Whites in the UK to become minority group

Hamza123 said:
I would rather be black than be white. At least I can find my true identity.

What the **** is that supposed to mean? Rap and Hip-hop is not an identity... growing up in the streets is not an identity. The Blues and Jazz are identites, because your soul is poured into it and that takes talent. Anyone can scratch a record and make up idiotic rhymes.

My identity... I am of Scotch-Irish-Italian descent. I can eat like a horse, whistle like a bird, and drink like a fish. I hate your favorite band and your mom's SUV.
Lethalfind said:
LOLOL, you don't know our RO at all, you couldn't be farther from the truth...believing your own lies must be what it takes to feel better about yourself...

Blackmen wish they were hung like me.
You're obviously not a very happy person are you.. You sound very bitter - you're like a loose cannon.
Nothing I've said on here has made me feel warm inside..
I never said my life was **** and judging by your attitude - getting worked up (about to have a heart attack) over what I've said - proves my life is clearly better than yours.
Responsibilty for what? - For aids? I don't have AIDs, and I'm not going to take responsibility for people with AIDs or people who made AIDs, or whatever it is that some weirdo like you wants me to take responsibilty for!

LOL, I am not worked up at all...its all just typing my friend and I am actually a very happy person...Why should I be, I am a white person taking charge of their own life, what I make of my life is my responsibility...

YOU LOSER - did you actually go hunting for things to do with that?? oh dear...life's not very exciting for you eh?
I think you WANT to misinterpret what I'm saying so that you can have another opportunity to spew your racist babble..
I'll say this once more and if you dare find a way to misinterpret this I will just ignore your hate invoked garbage you that you call a response; - now...

I didn't go hunting, I have always made a point of reading up on certain subjects, AIDS is one of them.

AIDs was a man made virus
It caused other viruses such as malaria which is easily passed on from mosquitos carrying it to humans...consider..blah blah blah - what I said before damnit!!

Maybe because your not a white man your command of the REAL English language is lacking...

You wanna know what else I think - I think you're ugly - ugly people on forums are usually the worst..and ugly, ignorant & uneducated is just the worst combonation!!

Well my picture is posted in one of these threads, I think thats probably in the eye of the beholder. I am far from being un-educated. I have returned to college to get my degree in Nursing, the first time I was in school I got a double major in History and English Lit...

And because I'm not a racist **** like you - I don't blame a whole bloody race for AIDs - I have white friends and family - I don't look at them any differently to my black friends and family..I blame the idiots who made it in the first place, the idiots who sleep around, the idiots who rape, the idiots who inject themsleves with it and the idiots who don't use protection - that's who I blame and those are the people who need to take responsibilty!

Your the one who brought up the race card to begin with, the white man invented AIDS to get rid of the black man...Unless again you can't say what you mean...

You're a radical freak. end of story.

The difference between you and I is that I take responsibility for my own life, its what I make it. If it sucks, thats my fault and I alone have the power to change it. You point at the white man for your problems...geuss what, the white man doesn't give a ****. As for counting up our friends of different races...I too have friends who are black, but they are nothing like you. They are responsible for their lives and don't blame it all on someone else. My closest friend has a degree in Nursing and is about to finish up her law degree...
And because I'm not a racist **** like you - I don't blame a whole bloody race for AIDs - I have white friends and family - I don't look at them any differently to my black friends and family..I blame the idiots who made it in the first place, the idiots who sleep around, the idiots who rape, the idiots who inject themsleves with it and the idiots who don't use protection - that's who I blame and those are the people who need to take responsibilty!

You're a radical freak. end of story.

Idiots who inject themselves... Spear Chuckers.

Idiots that dont use protection... Spear Chuckers.

Idiots who rape... Spear Chuckers.

Idiots who sleep around... Spear Chuckers.

Idiots who made it in the first place, me?

Am I to blame as a White for a virus that could have stopped at a handfull of people but no, the niggys went all "back to Africa" and had a huge chimp fest and it spread like wildfire, did you know some tribes in Africa consider to be infected with HIV/AIDS a sign of sexual prowess? They will rape livestock to cure themselves, they will rape infants to cure it because some witch doctor told them to, **** THAT BULLSHIT!!! Blacks have one skill and only one skill, the destruction of civilazation and that is exactly what is happning, Egypt, Rome, Rhodesia, South Africa... America soon?
Lethalfind said:
The difference between you and I is that I take responsibility for my own life, its what I make it. If it sucks, thats my fault and I alone have the power to change it. You point at the white man for your problems...geuss what, the white man doesn't give a ****. As for counting up our friends of different races...I too have friends who are black, but they are nothing like you. They are responsible for their lives and don't blame it all on someone else. My closest friend has a degree in Nursing and is about to finish up her law degree...

WTF ARE YOU ON?? I don't take responsibilty? what?? I never said I didn't take responsibilty for anything that goes on in MY life!!!! Your so hung up on this responsibilty thing - wtf??
When did I point at the white man for MY problems??? I said in repsonse to 'some guy's post (and then you came out of nowhere with your responsibilty babble) that AIDs was originally created by the WHO organisation - yes this can be considered a theory but the alternate theory is that it was from a monkey (which was what he was insinuating) and I don't buy that!! Okay???

And by the way - YOU don't know ME so how are you coming up with this - is it because I said you're ugly? well I said I think you are - I'm not going to pretend like I'm certain about everything to do with you - but you are strange to say the least.

