Women are the new men on TV

In article <uafle3h8d9o35egok41rc4f8u2tmhsnvms@4ax.com>,
noway@goodgoodbye.com says...
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:35:34 -0500, "Jude" <Cajun@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >
> >"Viking" <noway@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> >news:ahdle3hdua761o48dckeh7r7l4dac7q82r@4ax.com...
> >> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:07:41 -0500, "Jude" <Cajun@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >>
> >>>You're the freaking joke because I dont' think anybody who operates out of
> >>>logic and not self pity would take what you said seriously. There are
> >>>MANY
> >>>ads directed to men with the underlying message "You buy this or that and
> >>>you get the girl." DUH I don't have to do research to educate your self
> >>>imposed ignorance. It's a no brainer as they say.
> >>
> >> There ain't such ads, you sad sack. Ads are aimed at females. Didn't
> >> you read that study poted here that said 98% of the "mini-battles" in
> >> TV ads were won by females???
> >>
> >> So let me get this straight. You fabricate a scenario, and then say
> >> "DUH". laugh What's your ****ing psychosis?

> >
> >No, it's yours because you live in a world of delusion. You think of the
> >world as men vs. women. Get out of the sandbox and grow the **** up.

> You total moron! Are you saying that over the last 30 years there have
> been no female vs men issues??? And that those issues haven't taken
> center stage for millions of people? Jesus, talk about delusion.

Whoa! "millions of people"! WOW---you mean those issues might affect
as much as 1% of the worlds population! Notify the media! Call a press
conference! Buy an hour of prime time TV to get people's attention!

Mark Borgerson
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:14:18 -0700, Masculist <MASCULIST@gmail.com>

>Courtesy of Greg Anderson of the ms-discussion list at yahoogroups:
>http://www.salon. com/ent/tv/ feature/2007/ 09/12/gender_ tv/
>Women are the new men on TV
>Broads are the cops and lawyers and masters of the business universe
>on the new shows. So what happened to the men?

Yup - women are taking over everything. Pretty soon we'll even have
one in the White House. It's the end of western civilization as we
know it. And now women expect to be paid the same as men, treated the
same as men, and possess the same rights. What happened to all the
women like our mothers and grandmothers who raised families, stayed
home with the children, went to church, and stayed out of that which
didn't concern them? Now all we see is a bunch of brassy bitches
seeking to emasculate every male in America. It's high time the males
in America take back their rightful place. To hell with the women, Mr.
Masculist, become gay.

WB Yeats
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:14:18 -0700, Masculist <MASCULIST@gmail.com>

>Courtesy of Greg Anderson of the ms-discussion list at yahoogroups:
>http://www.salon. com/ent/tv/ feature/2007/ 09/12/gender_ tv/
>Women are the new men on TV
>Broads are the cops and lawyers and masters of the business universe
>on the new shows. So what happened to the men?

Yup - women are taking over everything. Pretty soon we'll even have
one in the White House. It's the end of western civilization as we
know it. And now women expect to be paid the same as men, treated the
same as men, and possess the same rights. What happened to all the
women like our mothers and grandmothers who raised families, stayed
home with the children, went to church, and stayed out of that which
didn't concern them? Now all we see is a bunch of brassy bitches
seeking to emasculate every male in America. It's high time the males
in America take back their rightful place. To hell with the women, Mr.
Masculist, become gay.

WB Yeats
On Sep 13, 11:55 am, retardsman <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> > > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:

> > > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> > > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> > > >> TV is for females.
> > > >> Period.

> > > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> > > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> > > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> > > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY aimed toward
> > > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair color....

> > > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> > > Geat rebuttal.

> > > laugh

> > Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> > they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> > any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> > mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> > Smitty

> 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is
> can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

I and most other men hated condoms yet we got public service ads up
the kazoo about how we were supposed to put them on so that women
would be exempt from responsibility there too! What ****ing
assholes. The guys who get sucked into that are either brain dead or
super pussies.

> females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> hard -- for the harpies

With the way American Women are now, who wants to **** them anyway?

> what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?
> LOL!!

Thanks for that image...

> great article by Rebecca Traitor,

I didn't read it <smile> Of feminine verbiage, I only read Jill's
stuff here or sometimes the k00k feminists if I'm feeling fiesty and
want to get a few whacks in.

> btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> evil a billion times before?

Oh ****, did she really use that old cliche?

> of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

You know how to get my blood boiling. While I struggled to put food
on the table for wife and kids I watched all these mindless and cruel
bitches taking my jobs and using their power to further **** me, my
family and my society. And they did it using the sacrifices of good
men like me during the rebellion of the Sixties! Man am I pissed.

> not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

Thanks for mentioning all that. And why don't people know this horror
is going on? The feminists have the media totally controlled.

> no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> response of 'Yas Missus!'

Thanks ray, you finally provided both the real definition and
motivation for all of feminism. Good work.

