Whites in the UK to become minority group

Mariama said:
Do you honestly think your culture and colour is superior to anyone elses?
So your white, who cares? whats so great about it? Why must you think you have an edge?

Hell YES!

What has your culture ever done? discovered the wheel, nope? oh wait you learnt how to peel a banana.

Whites have explored the world while you were still throwing spears at mohteesah. You so called culture is stagnant, AK47s have replaced spears in Africa and New Orleans just went to show that you can take the black out of the jungle but you cant take the jungle out of the black.

You need to thank a White man since you are even on the computer today.

And no, it wasnt whites that bought you from Africa, not taking credit for that ****ing travesty, it was the jews, Kaplan, Cohen, look on the registry of the slave ships besides, you blacks have been taking white slaves, North African pirates would raid the southern English coast and kidnap the white women into slavery, where is our reperations or white history month huh?

Or are you one of those high and mighty blacks, "Egyptians were black" hahahahaahaha, I cant see a bunch of blacks being able to concentrate long enough on building the pyramids without a "white baas" whipping them to keep working, so no, that is not your claim to fame, you claim to fame was inventing peanut butter, some old buck chewed up peanuts in his mouth and and good idea, WOW! :rolleyes:
Hamza123 said:
I would rather be black than be white. At least I can find my true identity.

My true identity,

I am a New Zealand European of Scottish, English and Cossack Russian descent, My Russian bloodlines date back to the English Aristocracy helping some Non-Communist Russian familys out of Russia during the revolution.

My English bloodlines come from North of England, where the family trade was fullering, my great great Grandfather fought in WW1 and was killed in action in Gallipolli where he was forced along with many other brave souls to advance with bayonets when they ran out of ammunition.

My Scottish side was kicked off their land during the clearances so they sold their cattle and moved to America where they later moved to New Zealand and at least one member of my family served in the New Zealand wars, the Boer wars, WW1, WW2 and the troubles in Communist Malaya with the Australian SAS.

Thats a brief rundown of my identity, :rolleyes:
Would that me my English culture you are talking about? Since that is where I was born...

Check your history, there are many accomplishments from Africa...

I see you like to take credit for everything the white man has eledgedly done, so were you there when this white man was exploring the world and inventing his computer?

What is your accomplishments? (other than a skin colour and primitive thinking).

No your people were not exploring the world, they were, raping, stealing and enslaving actually. If you want to take a share in the ways of the historical white man than you shall have that reputation.

No I do not need to thank a "white man" for being on this computer, my mum bought it for me...

Why do you keep refuring to Africa? I am English...

And as for a White History Month, if you want one, get off your ass and start one! Only I think not, because yours would be filled for the most part with how you tortured and stole the world and its' resources - not a good start eh?

What planet are you on? Are you as dumb as your writing proclaims?
Egyptians can be whatever you wish, what the duce does it have to do with me? What have to do with pyramids and peanut butter, or any of the other item you have mis-represented?

Well if some man did invent peanut butter than good for him, I think it sells very well here. Which is more than you have done no?
Mariama said:
Would that me my English culture you are talking about? Since that is where I was born...

Check your history, there are many accomplishments from Africa...

I see you like to take credit for everything the white man has eledgedly done, so were you there when this white man was exploring the world and inventing his computer?

What is your accomplishments? (other than a skin colour and primitive thinking).

No your people were not exploring the world, they were, raping, stealing and enslaving actually. If you want to take a share in the ways of the historical white man than you shall have that reputation.

No I do not need to thank a "white man" for being on this computer, my mum bought it for me...

Why do you keep refuring to Africa? I am English...

And as for a White History Month, if you want one, get off your ass and start one! Only I think not, because yours would be filled for the most part with how you tortured and stole the world and its' resources - not a good start eh?

What planet are you on? Are you as dumb as your writing proclaims?
Egyptians can be whatever you wish, what the duce does it have to do with me? What have to do with pyramids and peanut butter, or any of the other item you have mis-represented?

