What Do You Really Think Of......???

angie said:
My UPS guy at work is hot. But I think he could be gay. Such a shame!

a shame for who? Got a digital cam? id enjoy a good "package"!

honestly that is my favorite line. I even got told tonight "your gay? what a waste"

waste for who sweetie? Just because i dont enjoy creepy women plumbing doesnt mean im a waste :) just competition \


sorry its close to halloween...i have to be creepy in some aspect!
Shame for all the women at work who got the hots for him!
Myself excluded, he is mere eye candy to me
ToriAllen: Intelligent woman who I respect. Cool and confident, she knows how to get down and dirty when she has to.

fullauto: One awesome Satanist here. Reasonable guy that I get along with quite well. Quite the debater and very much real as he is not afraid to tell who he is and what he's about.

Outlaw2747: Ummm...let's just say you have to know him to really understand him.

phreakwars: Very intelligent guy but a lil' bit on the crazy side. This is one guy you don't want to cross as he has the tenacity of a bulldog. This is one guy with good ideas and the intelligence to pull them off. (though I KINDA question the Troll Wars) Makes the biggest effort to make GF what it is now.

Anna Perenna: Started off on the wrong foot but I have learned to love this Aussie gal. Her witty comments and blunt statements will sting anyone who is not immune. I wonder if she has the hot accent...;)

tizz: Big goofball. I like the Tizz, she contributes quite a bit (well...a little TOO much). Can go off the deep end at times but fun to chat with.

TheJenn88: One teen I do respect, very intelligent, plus she Canadian. Who doesn't love Canadian women? Makes a great chat buddy.

Cogito Ergo Sum: If there is anyone who'd I want to watch my back during a war is this guy. Very wise, I take heed to alot of his statements. I respect this guy and making him a mod was definitely a great idea. But be careful as his bluntness can pierce the toughest of armor.

skategreen: I don't know much about Skate other than she is NOT an idiot and she seems to be the happy type.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell: If there was an advertisement for GF, this guy's picture would be on it. He is definitely GF material with his snappy comebacks and pick apart attitude of people's posts. His hate for Islam, I must admit, results in the biggest rivalries and hilarious posts.

snafu: He may like Bush but I respect this guy because he knows pretty much what we soldiers go through and he appreciates that. Not afraid to speak his mind on alot of matters.

Jhony5: I don't know much about this guy. We had a recent run-in not too long ago but from that experience, I can tell he possesses a good degree of maturity.

RoyalOrleans: He may have a jaded (though justified) vision of me, but I have alot of respect for this dude. He fought for our country, when through alot, and is proud of it. He is awesome with the one liners and takes **** from NO ONE. Too bad he isn't involved in too many rivalries.

builder: Witty and cool to talk to when it comes to wildlife and Australia. Chicks dig him (probably cuz he's an Aussie) and he makes for some of the best rivalries on this site.

Vortex: One cool gay guy. Awesome debater. Though I wish more women had his vision...(according to him, I am attractive)

Hugh G. Rekshun: Another dude I have alot of respect for. Also fought for his country and proud of it. But also, one guy that has the sting of a sea wasp, he'll kill you fast and furiously and not break a sweat.

angie: I like this gal. She is very tenacious and also backs down from no one. Not to mention she is one beauty a guy would be stupid enough to let go of.

Komrade Vostok Hazard: A guy much more angrier than I am. IMO, one of my favorite posters as we share a hell of alot of views. One of the funniest posters on this site and very much misunderstood.

ALLAH IS GREAT: Very religious which I really cannot stand, though she is tolerable on some occasions. Often misses the point and totally loses the concept in alot of debates. But I have respect her in one department, she is not afraid to stand up for herself when it comes to her beliefs.

ParasiteGod: Don't know much about this person.

cool_dude: Not cool.

tonon: A classic poster...I just don't know much about this character.

jokersarewild: I only remember him from his old rivalry with Hugh. Other than that, I don't know much.

cynthiaa89: She doesn't bother me, I have no real opinion of her.

Crispy Critter: Good guy, though I hope he keeps tabs on his son Swtichblade.

WHATEVER: Ummm...the name says it all.

Silver_dragon87: Let's just say she is somewhat enigmatic. I like chatting with her. She seems to be the outcast type. Loves to ramble however and puts on quite the show when fighting people here.

Lords: Al I know is she likes arguing with Vortex.

Lethalfind: Has a jaded view of relationships where me and her agree to some extent. I like her blunt attitude as well.

Ruse: Don't know much about this one, but definitely not an idiot.

