Whats with your username?

Souljacker said:
Mine's the name of one of my favourite albums by one of my favourite bands. It also happens to be the title track.


They've released a couple of other albums since then - one just recently, but the story of the name Souljacker can be found here:


....but I just like the album.... :D

I did wonder, soulie. I also recall hanging lots of **** on you for that name. Back when your sig said something like; "Jesus told me to flame you".

Was that it? It was worth a week of ****-slinging. At the very least. ;)
I have thought that I should change my user name. Lethal rhymes with my first name and FIND is the first 4 letters of my last name. Of course at school people called me Lethal (among other things). I would rather my little indulgence here on WYPO not be common knowledge among people (like my family) who know me. All it takes is a little google search to dig up my ravings here. Oh well. I have tried other names and nothing seems to strike me.
I have used lethalfind since I got my first email account, years ago.

At school they also called me Diesel, weasel and Lysol, I prefer lethal...oh I forgot, for a time people called me Eeeso, like a child trying to say my name...thats why my daughter has a normal every day name, Diane. Nothing strange or creative just Diane. So far no one has come up with a rhyming nickname for her. Although someone at some point probably will. At least people can pronounce her name. I am sick to the back teeth of explaining my name to people. Giving your name should be just telling the person your name. Not telling them how to spell it, repeating so they can get the pronounciation and then of course telling them "NO I'm not German..." I know its not their fault. ITS MY MOTHERS FAULT !!!! dizzy cow naming me after a character on a movie and an Austrian one at that.
sorry, I got carried away.
I dream of changing my first name to something unremarkable...I have always said I will once my Mother passes away. We'll see.
My Username origin is about to be a distant memory

but here is a visual of Valerie Vortex

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Why is it that with gay people everything is about their gayness. I have worked with many gay men and its always the same. Gay this and gay that, gay gay gay gay all day with the gay. Whats the deal with that **** anyway? Thats all that gay dudes ever talk about is gay stuff, like they're constantly trying to remind you that they're gay. We get it dude, you take it up the ass, whatever. Get over your perversion.
Faggots wonder why they get fag draged behind pick up trucks. Maybe its because they won't shut up about guzzling jizz next to the dumpster in the ally.
Jhony5 said:
Why is it that with gay people everything is about their gayness. I have worked with many gay men and its always the same. Gay this and gay that, gay gay gay gay all day with the gay. Whats the deal with that **** anyway? Thats all that gay dudes ever talk about is gay stuff, like they're constantly trying to remind you that they're gay. We get it dude, you take it up the ass, whatever. Get over your perversion.
Faggots wonder why they get fag draged behind pick up trucks. Maybe its because they won't shut up about guzzling jizz next to the dumpster in the ally.

I can't believe you posted that...and I thought you were a cool person.
That was so uncool, words fail me.
Lethalfind said:
I can't believe you posted that...and I thought you were a cool person.
That was so uncool, words fail me.

Just tired of hearing it thats all. I don't condone violence against homos. I've learned that if your nice to a gay man he WILL eventualy hit on you, everytime. You should never judge an entire group on the actions of individuals, but when it seems the majority of a particular group shares the same actions then I have no choice but to lump them all together.

Nine times out of ten Vortex has nothing to add but his own gay slant to a subject. Which is common amoung gays. I was totaly cool with this gay dude at my work. We would take smoke breaks together and bullshit just like guys do. He knows i'm hetero, but did that stop him from trying it on with me? NOPE. After I left the breakroom one night I was told that he said "ewww weee, that guy has a sweet ass". I ignored it despite the jokes I heard. The next night he asks me if I wanted to come over after work and "party". Ya, if by party you mean **** me in my asshole, then no.

In short gays irritate me when all they have to say is gay. I'm the least politicaly correct person you will run into and I will not mince words. I'm not here to make friends, as I have plenty. I'm not here to make enemies, as I have plenty of those as well. Just here to say what I really feel without candy coating it for acceptance.
Jhony5 said:
Just tired of hearing it thats all. I don't condone violence against homos. I've learned that if your nice to a gay man he WILL eventualy hit on you, everytime. You should never judge an entire group on the actions of individuals, but when it seems the majority of a particular group shares the same actions then I have no choice but to lump them all together.

Nine times out of ten Vortex has nothing to add but his own gay slant to a subject. Which is common amoung gays. I was totaly cool with this gay dude at my work. We would take smoke breaks together and bullshit just like guys do. He knows i'm hetero, but did that stop him from trying it on with me? NOPE. After I left the breakroom one night I was told that he said "ewww weee, that guy has a sweet ass". I ignored it despite the jokes I heard. The next night he asks me if I wanted to come over after work and "party". Ya, if by party you mean **** me in my asshole, then no.

