What if we had to marry a fellow member


New member
1. Everyone should be equal
That's an interesting concept. If premiums are equal to Mods, lets see you throw me in the box, smarty pants...

2. Tori is NOT the queen of GF. The queen of GF is Vortex.
I believe Vorty is the Queen of a different kind of Kingdom. No competition there, for me or him.

1. While equality would be 'nice', it's not natural.... ******* communist...2. While I'm sure Vortex is considered a hottie in some circles, Tori will always be the queen!
Oh, you beautiful man


Anna Perenna

New member
Equal as in forcing egocentric twats like Tori who are convinced they're ******* royalty to pull their head out of their *** and get back into their place amongst everyone else.
Please learn, and quickly:

The more you talk about her (even if you are insulting her), the bigger her head grows.



Active Members
I narrowed it down to 2, ToriAllen or Tizz. Tori is educated, outspoken and pleasing to look at. The problem is 2 head strong, intelligent people, don't make a good pair.

Tizz is submissive and just a bit wacky. Seems to be intelligent, but, doesn't flaunt it and always submits to alpha males.

It's a tough choice for me. While submissive could be fun for a while, headstrong and opinionated would lead to many good nights making up.

Ahh what the ****. I'll marry Tizz and when I bore of her I'll court ToriAllen and we'll live happily ever after.



New member
I narrowed it down to 2, ToriAllen or Tizz. Tori is educated, outspoken and pleasing to look at. The problem is 2 head strong, intelligent people, don't make a good pair. Tizz is submissive and just a bit wacky. Seems to be intelligent, but, doesn't flaunt it and always submits to alpha males.

It's a tough choice for me. While submissive could be fun for a while, headstrong and opinionated would lead to many good nights making up.

Ahh what the ****. I'll marry Tizz and when I bore of her I'll court ToriAllen and we'll live happily ever after.

So where's my **** ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blushes I'm touched ;)



New member
I think I would like to marry Builder. Just as long as he would promis to whisper sweet nothings to me often, with his Aussie accent.


New member
If I had to choose, I guess at this point, I would have to say..... Tori... Not because she is Uber-hot... Looks fade... But because she has a great attitude... However Jenn88 would be a close second... She's got a winning smile and a great attitude, but she needs some years under her belt... But Tori is married, and Jenn is 17... Thank you for playing... I have some wonderful prizes for ya though!


New member
Equal as in forcing egocentric twats like Tori who are convinced they're ******* royalty to pull their head out of their *** and get back into their place amongst everyone else.
You win the Zippy Award for today! Good looking Meat Whistle!



New member
Unfortunately Komrade, whatever made us did not make us equally. If he had we either would NOT have folks like Edison, and we would be sitting in candle light reading nothing but the bible every night, or we would ALL be Edison's and since we DO have the likes of you around, I am fully convince that we are not NATURALLY equal and therefore will never to be socially equal either


New member
Equality of peoples is a preception. While yes, there are those among us who are more capable in certain respects, wither they be natural or obtained, it is the one who precieves the person as 'superior' (As a "Better" human sort of speek) that gives them the power of class. Socially in-equality seems to be something horrible socialized in us, I certainly don't see why logically one cannot be considered equal simple because they are more capible. Classism dies when you stop placing people on pedistals due to admiration.


New member
Honestly I don't consider any living thing to be "better" than any other in a spiritual sense, but since we ARE social animals, I believe there is no such thing as complete equality in that sense. We have intelligence, empathy, compassion, and emotion and unfortunately when they all get together to play, equality flies out the window. But that is a subject for an entirely different topic.

WOW spell check tells me I got that whole thing right. Sometimes I shock the chit out of myself LOL

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