> death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

I think that's the real reason I became homeless. The TV was driving
me up the wall with all of it's feminine pandering and male raping. I
finally found a solution...audiobooks. I can't put them down! Maybe
now that I found a way to entertain myself, I can finally move back

> death to the matriarchy

Right on ray! Death to the matriarchy now and forever!!


> - Hide quoted text -
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On Sep 13, 11:55 am, retardsman <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> > > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:

> > > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> > > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> > > >> TV is for females.
> > > >> Period.

> > > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> > > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> > > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> > > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY aimed toward
> > > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair color....

> > > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> > > Geat rebuttal.

> > > laugh

> > Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> > they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> > any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> > mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> > Smitty

> 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is
> can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

I and most other men hated condoms yet we got public service ads up
the kazoo about how we were supposed to put them on so that women
would be exempt from responsibility there too! What ****ing
assholes. The guys who get sucked into that are either brain dead or
super pussies.

> females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> hard -- for the harpies

With the way American Women are now, who wants to **** them anyway?

> what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?
> LOL!!

Thanks for that image...

> great article by Rebecca Traitor,

I didn't read it <smile> Of feminine verbiage, I only read Jill's
stuff here or sometimes the k00k feminists if I'm feeling fiesty and
want to get a few whacks in.

> btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> evil a billion times before?

Oh ****, did she really use that old cliche?

> of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

You know how to get my blood boiling. While I struggled to put food
on the table for wife and kids I watched all these mindless and cruel
bitches taking my jobs and using their power to further **** me, my
family and my society. And they did it using the sacrifices of good
men like me during the rebellion of the Sixties! Man am I pissed.

> not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

Thanks for mentioning all that. And why don't people know this horror
is going on? The feminists have the media totally controlled.

> no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> response of 'Yas Missus!'

Thanks ray, you finally provided both the real definition and
motivation for all of feminism. Good work.

> death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

I think that's the real reason I became homeless. The TV was driving
me up the wall with all of it's feminine pandering and male raping. I
finally found a solution...audiobooks. I can't put them down! Maybe
now that I found a way to entertain myself, I can finally move back

> death to the matriarchy

Right on ray! Death to the matriarchy now and forever!!


> - Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
On Sep 14, 9:38 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:39 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >I'm a man, you dumb****.

> Lie. No matter what the **** your biology is.

Ain't that the truth. I thought all this time that Jude was a woman.
What a sick, sick asshole she is...oops, I should have said "he" but I
just can't do it.

> >You think in terms of men vs.
> >women. I don't.

> You think in terms of females vs men, you sick, sick asshole.

She (He) thinks in terms of "mommy, mommy, mommy, help me!"

On Sep 14, 9:38 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:39 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >I'm a man, you dumb****.

> Lie. No matter what the **** your biology is.

Ain't that the truth. I thought all this time that Jude was a woman.
What a sick, sick asshole she is...oops, I should have said "he" but I
just can't do it.

> >You think in terms of men vs.
> >women. I don't.

> You think in terms of females vs men, you sick, sick asshole.

She (He) thinks in terms of "mommy, mommy, mommy, help me!"

On Sep 14, 12:32 pm, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:25:02 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> If you stopped watching TV, how do you know what's broadcast?

> >He's "all knowing," or didn't you realize that? :)

> Glad you finally realized it.
> >I guess Spike TV is for women.

How " girly " for Jude to point to the ONE men's network, while there
are Oxygen, Lifetime, H&GTV, and many, many more that are 100% aimed
at women, and while pretty much every major cable and broadcast
during " working hours "is nothing but programming aimed at women .

But, its not like Feminists have a record for accuracy, or anything...

> It's not for men of any intelligence.
> >Men are STILL the overwhelming controllers of Hollywood and
> >Advertisement.


Sure. Jude falls, once again, into the " Frontman Fallacy "
Its Googlable.

> >I think that just because a some advertisements and movies
> >are made specifically for women audience, these guys have (perhaps for the
> >first time in their self centered existence) have realized that it isn't all
> >about them.

> YOU TOTAL MORON. Read the article linked to by the OP. Watch some TV
> and LOOK AT THE ****ING ADS.

Jude has neurons ? Thats not provable by anything it has ever posted

And, the fact remains that, when one observes the mass media,
during the weekday, one finds pretty much NOTHING for men. From Oprah,
to Ellen, The View, et al, its all about the chyks.

One would have to be a massive retard to have MS-ed that...

On Sep 14, 12:32 pm, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:25:02 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> If you stopped watching TV, how do you know what's broadcast?

> >He's "all knowing," or didn't you realize that? :)

> Glad you finally realized it.
> >I guess Spike TV is for women.

How " girly " for Jude to point to the ONE men's network, while there
are Oxygen, Lifetime, H&GTV, and many, many more that are 100% aimed
at women, and while pretty much every major cable and broadcast
during " working hours "is nothing but programming aimed at women .

But, its not like Feminists have a record for accuracy, or anything...

> It's not for men of any intelligence.
> >Men are STILL the overwhelming controllers of Hollywood and
> >Advertisement.