In short gays irritate me when all they have to say is gay. I'm the least politicaly correct person you will run into and I will not mince words. I'm not here to make friends, as I have plenty. I'm not here to make enemies, as I have plenty of those as well. Just here to say what I really feel without candy coating it for acceptance.

I'm sorry but get in a group of Het guys and all they have to say is about being Het and how their dick is bigger and how they win all the pissing contests and their car is bigger and they make more money...your no different. You just don't realize it.
As far as a friend, I would rather have a gay male friend then any other, their just more cool. Het guys are not fit for society alot of the times, why do you think they say men are from mars and women are from venus?
Lethalfind said:
I'm sorry but get in a group of Het guys and all they have to say is about being Het and how their dick is bigger and how they win all the pissing contests and their car is bigger and they make more money...your no different. You just don't realize it.
As far as a friend, I would rather have a gay male friend then any other, their just more cool. Het guys are not fit for society alot of the times, why do you think they say men are from mars and women are from venus?

.....And gay men are from Uranus?

I'm not in a minority when it comes to feeling uncomfortable around men who discuss their gay lifestyle. I'm not saying that gays should be ashamed of their sexuality, but keep it in their own circles, thats all. I wouldn't stand around a group of women and talk about screwing some women. So I would expect gay men not to stand around a group of hetero males and talk about gay bars. You see where i'm coming from? Honestly, would you feel cool about lesbians discussing ramming dildos in their girlfriends in front of you and your straight freinds? I doubt it unless you were gay. Its a double standard that i'm not buying into. I feel the same way about blacks who constantly go on about being black.

Heres an example of what im saying, Lethal. Anytime your watching a stand up comedy show and a black guy takes the stage, what is it he jokes about? Black this, white guys cant dance , blackity black black. Same with gay comedians, "i'm gay, gay this straight guy that". Booooooo!! I say to any minority group, get over your self immposed handicap and talk about something besides your obvious differences.

Am I making any sense here?
Jhony5 said:
.....And gay men are from Uranus?

I'm not in a minority when it comes to feeling uncomfortable around men who discuss their gay lifestyle. I'm not saying that gays should be ashamed of their sexuality, but keep it in their own circles, thats all. I wouldn't stand around a group of women and talk about screwing some women. So I would expect gay men not to stand around a group of hetero males and talk about gay bars. You see where i'm coming from? Honestly, would you feel cool about lesbians discussing ramming dildos in their girlfriends in front of you and your straight freinds? I doubt it unless you were gay. Its a double standard that i'm not buying into. I feel the same way about blacks who constantly go on about being black.

Heres an example of what im saying, Lethal. Anytime your watching a stand up comedy show and a black guy takes the stage, what is it he jokes about? Black this, white guys cant dance , blackity black black. Same with gay comedians, "i'm gay, gay this straight guy that". Booooooo!! I say to any minority group, get over your self immposed handicap and talk about something besides your obvious differences.

Am I making any sense here?

I am no more uncomfortable with a lesbian discussing what she does in bed with her lover then I am a gay man or a hetero man or woman. I just don't make those distinctions.
I can't believe you see being gay as a "self imposed handicap". They have just as much right to speak in the same way about their lifestyle as you do yours. I see absolutely no difference there. I am not offended or put off. If at some time I am offended of put off I have the freedom to leave. However I don't have the right to force others into seeing the world the same narrow way I do...you might think about that.
Lethalfind said:
I am no more uncomfortable with a lesbian discussing what she does in bed with her lover then I am a gay man or a hetero man or woman. I just don't make those distinctions.
I can't believe you see being gay as a "self imposed handicap". They have just as much right to speak in the same way about their lifestyle as you do yours. I see absolutely no difference there. I am not offended or put off. If at some time I am offended of put off I have the freedom to leave. However I don't have the right to force others into seeing the world the same narrow way I do...you might think about that.


I guess we don't see eye to eye on that. I don't wish to "force" others to see my way. But I will quickly remind them that I don't want that gay **** shoved into my ears. I don't want to hear some dude talk about gay sex anymore then I want to hear some dude talk about ****ing a pig.
Strange how i never mentioned gay sex to make you fly off the handle........

Feel free to put me on ignore....Then you wont have to even look at my username...

......didnt you give your goodbye speech along time ago and your biggest bitch was changing subjects? And to think you changed it to the subject you dont even want to hear about.

