What I've Done (AUDIO) *Main Discussion*

I think we all understand that the band is trying something new and changing somewhat, but we still dont want to see a completely different band. We are all fans of "Linkin Park", not simply because they are six guys who we all worship and love, but because their art inspires us, and because we can connect with their music in some way, because we love what they sand for, and support what they do. If everything we have come to know them as changes, then they simply arent "Linkin Park." They are just six random guys who are in a band and play music like everyone else.

New sound? Fine, I love it.
New band? That aint gonna fly.

So far, I think they are making poor choices about the art for this album. It dosent even look like they picked that cover for the single, it looks like some stupid record executive who went, THIS IS WHAT SELLS! and forced them to use it. Its just not the style Ive come to know them to have. I also just dont want them to get taken over by the industry and simply try to do something that is whats "IN" right now or "what sells". Its just not them, and I dont want to see it happen.

As for the newer music, whether its on the album or not... Qwerty, not bad... Announcement Service Public, amazing... What I've done, not bad, sounds almost like it coulda been on Meteora. In that department I would say they are doing perfectly fine, but there is still not enough to judge it completely. Im pretty sure Ill still like the music on the album, they are still the same people as before, similar styles will be there, and I have faith in them. But will the album really be good?... only time will tell.

Im not complaining, Im just stating that Im worried because what we see is different. People hate change, its just how we are. If you cant handle us staiting our opinions, then these boards are not for you beacuse that is what forums are for in the first place, discussing information and everyone's opinions about it. If you dont want to hear what others have to say, get off your computer and go talk to yourself in the corner. Then you will always have someone to agree with.

Im sick and tired of people complaining because they think we are all whining when our opinions differ from theirs. Deal with it already and shut the hell up.

[This is directed at multiple people, not any single person in peticular.]

@FireHawk: Now that would be a good idea!
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I don't know it just sounds like you're trying to justify the interesting level of anti new Linkin Parkism and say itr's okay to complain about it because I don't like it and I hope they don't change in a verbose way. You can choose to believe they're a different band or not that's your thing. It's sounds stubborn to me. But then the whole pop mentality is anyway. "Oh I hope they don't change, I hope they don't change." Bands do change some a greater degree then others. Dir en grey (don't know if you've heard of them or not) want absolute nothing to do with their older material. They reject it all together. They're one of the examples of bands who make 180's . So the concept of bands at their "core" being completely different is very much possible. I'm not saying that's Linkin Park's ideal goal I'm saying that trying to cling to Meteroa and Hybrid Theory is pointless. The problem is much isn't Linkin Park here it's the old fans who cling to their older stuff and won't accept anything different from their older stuff. They're not the teenybopper sensation they were when Hybrid Theory came out. They've grown and changed. But enough of that, I'm sick of defending Linkin Park. Let's just wait until the album comes out. It's going to be World War III. Then suddenly dissing Linkin Park will become the trendy thing to do. Good luck keeping the forum under control. :rofl:
i dont understand why some of you are getting mad over ppl not liking it and stuff

thats what FORUMS ARE FOR
they are to voice your opinions...cyberly

theres always going to be someone who doesnt agree with u, and its their choice not to like it or not

me: YES i dont like the cover..or the logo, but its not like im REFUSING to listen to the cd,
no one on here is like that either!

so stop telling ppl to shut the hell up when the whole point of this thread is to tell your opinion about the cover

there...mrsrobourdons rant is done.icanbreeeaaaathenow
The best thing I can say on the situation is that the expectations of the album from both the majority of the fans and critics is stupendously low. So at least they dont have to try meet loft expectations so the album will proabably be better than we all expect where as usualy tis the other way round. Though the fact the album cover seems to be following the trend of the moment (Indie/Guitar/Scene) music wont help their credibility.
im still not sure if its brad...or some random...

the cover is OK...but it doesnt have the impact that LP had with all their other album/single covers. lookin through all their old covers, they were awesome,individually designed and very much linkin park. this new cover is just..."meh" at best,you could easily wlak past it and not notice it, the new logo is alright, the new sound is interesting...but the single cover just doesnt do anything. call me wierd, but the reason i BOUGHT meteora instead of downloading it was because it had such a cool arty cover.
I was wondering, since the single cover looks like this, isn't the album cover gonna be similar? Similar to this and the new logoes and the official pic of the band...
I was wondering, since the single cover looks like this, isn't the album cover gonna be similar? Similar to this and the new logoes and the official pic of the band...

Yeah...usually it's similar...look at the Meteora cover and the Somewhere I Belong one for example...it was the same direction....
The best thing I can say on the situation is that the expectations of the album from both the majority of the fans and critics is stupendously low. So at least they dont have to try meet loft expectations so the album will proabably be better than we all expect where as usualy tis the other way round. Though the fact the album cover seems to be following the trend of the moment (Indie/Guitar/Scene) music wont help their credibility.

Thats LP keepin' up with whats popular and knocking off of it :)
you're right...
but I had heard this before xD

umm... I think their new direction is kinda cool.
their new look and everything... I LOVE IT
Da na na na... oh wow that part really scared me, kinda lol. I'm really not liking the first single, but so far we've only heard most (if not all) the chorus.
im ganna ****in love the "new" sound, even though it doesn't sound "new". my cousin says "they sound exactly the same"