Wish Granted


New member
haha ya ya amen to that

ok so granted but now a BIG piano fals on your igloo

i wish a uge piano didnt fall on LP~FM's house :D



New member
haha ok granted but know the titanic falls on Peterdeas house

**** i wish the titanic didnt fall on peterdeas house ^_^



New member
lmao but then the water brought with the titanic freezes before the titanic falls on peterdeas house... so his house is frozen

I wish Peterdea's house wasn't frozen



New member
granted but now all the snow of canada melts and all canadians die in a flood haha here we go again... only this time

i wish the snow didnt melt ><



New member
dude.. don't repeat whatever you said before... have some creativity!

Granted, but now there's the second ice age... for some strange interrelated factors

I wish there wasn't the second ice age



New member
granted but now all the snow melts and all the canadians die haha sorry had to say that

i wish the earth was back to normal with LP~FM at her comp chatting on lpf and that the snow of canada was to NEVER melt again :D



New member
haha damnit ok so i fell ona giant sponge at the bottom of the hole.. now im stuck :<

i wish i wasent stuck :D



New member
granted, now that sponge turned into spongebob and you are forever tortured with his annoying laughter and voice

I wish you weren't forever tortured with his annoying laughter and voice



New member
lmao ya ill kill that ***** dahahahaahaha *hears sb laugh* noooooooooooo

Granted but now his evil twin and patrick comes to torture me :eek:

i wish his evil twin and patrick got run over my the crabby patty car before they got me



New member
haha you mean little bunny

granted but i have 9 lives (w000t im family with cats)

i wish they come after you!!!!!



New member
granted, but they make good friends with me

*spongebob laughs* *patrick laughs* *i laugh*

I wish the three of us goes to kill you



New member
**** i should have wished more gory things ><

granted but instead you kill mike who is in a GraDoN-look-a-like suit :D

i wish patrick cuts up the body haha no saving mike now :D

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