What's the best song of 'reanimation'

That's pretty hard....hmmmm....I'd have to say either PTS.of.ATHRY, P5HNG ME A*WY
or 1stp klosr, they are all overly awesome, But I'd have to say i prefer these ones.
1stp klosr and krwlng for me. I love how they end the album with the 2 most powerful songs on it. The album in whole is good, but when i hear either one of those two I cant change the track if I wanted to.
P5HNG ME A*WY has a great melodic refrain... i luv it...
i kinda liked it more than the Pushing Me Away in the HT album...
imho, P5HNG ME A*WY is the best track in Reanimation...
maybe that's the reason why LP sang it in the Live in Texas album... :D
FireHawk said:
With You (too lazy to do it right)
Pushing (to lazy to do it right)
only ones i liked a lot

Liked Pts.of.Athrty, but MTV played that vid too much, and now it annoys me.

And I didn't like FRGT/10 until I heard it live, lol.
I have flat out freakin' fallen in love with KRWLNG. It makes sense, too, since the guy that did the remix is the lead singer from Staind, and I like their music too.
plc.4.me.haed <-- i think thats what it is...

I just love the ending
''you try to take the best of me go away...''