For: Rotting ****
I asked: Please identify for me any "puppet" President of the United States and how you would define them as being a puppet?
You replied: Certainly, bozo.
There is a number of neocons currently in the White House. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Rice being three. They ALL influence the decision making process of your president, or they wouldn't be in the job. Now, clearly, the combined influence of these three at LEAST, will have a significant impact on the policies that emerge from the White House, thus rendering the President a puppet.
My Commentary: What a pathetic try! Oh I see. Because the President has advisors whom he APPOINTED, who happen to hold different political views than you yet similar to the President, they are neocons who actually pull the strings of the President who appointed them, thereby making the President a puppet. Right.
That little premise of yours wouldn't even get you a "D" in Political Science 101!
You really do have a miniscule brain don't you. The education they provide in Australia seems to be a bit lacking in critical thought.
I asked: Please identify for me as to how occupying the White House for 5 years so far qualifies as the "neo-cons maintaining power", especially after the 2 terms of the most popular Democratic President other than FDR just prior to Mr. Bush?
You replied: Please learn to read. I said IF the neocons maintain power. Put another way, at your next election they will have had 8 years. If their man gets in at the next election, they will inherit 4 or 8 MORE years. Thus will they maintain their power.
My Commentary: I read perfectly, even your incoherent babbling. Please learn our political system in its entirety if you plan to criticize it.
The President is not a KING. Quite the contrary, his power is balanced by the Senate and the House of Representatives who are under no legal obligation to vote to support the President's policies and who always at some point in a Presidential term, vote against the President regardless of political party affiliations. It's already happening now.
Although currently, the Senate and House are controlled by a majority of Republicans, the elections for BOTH of these houses comes up BEFORE and during the next Presidential election so Senators and Congressman are backpedaling to their constituents to save face and retain their positions. I've said it before, Presidents come and go, but wise and cunning Senators/Congressmen live forever. The public *** kissing is already started.
Here's a brain flash for you dimwit. Power in this country is CONSTANTLY shifting around. It's the American way. Not even the REGAN legacy could be kept going after he left office. Bush Sr. tried, but failed miserably after 4 short years.
I asked: Please explain to me how you could possibly envision the possibility of the USA as having "deteriorated into slaughtering its own through government invoked military operations, or draconian legislation"?
You replied: Again, please ask one of your children to read my post for you. I said that America had NOT descended to that level. However, it has in the past. The USA slaughtered its own in the Kent State University massacre
where 4 students died and others were wounded during a political protest. Also, I remind you of the genocidal doctrine of the KKK, which in its heyday numbered government officials and politicians in its membership.
My Commentary: You cannot make up your mind which useless direction you wish to pursue can you? Kent State and the KKK as examples of draconian legislation and organized goverment slaughtering of US citizens?
What The ****? You're kidding right? That's the best you can do? That doesn't even begin to warrant any kind of response because it is self-evident as just BULLSHIT on your part. I expected more from the "Great and Powerful" Rotwang, but obviously your abilities to formulate VALID arguments are on the level of a 2nd grader.
I stated: Given your statements of "But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction.", it should be very easy for you to cite numerous examples of this, right? Please do.
You replied: America's drift towards fascism is evidenced by its growing extremist levels of patriotism, and its inherent belief that it is a superior nation and society than any other. Accompanying that is the rise of religious fervour that maintains a conservative and inward perspective on global affairs. The concept of Fortress America is getting airtime again. America has invaded Iraq without reason, other than it believed it had the right as a superior democratic nation. America's hypocritical view of "freedom" is exposed as personal freedoms and liberties are eroded in the name of national security. America still remains a racist nation - there is still a significant anti-black component, as you yourself have typified by use of the word "******" as a means of attempted offence (it doesn't work on non-Americans, by the way). America has an internal espionage agency (or two perhaps) which monitors its own citizens.
America is not a fascist country, by virtue of the fact that there is still elements of democracy in play. But recent elections have raised suspicions that your elections are far from far and equitable, which must be a matter of concern.
My commentary: It's so enjoyable for me to watch you grasp at straws. You really are desperate here aren't you?
Your statement that America is drifting towards Fascism is by far, the single most idiotic statement you have made to date. I hate to burst your bubble of fantasy, but the very nature of our political system, prevents a fascist leader from EVER rising to power. The Founding Fathers of this Nation were SMART men and they took this into account. You need to take an American Government class if you wish to discuss something like this, because you are so ignorant of how our political system works, its almost comical on your part.
Before you make this mistake again, please educate yourself and read The Federalist Papers by "Publius", the pen names of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, and Democracy in America Vol. I & II by Alexis de Tocqueville, that way you won't make such a fool of yourself.
Religious fervor? Such saber rattling comes and goes by the religious groups. It's nothing of importance but the current electronic all day news groups find it a constant source of fodder for ratings, so it get air time. This too will pass as it ALWAYS has. The most wonderful thing about religion is that, even members of the same religion, fight and fight with each other about what is and what is not. Such complete discord prevents any unified political activity of anything worthy of a major blip on the political radar screen.
America invaded Iraq after an ultimatum was issued directly to Saddam Hussein and his sons. Leave, or we'll make you leave. They could have left to go to anyplace in the world they liked, and lived the life of luxury as political exiles and we would have had no reason to invade, but they chose not to comply and in fact, made even more threats to world security. Now, Saddam is in our prison and his sons are dead. We are fighting a battle against religious extremist who are terrorists and threaten the very fabric of world peace but then again, you probably don't think bombs blowing up in Spain, and London, or 9/11 qualify as acts of terrorist requiring a response do you?
Racist? Neither I nor America is more racist than Mickey Mouse or Disneyland. I use the word ****** to describe any individual, regardless of skin color, who feels that ignorance, violence, social degradation, and general criminal conduct are okay. They are not. I went to a high school with 27 languages spoken on campus, so I can tell you that your views on racism in America are horseshit. There are opportunities for all people of all colors and races here in this great country if they work hard and keep their noses clean. Listen moron, don't speak about what you don't know. It makes you look even stupider than you are.
Monitoring our citizens...I sure hope so. Are you so blind as to think that all countries don't do this? **** in England, they have cities with cameras set up all over the city which goes to a central police station.
Elections not equitable? What? Where? Oh, you mean the presidential election between Bush and Gore? Well, it was a close race, and it was scrutinized by the very best minds we could have look at it, and it even saw decisions made by the US Supreme court! Oh yeah, I'd say it was equitable and fair, and legal. What the **** do you know of it anyway? What your news agency told you... Oh yeah, that's valid information. Were you here? Probably not. News Flash oh cranial-rectally inserted one, I was.
You Court Jester Bozo! I don't misrepresent and have no need to distort or twist anything. Feeling a bit outgunned at the moment? It's a truly valid feeling on your part clown! Get used to it if you're going to attempt debating with me. You just cannot stand the fact that your arguments are pathetically weak and cannot withstand even the slightest of scrutiny. Regrettably, it is clearly evident to all who are here at GF laughing at you, that it is YOU who is out of your league.
****** slap playground games are hardly a proper weapon for a debate. You are truly unarmed for a battle of wits. You should go back to Brawl Hall and post some smack **** there to make you feel better.