Musta been placebo day for ya eh?
Vortex said:
Strange how i never mentioned gay sex to make you fly off the handle........

Feel free to put me on ignore....Then you wont have to even look at my username...

......didnt you give your goodbye speech along time ago and your biggest bitch was changing subjects? And to think you changed it to the subject you dont even want to hear about.

Musta been placebo day for ya eh?

First off....I made mention of derailing threads once, back in July when I first joined. Was told that derailing threads is acceptable, by a mod. Then was idiot boxed for "derailing" a thread by the same guy that said it was OK to do it in the first place (durrrr). Never gave a goodbye speech, you're thinking of someone else.

Look Vortex, I am sorry for being so blunt and probably shouldn't have. Just tired of hearing gays say they want to be treated like everyone else then running their mouths constantly reminding everyone that they are different.

Maybe i'm a bit diconnected. My rant was unprovoked and unnessasary. Sorry.

What made me go off was when I realized that you have a gay superhero as your signiture. A gay cartoon charachter for your avatar. It says "whereever soap is dropped" for your location. AND your title says gay mafia boss.

See what I mean by gays being so consumed with their counter culture that they inadvertantly shove it in your face?

Get over it. Your gay. We get it.
Vorty's leaping gay superhero was given to him. Probably by CES. As for the rest, I have no idea. ;)
Jhony5 said:
First off....I made mention of derailing threads once, back in July when I first joined. Was told that derailing threads is acceptable, by a mod. Then was idiot boxed for "derailing" a thread by the same guy that said it was OK to do it in the first place (durrrr). Never gave a goodbye speech, you're thinking of someone else.

Look Vortex, I am sorry for being so blunt and probably shouldn't have. Just tired of hearing gays say they want to be treated like everyone else then running their mouths constantly reminding everyone that they are different.

Maybe i'm a bit diconnected. My rant was unprovoked and unnessasary. Sorry.

What made me go off was when I realized that you have a gay superhero as your signiture. A gay cartoon charachter for your avatar. It says "whereever soap is dropped" for your location. AND your title says gay mafia boss.

See what I mean by gays being so consumed with their counter culture that they inadvertantly shove it in your face?

Get over it. Your gay. We get it.

Yea i really wasnt expecting seeing that reply from you. Especially since i was afraid to let that out on here for some reason. But since i gave my notice last night and can finally toss the "stage life" out the window, and it is very very bitter/sweet. I was a little put off by your post.....but ill accept the apology........

Yes the gay superhero was put on there...i think it was ces...i thought it was funny so i kept it on there......

That avatar i thought was funny as well, specially since its one of my favorite shows..........same with the location. Its all meant as humor. Sorry if it doesnt jive with your sense of humor.... Sometimes overstereotyping yourself keeps you from taking yourself too seriously...at least for me it does. Especially since i dont act like a flamer in person...why not overdo it with words and pictures on here....Its all harmless fun, till someone gets hurt :)


As you yourself said in another thread;

Jhonny5 said:
. I'm a very losey goosey smart ass and I only get along with people who share with my sense of humor.

Joke 'em if they can't take a ****.
Vortex said:
Yea i really wasnt expecting seeing that reply from you. Especially since i was afraid to let that out on here for some reason. But since i gave my notice last night and can finally toss the "stage life" out the window, and it is very very bitter/sweet. I was a little put off by your post.....but ill accept the apology........

Yes the gay superhero was put on there...i think it was ces...i thought it was funny so i kept it on there......

That avatar i thought was funny as well, specially since its one of my favorite shows..........same with the location. Its all meant as humor. Sorry if it doesnt jive with your sense of humor.... Sometimes overstereotyping yourself keeps you from taking yourself too seriously...at least for me it does. Especially since i dont act like a flamer in person...why not overdo it with words and pictures on here....Its all harmless fun, till someone gets hurt :)


As you yourself said in another thread;

Really I didn't mean to attack you personaly. I'm no better a person then you or any other person on here. When someone gets attacked for being who they are, it shows strentgh when they flaunt it. Maybe i'm just bitter cuz the fact that I haven't got laid in three weeks. Feel free to call me a homophobic redneck anytime Vorty.
Jhony5 said:
Really I didn't mean to attack you personaly. I'm no better a person then you or any other person on here. When someone gets attacked for being who they are, it shows strentgh when they flaunt it. Maybe i'm just bitter cuz the fact that I haven't got laid in three weeks. Feel free to call me a homophobic redneck anytime Vorty.

Ill just save it and quote you another day :)

3 weeks.....Try 2 years or so.....