Well if some man did invent peanut butter than good for him, I think it sells very well here. Which is more than you have done no?

Are you white? if not you are not truely English.

There is one rape per minute in South Africa, I think the kaffirs have surpassed anything the Whites did in more barbaric times.

I'm all up for a bit of slavery, I have absolutely no desire to ever have any sexual connection with a non-white.

Yes, those whites have done more than I ever likely will, I accept that, but that does not mean I cannot be proud of their accomplishments.

What accomplishments from Africa? I never heard any? what... Aids was pretty good, who would have thought of having sex with chimps? :D
Some Guy said:
Are you white? if not you are not truely English.

There is one rape per minute in South Africa, I think the kaffirs have surpassed anything the Whites did in more barbaric times.

I'm all up for a bit of slavery, I have absolutely no desire to ever have any sexual connection with a non-white.

Yes, those whites have done more than I ever likely will, I accept that, but that does not mean I cannot be proud of their accomplishments.

What accomplishments from Africa? I never heard any? what... Aids was pretty good, who would have thought of having sex with chimps? :D

You've clearly never heard of the Libraries of Alexandria....

Disease was un-heard of until white man came and enslaved everyone.

Haven't you even heard of Alexander the Great's slave empire?!!

Grade 9 history does help you know. ;)
I was born in the UK, therefore I am English...(sad but true)...

There are a lot of whites in south Africa, and there are countless rapes, robberies, murders in the USA and in the UK the stats are not much better...

"I have absolutely no desire to ever have any sexual connection with a non-white"

And? Is this supposed to worry me...Do you think yourself so special that ANY women would want to go near you? Dirty racist men, only lead to dirty racist women. Kind of narrows your field...
So much for your freedoms when you hate most of the world, must be very hard to be trapped by such backward thinking.

And I must tell you, that the world doesn't actually revolve around you...

I'm sure most rats have done more than you'll ever do...

Why don't you stop being so lazy, if you want to know whats been done in the world, then stop making judgements and do some research, no wonder you are so primitive, I see why now, you an armchair lounger who has no job and no skills...

So instead of making your own accomplishments, you live off other people's, who in reality (if they were still alive today), would most probably dis-own you. or sell you for that rat I mentioned...

I mean even for you, thats a pretty low comment. You have indeed outdone yourself there. Not only in insulting any people, but also in your shear stupidity.

I know your scared of the peoples of Africa, but please go there and test the theories you've been fed...

Sex with chimps?? No you just have man to man relationships instead...

I think your ideas of AIDS are a little simplistic no?
Please we none of us think this anymore (well most of us with an IQ didn't in the first place.)
So you actually believe AIDS comes from chimp to man contact...LOL

you really are as basic as that rat...

btw, what is a Kaffir?
Hamza123 said:
You've clearly never heard of the Libraries of Alexandria....

Disease was un-heard of until white man came and enslaved everyone.

Haven't you even heard of Alexander the Great's slave empire?!!

Grade 9 history does help you know. ;)

Let not forget Persians, Greeks and what not are WHITE! Why do you think Adolf Hitler encouraged Persia to rename itself Iran? Aryan...
I was born in the UK, therefore I am English...(sad but true)...

Whatever you want to belive... a dog born in a stable aint a Horse.

There are a lot of whites in south Africa, and there are countless rapes, robberies, murders in the USA and in the UK the stats are not much better...

I know there are alot of whites in SA, I give charity to Afrikaner Charity every month, who do you think are the victims in this thanks to Affirmitive Action by the marxist blacks, the Zulus, the only decent blacks in the whole of Africa understood the balance white rule had and want it back, SA used to be a paradise just like Rhodesia but no, the liberal whites ****ed it up for everyone, see, its better now there is no Aparthied???

