Wish Granted


New member
Granted but the city has been taken by the nazis and you are killed

i wish Rusu luvs lp 4ever wasent killd :D



New member
Granted but now a HUGE polar bear bites her head off

i wish the plar bear didnt bite her head off.. :D sorry rusu :p

hahaha it's all good, depends what head you guys are talking about....not that I have two *shifty eyes*

Granted, but I get run over by an elephant

I wish GraDoN and LP~FMl got married xD



New member
haha but your still runned over by an elephant...

granted but she says no XD

i wish vusu didnt get run over by and elephant



New member
granted but the marhmellow man takes it away XD

i wish the marhmellow man never took rusus marhmellow



New member
granted but now peter is stuck in a 100 foot hole

i wish the hole had spikes in *muhahaha* o and lava :p



New member
**** lol **** *im burning*

granted but now there is a giant ball falling on us

i wish i was hulk so i could save me. lol your still down there :p

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