Whats with your username?

Jhony5 said:
First off....I made mention of derailing threads once, back in July when I first joined. Was told that derailing threads is acceptable, by a mod. Then was idiot boxed for "derailing" a thread by the same guy that said it was OK to do it in the first place (durrrr). Never gave a goodbye speech, you're thinking of someone else.

Look Vortex, I am sorry for being so blunt and probably shouldn't have. Just tired of hearing gays say they want to be treated like everyone else then running their mouths constantly reminding everyone that they are different.

Maybe i'm a bit diconnected. My rant was unprovoked and unnessasary. Sorry.

What made me go off was when I realized that you have a gay superhero as your signiture. A gay cartoon charachter for your avatar. It says "whereever soap is dropped" for your location. AND your title says gay mafia boss.

See what I mean by gays being so consumed with their counter culture that they inadvertantly shove it in your face?

Get over it. Your gay. We get it.

Vortie has no reason to be ashamed or hide who he is. I would like to see America get to the point where a gay man with his lover or a gay woman with her lover can be as open with their affections in public that hetero couples are.

The differences between us are what makes America great, we have the right to live openly. That goes for Vortex as well. Vortie and his lover are welcome in my home any time.
I don't see being gay a counter culture, how narrow minded are you?? You have shown yourself to be someone I have no desire to ever speak to again. I take GREAT exception to your belief system. YOU are the kind of person I would not allow around my child for fear that your sad, sorry pathetic belief system would affect her in some way, not Vortie.
He's gay. Who cares? I find his location/title to be quite amusing, actually.
RO has a chick stripping in his sig. Should I be offended because it boasts to his heterosexuality? I think not. Same difference.
angie said:
He's gay. Who cares? I find his location/title to be quite amusing, actually.
RO has a chick stripping in his sig. Should I be offended because it boasts to his heterosexuality? I think not. Same difference.

HERE HERE ang...
Lethalfind said:
Vortie has no reason to be ashamed or hide who he is. I would like to see America get to the point where a gay man with his lover or a gay woman with her lover can be as open with their affections in public that hetero couples are.

The differences between us are what makes America great, we have the right to live openly. That goes for Vortex as well. Vortie and his lover are welcome in my home any time.
I don't see being gay a counter culture, how narrow minded are you?? You have shown yourself to be someone I have no desire to ever speak to again. I take GREAT exception to your belief system. YOU are the kind of person I would not allow around my child for fear that your sad, sorry pathetic belief system would affect her in some way, not Vortie.

I never said he should be ashamed of who he is, did I? Nope. I never made mention of homos hiding who they are, not once. Just a commentary from a white hetero male, the one demograpic that is socialy acceptable to flame and poke fun at. You did nothing short of proving my point. Which is make a comment about homosexuals and your labled as a biggot.
What was said by me in this thread was intended not to hurt anyones feelings, only to take a jab at the "untouchable" gay community. The PC crowd has made it a taboo subject to say anything in the negative about minority groups, including gays, at the same time making it perfectly OK to slam the white man. You said it yourself Lethal. Hetero males talk about their dicks and the women they ****, and you mentioned it in the negative aspect. Should I be offended that your "narrow minded view point" stereotyped me? NOPE. I laughed it off, as I hope Vorty did to my comments.
So relax girl, i'm no gay bashing hate mongor. Just a **** stirring troll that gets a rise from those who can't think outside the box, and point out the hypocracy of the those who label others as biggots.

Just to clarify Lethal, earlier in this thread when I made mention of the phrase "self imposed handi-cap" you totaly mis-comprehended what I meant by it. I meant when gays talk about their sexuality constantly in the context that it causes them so much greif, then it it becomes a handi-cap. I did not mean that being gay is a handi-cap in and of itself.
Jhony5 said:
Your ruining my delicate fantasy.

Your alright Vorty.

Nice sidestep, Jhony.

Perhaps this has all worked out to plan?

Revved up one slow forum, anyhow. :cool:
builder said:
Nice sidestep, Jhony.