Kryptonite Man: This is another one of my favorite posters. He cracks me up with his rants and I like how he speaks his mind.

Registered and Educated: Don't have much of an opinion about this member but makes a great chat buddy.

captainfrenchfry: Another guy that is fun to talk to. We never responded to each other much but I remember him back in the old GF. Good poster.

When I gather more intel and look up more posters, I shall formulate more opinions.
"Lethalfind - Would pay me to parade around in my UPS uniform and give her a special package. I don't like Dr. Pepper, though. I have enjoyed her posts and will continue to enjoy her posts. She's straight to the point and opnionated."
posted by Royal Orleans..
I would pay you to do a slow strip tease...leaving the little shorts for the last.

"Lethalfind: Has a jaded view of relationships where me and her agree to some extent. I like her blunt attitude as well."
posted by Outlaw
I have started dating someone who is changing my mind about men...stay tuned. He treats me like I always thought a man should but had gotten to the point where I thought I was expecting too much and gave up. He even pursued me and pulled me out of my jaded fugue state where men were concerned.

"How come there are so damn many hot men in brown, yet all the wankers in the USPS are fat bald and just nasty. You would think with all that walking and hauling mail there would be a few more hotties!"
posted by Tizz
I am dating a USPS and hes older then me and a little on the low side for hair HOWEVER, he has skills...I feel like I have never been kissed until he kissed me.

"Those blue and orange uniforms are soooooooooo gay! Real men wear brown."
posted by RoyalOrleans
funny, I didn't notice the colour of his uniform, I was too busy looking at his LOOOONG legs and his crotch...thinking about how those long legs could wrap around me so well...wondering what he had hidden away in his OOH so tight shorts...
builder said:
Ruse wrote: "builder-- Hmmm..."

Love me or hate me, but please, don't leave it hanging like that.
I've decided I don't have enough data about you, my friend.
Ruse said:
I've decided I don't have enough data about you, my friend.

:mad: I reread the whole thread hoping for an answer!
You have let me down.

and builder.
And thank you for your comment about me :) I am in SUCHA GOOD MOOOOD!!!!! And you made it better.


Good gosh. I'm so...happy right now. Wonderful, WONDERFUL nighttttttt!!!
Lethalfind said:
I would pay you to do a slow strip tease...leaving the little shorts for the last.

Ohhh... like I haven't been propositioned in such a way. :p

There is one old broad on my route, who makes it a point to walk all the way from her office to the receptionist's desk to see me. Everyday that I have been delivering to that business, she has wore something slutty for a golden gal her age. Needless to say, I love the attention, but not from women who are clutching on to the retirement age.

Lethalfind said:
funny, I didn't notice the colour of his uniform, I was too busy looking at his LOOOONG legs and his crotch...thinking about how those long legs could wrap around me so well...wondering what he had hidden away in his OOH so tight shorts...

You dirty girl!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
RoyalOrleans - Not a big fan of him. Don't really hate him either. Maybe if he lost the shade of red at the back of his neck...

If I've told you people once, I've told you a thousand times. I am not a redneck!
I'm a hillbilly.
RoyalOrleans said:
If I've told you people once, I've told you a thousand times. I am not a redneck!
I'm a hillbilly.

and an admirable existence that is.

What uniform do you wear again? Memory fading.
Originally Posted by Lethalfind
funny, I didn't notice the colour of his uniform, I was too busy looking at his LOOOONG legs and his crotch...thinking about how those long legs could wrap around me so well...wondering what he had hidden away in his OOH so tight shorts...

Originally posted by RoyalOrleans
You dirty girl!
Sometimes I think the man I am dating would be a little affraid if he knew what really goes through my mind...
Lethalfind said:
Royal, I prefer to think of you in your tight little brown shorts, working away for UPS...no bad ass, just tight little shorts.

You ought to see me in the pants and jacket for wintertime.
I prefer shorts, assuming the legs are loose enough to provide an entry for curious hands.
One of the bonuses of living in Florida is the UPS, Postal Workers and FEd Ex normally wear shorts year around...

Surely you have a picture of you in your uniform you could post for us??
Lethalfind said:
I prefer shorts, assuming the legs are loose enough to provide an entry for curious hands.
One of the bonuses of living in Florida is the UPS, Postal Workers and FEd Ex normally wear shorts year around...

Surely you have a picture of you in your uniform you could post for us??

I've declined to put a picture up of me in my UPS uniform, because I don't know what the ramifications would be if found out. I'm sure there's nothing illegal or against company policy, but I'd have to find out first.

You know how labor unions are... :confused: