I do. I have a thing for UPS men in their tight little uniforms. I have branched out to Fed Ex, I got an overnight letter and the Fed Ex guy was a tall drink of water, he had to be 6'4, I wanted to lick him from his feet to his eyebrows...

Those blue and orange uniforms are soooooooooo gay! Real men wear brown.
How come there are so damn many hot men in brown, yet all the wankers in the USPS are fat bald and just nasty. You would think with all that walking and hauling mail there would be a few more hotties!
ToriAllen-- I used to have respect for her. Now it just fizzled.

fullauto-- Too much time on his hands. Has a brain, knows how to use it.

Outlaw2747-- Not an idiot, but not of that much significance to me.

phreakwars-- Wow. I got boxed for backing up Matt. A little on the bipolar side, but I understand that. Smart guy, obviously. I respect him, and have taken a liking to his input.

Anna Perenna-- Can't tell. From the beginning I thought she was an idiot. Perhaps I haven't seen enough of her posts.

tizz-- I still can't figure out what I think about her. She reacts too much, I think.

TheJenn88-- Smart girl. I wish there were more like her.

Cogito Ergo Sum-- I like this one, but I don't see as much intelligence coming from his direction anymore. I've like him from the beginning, actually.

skategreen-- Smart. I can't think of anything else, except that I wish she would contribute more debate, per se.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell-- Funny as hell. Passionate, and has the sense to stay firm on something.

snafu-- Smart guy. I don't see enough of him, anymore.

Jhony5-- Not worth my time.

RoyalOrleans-- Another one of those posters when I first came here that made me stare at his post for forever before I began to formulate a comeback. That's a goodthing. He has a brain... but not living up to full potential, anymore.

builder-- Hmmm...

Vortex-- Nice guy, but not using his full potential.

Hugh G. Rekshun-- When I first was here he was the guy I loved to hate. Now I just have to either laugh or nod in appreciation when I read his posts. He has a brain and he knows how to use it.

angie-- I've seen a lot of commentary from her, but not the firey debate I'm expecting from her smarts.

Komrade Vostok Hazard-- Smart guy. A little on the radical, but I like it.

ALLAH IS GREAT-- Nice gal. Too nice.

ParasiteGod-- Again and again she comes back and astounds me by how mature her ideas come across as.

cool_dude-- What can I say? You're too dumb for words. I couldn't ever imagine taking you seriously.

tonon-- The first time I read your stuff, I hated you. But, I really like 'ya now. You and that Jeep guy from last year. Yeah, you're cool.

jokersarewild-- Funny kid, but not worth my time.

cynthiaa89-- Not Worth My Time.

Crispy Critter-- Good ideas, but I haven't seen the passionate, firey, smart debate I'm looking for.

WHATEVER-- who? Oh, that's right... Whatever.

Silver_dragon87-- No, my friends, she's not an attention whore, and not an emo kid, and she's not confused. I like her, actually. She simply is, and I wish others would take her input, not her wining, and look at what her point is. I respect her because she's not stupid. Not worth my time, but not in a bad way.
Ruse wrote: "builder-- Hmmm..."

Love me or hate me, but please, don't leave it hanging like that.