Who is hotter?

phreakwars said:
Ughh, even uglier then I thought. And that was even after photoshopping it and correcting for light and color level.

Nice to know you're not a closet homo, phreak. :D

AIG said:
**** Gladiator.Fisher is waaaaay HOT!

Thank you Darling. You've made my day. I feel about 160 years old after the Monday I've had. Much better now. Thanx. ;)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Want to see ugly? Well here's me:


Somehow, that's exactly what I figured you'd look like...

The young, vexed, disenchanted youth wanting to change the world...

you remind me of me at 17... but 21 I was in the Air Force.... tough to maintain a look like that in a flight suit!

But congrats on haveing the balls to post your pic... we had to prod AIG for months!
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Komrade, I'm so sorry for taking the piss outta you. My efforts were lame. I should have tried much harder.

LOL What's with the fishnet sleeves? I must admit, your dawg collar looks appropriate. Who's yo daddy?
So I noticed you can't stand the way I dress myself. What do you want me to do? Run around naked? Sorry, can't do that. there are laws against public nudity. And I think you'll be begging me to put something on after seeing THAT.

You're sitting there taking the piss out of THAT, Implying that I'm a homosexual, but yet straight men aren't exactly the ones who go around giving fashion tips or playing the fashion gestapo role. Someone is indeed gay, but it isn't me.
There was a bunch of homo men wearing that kinda **** in the seventies, when you were still swimming around in your daddy's ball sack. :rolleyes:
To give a completely different opinion.... Awwwww, Komrade, you're so cute. -pinches little gothy cheek-

I'll have to post a picture of me sometime so you guys will have something to keep you awake crying at night...
To give a completely different opinion.... Awwwww, Komrade, you're so cute. -pinches little gothy cheek-

Yeah,he is isn't he? There are many others too.
You wouldn't wanna know what I look like...you will have nightmares for generations to come believe me.
Mine is not 9.7 anymore either, but I don't know how to post the results. Phreak? Are you using a program or cutting and pasting it somewhere else? All I can get is the picture but the rest of it is not showing up. Like this:
What am I doing wrong?
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Asmodai said:
To give a completely different opinion.... Awwwww, Komrade, you're so cute. -pinches little gothy cheek-

I'll have to post a picture of me sometime so you guys will have something to keep you awake crying at night...

1. What the **** is a "little gothy cheek"? Seriously. What the hell is it? Is it by chance a drug? And if it is a drug were you smoking it and you came up with this term?

2. About me crying over a picture of you: There is a HUGE difference between crying at night and having a wet dream.