What's the worst genre of music?

New country yes (I have a thing for Cash) but my all time pet peeve of music has to be Hip Hop. I just CANNOT listen to it for more than 10 seconds without just getting n a REALLY bad mood
All yall can kiss my COUNTRY ASS for saying country

I like all but..JAZZ and Classical and teeny bopper **** like Hilary Duff or Lindsey Lohan..How ****in irratating!!

I totally listen to OLD ROCK, Country, punk, alt, rap/hiphop and **** like Ray charles...ya know
Rap or Hip-hop or whatever the **** they are calling it these days. Followed by most new rock and roll... Creed and similar bands are just freaking horrble. I don't like a lot of new Country music and absolutely loathe Toby Keith.
"Definitions of music on the Web:
any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds

Music is said to be an art, a form of entertainment, and is also often defined by contrast with noise or speech."

"Definitions of noise on the Web:
the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience"

Rap = Noise

Ergo the answer to the question - RAP!!!!!!!

(I am soooooo glad my daughter never fell prey to Rap, thus sparing me years of holding my tongue in gritted teeth silence)
My Mom listens to bubble gum religious music, Sandy Patty and the such. I can't stand that stuff. After working in retail for years I didn't care for Christmas music that is EVERYWHERE in the mall but that is not as bad as it used to be. My has a CD of the Chipmunks for Christmas, god help me.
tizz said:
New country yes (I have a thing for Cash) but my all time pet peeve of music has to be Hip Hop. I just CANNOT listen to it for more than 10 seconds without just getting n a REALLY bad mood

I wasn't even thinking about the old country singers like Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash those guys are actually cool. As for the likes of Toby Keith or especially Tim McGraw, one word, douche.

I also think Ashlee Simpson really sucks. All that talentless Hilary Duff, rich teenager crap!