"I have absolutely no desire to ever have any sexual connection with a non-white"

And? Is this supposed to worry me...Do you think yourself so special that ANY women would want to go near you? Dirty racist men, only lead to dirty racist women. Kind of narrows your field...
So much for your freedoms when you hate most of the world, must be very hard to be trapped by such backward thinking.

I dont play the field, I'm not some buck you know, I dont feel the need to spread my seed with everything I see, I have standards and a very loving relationship.

And I must tell you, that the world doesn't actually revolve around you...

Me? No.. if you meant the collective "You" then it nearly does because we figured out the earth revolved around the sun and that the world was round which is more than you could have ever figured out sitting in your thatch huts grunting about the cosby show, LOL

I'm sure most rats have done more than you'll ever do...

Probally, I have never had to live amongst rats, so if you could tell me what they do, I am curious.

Why don't you stop being so lazy, if you want to know whats been done in the world, then stop making judgements and do some research, no wonder you are so primitive, I see why now, you an armchair lounger who has no job and no skills...

I'm primitive....? I am a member of the most advanced race on the planet, you would have nothing without my race.

So instead of making your own accomplishments, you live off other people's, who in reality (if they were still alive today), would most probably dis-own you. or sell you for that rat I mentioned...

I still have plenty of time to make an accomplishment, care to name a few of yours for inspiration, I think I will try peel a banana with my toes. So the "racist whitemen" of the old time would dis-own me? My Grandfather before he died said he would have fought for Hitler if he had known what the Jew was really like.

I mean even for you, thats a pretty low comment. You have indeed outdone yourself there. Not only in insulting any people, but also in your shear stupidity.

Typical Uppity Negress babble....

I know your scared of the peoples of Africa, but please go there and test the theories you've been fed...

Most people do get alarmed when they see a black face, even blacks. But I am not scared of any blacks, They are like dogs that just need to be shown who is boss and then they obey, that is all they are like.
Sex with chimps?? No you just have man to man relationships instead...

I think your ideas of AIDS are a little simplistic no?
Please we none of us think this anymore (well most of us with an IQ didn't in the first place.)
So you actually believe AIDS comes from chimp to man contact...LOL

LOL, you ever heard of "****** on the down low" White people arent the only people that suffer from that disgusting sickness. Aids is common in Chimpanzees, the Chimpanzees do not suffer from the symptoms that humans do, Chimps are merely carriers, so when poachers have sex with the captured female chimp aids came about. Or did the SASS invent it??? LMAO, Malcom X conspiracy theories

you really are as basic as that rat...

Does that mean a black man is going to try have sex with me to cure his Aids, wait no, thats infants and goats, not rats.

btw, what is a Kaffir?

Look in the mirror.
Some Guy said:

btw, what is a Kaffir?

Look in the mirror.

A kaffir is someone who is an opressor of peoples in the root Arabic word. Basically the singular version of evil do-er.
Hamza123 said:
A kaffir is someone who is an opressor of peoples in the root Arabic word. Basically the singular version of evil do-er.

The core of it actually means "non-beliver" it is an Arabic word that they used for the Blacks and was picked up by the English soldiers and then spread throughout Colonial Africa.
Some Guy said:
What accomplishments from Africa? I never heard any? what... Aids was pretty good, who would have thought of having sex with chimps? :D

Aids? You are so dumb and ignorant it's not even funny. AIDs was one of YOUR white inventions actually tested on Africans and it spread like a wildfire since then. If you consider the fact that there are millions of mosquitos in Africa you will easily see one of the methods of it's spreading; causing huge malaria issues. - This is the same way people get aids from drug injections, homosexuals, etc, etc.

A stupid organisation in none other than america decided to make a virus that would selectively 'destroy the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency' - which is AIDs.

If you really believe that this virus was caused by a green monkey than you are another studid asswipe. The AIDs virus can't occur naturally in any animal so if infact it did come from one some idiot put it there to begin with - but it didn't because it's been proven that the virus can't be transfered from a monkey to a human anyway .