Perhaps this has all worked out to plan?

Revved up one slow forum, anyhow. :cool:

What in the **** are you talking about?

Sidestep? Whys it gotta be like that. You need to get out of the little box your living in my outbackish freind.
Jhony5 said:
What in the **** are you talking about?

Well, you seem to have everyone's attention. Whore. :D

Jhony5 said:
Sidestep? Whys it gotta be like that. You need to get out of the little box your living in my outbackish freind.

I live on a coastal island within one hour of a thriving metropolis, Jhony. My work is north on the Sunshine Coast, the fastest developing region in the whole damn country. Hardly the boondocks, buddy. :cool:
Builder I can a sure you that you are the attention whore. And then you get all pissy when you think someone is stealing your thunder.

You accused me of being on a soapbox the other day.

snafu said:
Builder I can a sure you that you are the attention whore. And then you get all pissy when you think someone is stealing your thunder.

You accused me of being on a soapbox the other day.

builder said:
I'd love to, but you would miss me far too much, Snaf~U.

Oh, when you assume that I am "getting pissy", if you mean I'm getting drunk, you would be right. :cool:

Americans don't normally use pissy in the same way builder, it means your getting shitty but not in a manly way, it insinuates that you are unable to come out and address your anger in a manly butch way...
I was confused by that when I went to the UK and they talked about being pissed or being on the piss or taking the piss, it was all news to me...
Well, I'm not confused at all about the cultural gap in the use of that particular word or phrase. I'm just trying to get the grumpy old ******* to lighten up and get into it some more.
builder said:
Well, I'm not confused at all about the cultural gap in the use of that particular word or phrase. I'm just trying to get the grumpy old ******* to lighten up and get into it some more.

Good luck with that...
well i got stir crazy tonight and decided to go out......

and the gossip train was chuggin away.......

i got approaced about 50 times tonight about me retireing.......and i knew maybe 10 of them.

i gave my notice on tuesday...and like 4 people knew........now audience members know?

crap........im prolly gonna cry now on my last day.....

Vortex said:
well i got stir crazy tonight and decided to go out......

and the gossip train was chuggin away.......

i got approaced about 50 times tonight about me retireing.......and i knew maybe 10 of them.

i gave my notice on tuesday...and like 4 people knew........now audience members know?

crap........im prolly gonna cry now on my last day.....


What are you retiring from? Audience members?
Vortex said:
well i got stir crazy tonight and decided to go out......

and the gossip train was chuggin away.......

i got approaced about 50 times tonight about me retireing.......and i knew maybe 10 of them.

i gave my notice on tuesday...and like 4 people knew........now audience members know?

crap........im prolly gonna cry now on my last day.....


You're telling me you got approached 50 times in one night, and you never scored a take-home? What were you doing? Your ****ing finger nails?

Vorty, you know I have a lot of time for you, but how much opportunity do you need? If you were a hetero mate, and you knocked back that much poon, I would not buy you a beer for a month. No kidding. And that would just about cripple a healthy Aussie bloke.

I'm starting to think you won't settle for less than Lady Di. God rest her soul.
Most people dont like to date those that perform builder....thats another HUGE reason i want out.

Lets see all 10 girls performing approached me. the 2 bartenders in the happy hour bar approached me. 2 barbacks, the other 2 bartenders approached me. 5 amateur queens approached me. 4 audience members (whom annoy me ) approached me. 5 of my hardcore fans approached me, and 3 people who i didnt even know who i was out of drag came up to me...

all with the question "WHY"?

hmm guess it wasnt quite 50...but close

and builder...not a one of them is even close to dating material....so i wouldnt try with any of them. Not to mention about half of them were gay the other half straight girls. You coulda had a chance tho.... There was one hottie at the bar...but he turned out to be a pantie sniffer....

Vortex Dictionary: Panty Sniffer, Those who want to be with a man but want them to look like a woman.....

no thanks
Panty sniffer....Thats ****ing classic.

I had no idea you were a "performer", Vorty. Do you sing, dance, jump through a flaming hoop?