White People

The Feotus said:
Mate, The only thing that seperates the Islmic extremists and the taigs is thier cause. And the fact that fenians don't blow themselves up.

To suggest that one man with a bomb is any more dangerous than another is ludicrous and just show that you're part of the growing ****in' legion of downies falling for this scare-mongering media bullshit.

I can see me arguing with this meat whistle in the not so distant future...
GF Admin said:
One has to have goals, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. That’s why Earth has people like me, being a sociopath definitely gives me a leg up.

I'd be a sociopath if I wasn't so damn tired all the time.
Jaxmagicman said:
I will as soon as you stop pulling me out of there to entertain you by beating you at every sport you have ever invinted.

Hey if you, Ben Johnson and the rest of the brothers quit snorting steroids and the rest of it, they'd be enough medals for everyone you greedy ****ers...
jaxmagicman said:
I can't stand them. Especially when they tell me that they are not racist because they have x-number of black friends. Yeah, counting the black people you know really isn't a racist thing. I don't count how many white friends I have. Hey G-dogg, I know I am not racist because I have 3 white friends.

Nobody really has a problem with someone who thinks they're better than everyone else. Sure, it's annoying, but it's not a crime. I don't see why my thinking my race is better than others is a crime.
Gallytuck said:
Nobody really has a problem with someone who thinks they're better than everyone else. Sure, it's annoying, but it's not a crime. I don't see why my thinking my race is better than others is a crime.

No its not a crime, but it is one of the key stones to become a racist/nationalist/facist.
Quarky1.0 said:
No its not a crime, but it is one of the key stones to become a racist/nationalist/facist.

Actually, yeah, it is a crime Unless you're a Jew. Or black. Or anything other than White. Judaism is based on racism(The Chosen People) but you don't really hear anyone sitting the Jews down and having a talk with them.
Gallytuck said:
Actually, yeah, it is a crime Unless you're a Jew. Or black. Or anything other than White. Judaism is based on racism(The Chosen People) but you don't really hear anyone sitting the Jews down and having a talk with them.

Goddamn its the way every religion operates. The none jewish do refer of themeselves as the chosen people. But they refer to none jews as "unclean"
The muslims refer to none muslims as "infidels" Christians refer to none christians as "damned", or "athiests" etc etc. So yeah the jews bash those who are not jews, but so does every other ****ing hate filled a cursed religion on the planet earth.
That also bring me to another point, where do you thing racism comes from? It comes from religion, it teaches the them and us mentality.
If we were all blind, would we have a "black/white issue? It is tough as hell to let yourself love your fellow brother. In the bunker, with shells flying overhead...... and you get fragged.... would you want my blood to live? Again, it's tough to really love your brother. Some words really start with the hidden word "bullshit" in front of them. Racism is one of them. Racism to me means "you are afraid of something". Once you establish what that really is..... you will release the "bullshit".
Lesbian Since 13 said:
All I can say is that the myth about black men being hung better than white men is very real. So that means us white girls want to line up for the black man...what the **** is your problem then?

Black women are far more better in bed and easier to get in bed(if you're White) than White women. Oh, and they love White dudes. Asian wimmins also love White dudes. It's a shame more White dudes don't know about that.

Ask any doctor who does surgical penis enhancements what the most common request he gets from the girlfriends/wives of his or her patients is and you'll get something along the lines of, "Please don't make it a lot bigger." So if you're a woman, White or not, and you're craving some of the Black man's donkey dick you're either loose in the cooch which renders you undesirable by the majority of men anyway or it means you're going through a phase or satisfying a curiosity.

So go ahead. We have backup if the supply of White women dries up.
k_dawg_99510 said:
If we were all blind, would we have a "black/white issue? It is tough as hell to let yourself love your fellow brother. In the bunker, with shells flying overhead...... and you get fragged.... would you want my blood to live? Again, it's tough to really love your brother. Some words really start with the hidden word "bullshit" in front of them. Racism is one of them. Racism to me means "you are afraid of something". Once you establish what that really is..... you will release the "bullshit".

No, racism is discrimination based on race. I don't hate black men and I really don't care who is superior. I just don't like how most of them operate.
jaxmagicman said:
Black men like white women because they are submissive and easily controlled. Black women are strong and won't are hard to get in bed. We like white women because they are easy to sleep with and once you hit it, you basically control them.

No black women only play hrd to get for black men. Fow us good looking white guys they drop their nickers faster than a $2 whore. Yeah all them black chicks want to get shagged by a white man. Hell they suckcock like a turbo charged vaccum cleaner and are so grateful that a white guy is ****ing them they will do anything we ask. But then again that goes for the all the colored folks. Yep they all want to be ****ed by a well hung white boy.
Evilbastard said:
No black women only play hrd to get for black men. Fow us good looking white guys they drop their nickers faster than a $2 whore. Yeah all them black chicks want to get shagged by a white man. Hell they suckcock like a turbo charged vaccum cleaner and are so grateful that a white guy is ****ing them they will do anything we ask. But then again that goes for the all the colored folks. Yep they all want to be ****ed by a well hung white boy.

"well hung white boy"...those are rare, almost like chicken teeth...
sebastian said:
i ain't ever been opposed to takin a crackas money cuz the good Lord knows he been takin everything ...

The Lord? Oh, you must mean the White man's god. I bet you like to ride your hooptie while cruisin' for new bitches to knock up. Yeah, a black man didn't invent cars.

Everything you ****ing "thug" blacks aspire to obtain is what you think all White people have already. In your own black way you're all trying to get without sacrifice what White people have to bust their arses for.
Evilbastard said:
No black women only play hrd to get for black men. Fow us good looking white guys they drop their nickers faster than a $2 whore. Yeah all them black chicks want to get shagged by a white man. Hell they suckcock like a turbo charged vaccum cleaner and are so grateful that a white guy is ****ing them they will do anything we ask. But then again that goes for the all the colored folks. Yep they all want to be ****ed by a well hung white boy.

I agree. Black and Asian broads love White dudes.