You went on about how I have bad language or whatever but I see errors in your posts too - more than anything I have & lets not forget the previous post where you went on a cursing frenzy (you were pissed - you can't deny it) This is a forum - not an essay, exam, letter, or anything where you should really give a damn. It's perfectly readable..

I don't care if you have black friends and I don't really believe it either. You're probably talking about a black neighbour that you spoke to the other day, or the checkout lady or oprah (if you watch it) :p ...j/kn

I'm not concerned about what you're doing or what you've done academically but since you babbled on I might as well. I've got 3 A-levels in Business, ICT, & English, 8 gcse's (lol) and in another 3/4 years I'll have a degree in Law and International Business. I've already managed to work in a law firm (little things and learning the ropes) as well as in the government HR and this I'm taking responsibilty for because it's all being done by myself

And btw I'm 17 and you're 39 - please..I'm moving on because this topic has nothing to do with 'whites in the UK' becoming a minority group.
Some Guy and all the other cretins here.
Your use of the English language is a joke, sorry but there it is..
I suspect you of being very stupid from birth and no amount of educating
will improve it.

I know your young, but this is crazy!
You are so ignorant that you forget Africa is NOT one country!!!
Did you learn anything at school? No I guess not thus the video shop career...

I'm not going to do this one for you, I think you should cheak the stats on HIV round the world...I think you shall be shocked...The west is in crisis, and the Muslim countires have the least....

So from this we can now definalty say, this is NOTHING to do with colour, but EVERYTHING to do with filthy cultures, who cannot maintain standards, and I'm afraid this DOES include yours...

Dont justify yourself to these animals.
We can clearly see who the better educated is here
Mariama said:
Some Guy and all the other cretins here.
Your use of the English language is a joke, sorry but there it is..
I suspect you of being very stupid from birth and no amount of educating
will improve it.

I know your young, but this is crazy!
You are so ignorant that you forget Africa is NOT one country!!!
Did you learn anything at school? No I guess not thus the video shop career...

I'm not going to do this one for you, I think you should cheak the stats on HIV round the world...I think you shall be shocked...The west is in crisis, and the Muslim countires have the least....

So from this we can now definalty say, this is NOTHING to do with colour, but EVERYTHING to do with filthy cultures, who cannot maintain standards, and I'm afraid this DOES include yours...

Dont justify yourself to these animals.
We can clearly see who the better educated is here

I can imagine HIV doesn't spread quickly among a people who can be stoned to death for adultery...thats what I would call an erection killer...
Lethalfind said:
I can imagine HIV doesn't spread quickly among a people who can be stoned to death for adultery...thats what I would call an erection killer...

I'd rather be stoned to death before carrying the HIV virus. Die now and save the anguish of later.
No Muslim is asking to sleep with you are they?? You don't have that option so therefore the only other option for you is to be stoned, if you want to have it done then go ahead, ask your friends and family to do it for you, I doubt anyone would miss you...
Mariama said:
No Muslim is asking to sleep with you are they?? You don't have that option so therefore the only other option for you is to be stoned, if you want to have it done then go ahead, ask your friends and family to do it for you, I doubt anyone would miss you...

No, but I raped the **** out of one while I was stationed in Iraq. She had it coming... showing off her ankles like that.
Some Guy and all the other cretins here.
Your use of the English language is a joke, sorry but there it is..
I suspect you of being very stupid from birth and no amount of educating
will improve it.

I suspect you of being a darkie showing classic cases of TNB.

I know your young, but this is crazy!
You are so ignorant that you forget Africa is NOT one country!!!
Did you learn anything at school? No I guess not thus the video shop career...

I know Africa is not one country, but it is a Continent, stupid bitch ****. The Continent of Africa has the highest proportion of HIV and AIDs in the entire world, and it should really just be one country, it snot like it is going to desemate the Africoon economics if the whole of spearchuckerdom was merged into one cesspool of a Nation.

I'm not going to do this one for you, I think you should cheak the stats on HIV round the world...I think you shall be shocked...The west is in crisis, and the Muslim countires have the least....

Who the **** said that muslim ****rys had high HIV infection???

So from this we can now definalty say, this is NOTHING to do with colour, but EVERYTHING to do with filthy cultures, who cannot maintain standards, and I'm afraid this DOES include yours...

It may not have anything to do with colour, but fact of the matter is, a white woman is statistically more likely to be raped by a jig, and he is more likely to have AIDs than anyone else. So I correct myself, it is to do with colour, because most Negros are black, LOL

Dont justify yourself to these animals.
We can clearly see who the better educated is here

Go back to your banana tree, ooh ah oooooh aaaah ooooh!
RoyalOrleans said:
No, but I raped the **** out of one while I was stationed in Iraq. She had it coming... showing off her ankles like that.

Thats hot, you can only imagine where the flies are going when they disspear up that burkha! LOL
Mariama said:
No Muslim is asking to sleep with you are they?? You don't have that option so therefore the only other option for you is to be stoned, if you want to have it done then go ahead, ask your friends and family to do it for you, I doubt anyone would miss you...

You have heard of a hypothetical statment??
Burkas are worn in Afghanistan...

Well, all I can say is, I hope you begin to think about your death.
One thing is certain, when you do, you will be in for a great shock.

And I am truly sorry that you hate most of the world. Its a shame for you not them, since you are the ones suffering so badly.
It is you who are so primitive, it is you who puts so much energy into hating instead of just getting on with your lives.

May Allah silence those fowl tongues and open your eyes.

Did you not mean "foul" tongues? and you dare criticise my grasp of the English language you subhuman raghead bitch!