What an evil but effective way of wiping out Africa. And you are yet again more fuel to the fire of the theory that at least 50% of racists are white males.

I can't be bothered to go on about this anymore as you probably don't have the brain capacity to think logically and outside of your white ignorance so I'll leave it at that.
You can die today, tommorrow, do not think yourself so advanced that you are in control of your death...
Aids? You are so dumb and ignorant it's not even funny. AIDs was one of YOUR white inventions actually tested on Africans and it spread like a wildfire since then. If you consider the fact that there are millions of mosquitos in Africa you will easily see one of the methods of it's spreading; causing huge malaria issues. - This is the same way people get aids from drug injections, homosexuals, etc, etc.

A stupid organisation in none other than america decided to make a virus that would selectively 'destroy the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency' - which is AIDs.

If you really believe that this virus was caused by a green monkey than you are another studid asswipe. The AIDs virus can't occur naturally in any animal so if infact it did come from one some idiot put it there to begin with - but it didn't because it's been proven that the virus can't be transfered from a monkey to a human anyway .

What an evil but effective way of wiping out Africa. And you are yet again more fuel to the fire of the theory that at least 50% of racists are white males.

I can't be bothered to go on about this anymore as you probably don't have the brain capacity to think logically and outside of your white ignorance so I'll leave it at that.[/size][/font]

SO let me get this straight...America invented aids and purposely infected people in Africa (well for the fun of it of course) AND its being spread by mosquitos in Africa AND has something to do with Malaria?? QUICK...you need to call the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and let them in on this because they have no idea of your AMAZING information...

ALL of this so we can send money to help Africa out of the cess pool hole they are in...sounds more like shooting ourselves in the foot then the big conspiracy that you make it out too be...
Lethalfind said:
SO let me get this straight...America invented aids and purposely infected people in Africa (well for the fun of it of course) AND its being spread by mosquitos in Africa AND has something to do with Malaria?? QUICK...you need to call the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and let them in on this because they have no idea of your AMAZING information...

ALL of this so we can send money to help Africa out of the cess pool hole they are in...sounds more like shooting ourselves in the foot then the big conspiracy that you make it out too be...

Um...Are you thick or something?

NO - it's not only being spread by mosquitos - I don't have time for people who have the stupid, retarted selective reading disability...
and I wasn't about to spell the whole thing out for you either

& It's not as though the organization that made it is putting money into Africa are they? No.

My point is that the AIDs virus is a man made virus not a green monkey virus!!
-Okay ?? - is the sentence above simple enough?...now don't go picking one word to read from it..
Correction; every morning you wake up an ugly, old, pathetic, racist white man with a tiny d k - that's what you wake up as. As for me- last time I checked I didn't climb trees, have fur, a tail or a particular interest for sitting on porches...

& How the hell can the fact that you're pasty and I'm not be some huge advantage!!???

LOLOL, you don't know our RO at all, you couldn't be farther from the truth...believing your own lies must be what it takes to feel better about yourself...
Um...Are you thick or something?

NO - it's not only being spread by mosquitos - I don't have time for people who have the stupid, retarted selective reading disability...
and I wasn't about to spell the whole thing out for you either

& It's not as though the organization that made it is putting money into Africa are they? No.

My point is that the AIDs virus is a man made virus not a green monkey virus!!
-Okay ?? - is the sentence above simple enough?...now don't go picking one word to read from it..

Does it make you feel all warm inside to let yourself think I am the one with a problem?? You are the real idiot here...you use these kinds of claims as excuses for why your life is ****...rather then taking responsibility for it yourself. It's the white man's fault your an ignorant porch monkey...

