What do you think of Australians?

1. You didn't catch the "he goes to school to eat lunch thing" did you. He used it something like 3 or 4 times in a 5 minute period.

1a. I will say one thing...every time you post or shout you expect that builder will back you so you say any damn thing you want, even if it makes no sense. He comes to your defence, you suck his dick. It works out...except for when someone calls you on it.

2. No, that makes me 16 and him 68 (I turn 17 this year).

2a. Still haven't seen a bit of intelligence from you, so this statement is pretty much nullified.

3. I don't want to go outback with builder...you can keep your quasi-intelligent dung heap.
manicmonday said:
Your not an Aussie, too bad, they do every thing better. Once you go outback you never go back.

That's enough of that. ****, Builder's head is big enough already. You keep this **** up and he won't fit through the damn door.:D
jokersarewild said:
Or her *****.

You retarded little ****. The only ***** you've ever seen is your mother's.

When your balls finally drop, I hope some transvestite picks you up and enlarges your rectum for you. :cool:
builder said:
You retarded little ****. The only ***** you've ever seen is your mother's.

When your balls finally drop, I hope some transvestite picks you up and enlarges your rectum for you. :cool:
Builder,dont let spastics like that idiot upset you.
Lets put him in the aussie outback for a week or so ,and then see how big his mouth is.
I have a few ideas of where,but you have can have the first choice.
berniec said:
Builder,dont let spastics like that idiot upset you.
Lets put him in the aussie outback for a week or so ,and then see how big his mouth is.
I have a few ideas of where,but you have can have the first choice.

Sure. How about Carnarvon gorge?

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builder said:
Sure. How about Carnarvon gorge?

I was thinking more like maybe the middle of SHARK BAY in an inflatable toy dingy with a leakage problem.
But to be fair,he can have as many packets of sardines as he wants.
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berniec said:
I was thinking more like maybe the middle of SHARK BAY in an inflatable toy dingy with a leakage problem.
But to be fair,he can have as many packets of sardines as he wants.

I like your suggestion much more than mine. :cool:
Another scenario: I really am over the idiot box poll and I just don't like you. But you couldn't possibly deal with that because you think that you and other Aussies are perfect.
No builder, when you can be 68(I know your really 43) and get beat by a 16 year old in a debate because you presented no factual evidence, you are the retard.
jokersarewild said:
No builder, when you can be 68(I know your really 43) and get beat by a 16 year old in a debate because you presented no factual evidence, you are the retard.

And to think I made a poll to get you out of the box early. :rolleyes:

What was I thinking?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
You were being a nice guy, and it worked! ;)

Hmmmm, I didn't vote. It took a few days at least. Just goes to show how insignificant the little fella really is.

As for this, I guess I am just an Aussie *******. Even though I know my father well. ;)
Come on now! You know that builder is not a retard.

He's just an Australian.
builder said:
Hmmmm, I didn't vote. It took a few days at least. Just goes to show how insignificant the little fella really is.

As for this, I guess I am just an Aussie *******. Even though I know my father well. ;)

FYI: The little ingrate didn't even say "Thanks CES".

Besides, I would never label you a *******, just "Australian" which in and of itself explains it all.