I have yet to read one thing that mosquitos are spreading AIDS and I have gone out of my way to read what I can find...your deluding yourself because your 'people' in Africa are dirty and sick enough to copulate in the streets like common street cats, you want to believe its the white man infecting them through mosquitos, so its not their fault. What a fantasy life you lead.
Aids? You are so dumb and ignorant it's not even funny. AIDs was one of YOUR white inventions actually tested on Africans and it spread like a wildfire since then. If you consider the fact that there are millions of mosquitos in Africa you will easily see one of the methods of it's spreading; causing huge malaria issues. - This is the same way people get aids from drug injections, homosexuals, etc, etc.

Ok, I will take credit for a virus that is wiping out the coons, homos and the intravenous drug users, I would be proud to take credit for it but I cant.

A stupid organisation in none other than america decided to make a virus that would selectively 'destroy the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency' - which is AIDs.

Cant have been that stupid if they managed to do that.

If you really believe that this virus was caused by a green monkey than you are another studid asswipe. The AIDs virus can't occur naturally in any animal so if infact it did come from one some idiot put it there to begin with - but it didn't because it's been proven that the virus can't be transfered from a monkey to a human anyway .

Green monkey? whatchu talking about willis?

What an evil but effective way of wiping out Africa. And you are yet again more fuel to the fire of the theory that at least 50% of racists are white males.

Yes. It was, I agree.

I can't be bothered to go on about this anymore as you probably don't have the brain capacity to think logically and outside of your white ignorance so I'll leave it at that.

READ: "I an a self loathing liberal white and I forgot all of my ADL and ACLU teachings so I can no longer hold my own.
Lethalfind said:
Does it make you feel all warm inside to let yourself think I am the one with a problem?? You are the real idiot here...you use these kinds of claims as excuses for why your life is ****...rather then taking responsibility for it yourself. It's the white man's fault your an ignorant porch monkey....

You're obviously not a very happy person are you.. You sound very bitter - you're like a loose cannon.
Nothing I've said on here has made me feel warm inside..
I never said my life was **** and judging by your attitude - getting worked up (about to have a heart attack) over what I've said - proves my life is clearly better than yours.
Responsibilty for what? - For aids? I don't have AIDs, and I'm not going to take responsibility for people with AIDs or people who made AIDs, or whatever it is that some weirdo like you wants me to take responsibilty for!

Lethalfind said:
I have yet to read one thing that mosquitos are spreading AIDS and I have gone out of my way to read what I can find...your deluding yourself because your 'people' in Africa are dirty and sick enough to copulate in the streets like common street cats, you want to believe its the white man infecting them through mosquitos, so its not their fault. What a fantasy life you lead

YOU LOSER - did you actually go hunting for things to do with that?? oh dear...life's not very exciting for you eh?
I think you WANT to misinterpret what I'm saying so that you can have another opportunity to spew your racist babble..
I'll say this once more and if you dare find a way to misinterpret this I will just ignore your hate invoked garbage you that you call a response; - now...
AIDs was a man made virus
It caused other viruses such as malaria which is easily passed on from mosquitos carrying it to humans...consider..blah blah blah - what I said before damnit!!
You wanna know what else I think - I think you're ugly - ugly people on forums are usually the worst..and ugly, ignorant & uneducated is just the worst combonation!!

And because I'm not a racist **** like you - I don't blame a whole bloody race for AIDs - I have white friends and family - I don't look at them any differently to my black friends and family..I blame the idiots who made it in the first place, the idiots who sleep around, the idiots who rape, the idiots who inject themsleves with it and the idiots who don't use protection - that's who I blame and those are the people who need to take responsibilty!

You're a radical freak. end of story.
Correction; every morning you wake up an ugly, old, pathetic, racist white man with a tiny d k - that's what you wake up as. As for me- last time I checked I didn't climb trees, have fur, a tail or a particular interest for sitting on porches...

& How the hell can the fact that you're pasty and I'm not be some huge advantage!!???

I don't have a tiny dick.

Stoop, porch... whatever, WHATEVER.

The huge advantage... better FICA score, better property value, better education, better supermarkets... you would have these advantages, too, if the degenerates of your race didn't corrupt everything they touch.