Sure. Jude falls, once again, into the " Frontman Fallacy "
Its Googlable.

> >I think that just because a some advertisements and movies
> >are made specifically for women audience, these guys have (perhaps for the
> >first time in their self centered existence) have realized that it isn't all
> >about them.

> YOU TOTAL MORON. Read the article linked to by the OP. Watch some TV
> and LOOK AT THE ****ING ADS.

Jude has neurons ? Thats not provable by anything it has ever posted

And, the fact remains that, when one observes the mass media,
during the weekday, one finds pretty much NOTHING for men. From Oprah,
to Ellen, The View, et al, its all about the chyks.

One would have to be a massive retard to have MS-ed that...

On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...
> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:

> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> >> > >> TV is for females.
> >> > >> Period.

> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY aimed
> >> > >toward
> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair color....

> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> >> > Geat rebuttal.

> >> > laugh

> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >> Smitty

> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at

> Women have been "stuffying" their
> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

> Most men
> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants to
> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how low
> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
such a ***** as him.

> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.

> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> > hard -- for the harpies

> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

> > LOL!!

> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> > evil a billion times before?

> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

> > death to the matriarchy

> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your mind)
> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

<smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
being superior to him! Dig that.

> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full citizenship
> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
here may be a REAL retard.

> However, it IS true that
> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like us
> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men are
> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they would
> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).
> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.
> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what you
> want. Right?

You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
your ass.

[Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]

On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...
> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:

> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> >> > >> TV is for females.
> >> > >> Period.

> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY aimed
> >> > >toward
> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair color....

> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> >> > Geat rebuttal.

> >> > laugh

> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >> Smitty

> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at

> Women have been "stuffying" their
> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

> Most men
> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants to
> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how low
> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
such a ***** as him.

> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.

> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> > hard -- for the harpies

> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

> > LOL!!

> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> > evil a billion times before?

> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

> > death to the matriarchy

> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your mind)
> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

<smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
being superior to him! Dig that.

> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full citizenship
> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
here may be a REAL retard.

> However, it IS true that
> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like us
> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men are
> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they would
> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).
> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.
> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what you
> want. Right?

You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
your ass.

[Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]

"Masculist" <MASCULIST@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 9:38 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:39 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
>> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
>> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
>> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

>> >I'm a man, you dumb****.

>> Lie. No matter what the **** your biology is.

> Ain't that the truth. I thought all this time that Jude was a woman.
> What a sick, sick asshole she is...oops, I should have said "he" but I
> just can't do it.

The fact that you put me in another category of men than yourself is a
compliment. Thanks!

>> >You think in terms of men vs.
>> >women. I don't.

>> You think in terms of females vs men, you sick, sick asshole.

> She (He) thinks in terms of "mommy, mommy, mommy, help me!"

Do not. However, it's OBVIOUS that you think of terms from mommy to wifey.
"Masculist" <MASCULIST@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 9:38 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:39 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
>> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
>> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
>> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

>> >I'm a man, you dumb****.

>> Lie. No matter what the **** your biology is.

> Ain't that the truth. I thought all this time that Jude was a woman.
> What a sick, sick asshole she is...oops, I should have said "he" but I
> just can't do it.

The fact that you put me in another category of men than yourself is a
compliment. Thanks!

>> >You think in terms of men vs.
>> >women. I don't.

>> You think in terms of females vs men, you sick, sick asshole.

> She (He) thinks in terms of "mommy, mommy, mommy, help me!"

Do not. However, it's OBVIOUS that you think of terms from mommy to wifey.
"Andre Lieven" <andrelieven@yahoo.ca> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 12:32 pm, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:25:02 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> >> If you stopped watching TV, how do you know what's broadcast?

>> >He's "all knowing," or didn't you realize that? :)

>> Glad you finally realized it.
>> >I guess Spike TV is for women.

> How " girly " for Jude to point to the ONE men's network, while there
> are Oxygen, Lifetime, H&GTV, and many, many more that are 100% aimed
> at women, and while pretty much every major cable and broadcast
> channel
> during " working hours "is nothing but programming aimed at women .
> But, its not like Feminists have a record for accuracy, or anything...
>> It's not for men of any intelligence.
>> >Men are STILL the overwhelming controllers of Hollywood and
>> >Advertisement.


> Sure. Jude falls, once again, into the " Frontman Fallacy "
> Its Googlable.
>> >I think that just because a some advertisements and movies
>> >are made specifically for women audience, these guys have (perhaps for
>> >the
>> >first time in their self centered existence) have realized that it isn't
>> >all
>> >about them.

>> YOU TOTAL MORON. Read the article linked to by the OP. Watch some TV
>> and LOOK AT THE ****ING ADS.

> Jude has neurons ? Thats not provable by anything it has ever posted
> here.
> And, the fact remains that, when one observes the mass media,
> especially
> during the weekday, one finds pretty much NOTHING for men. From Oprah,
> to Ellen, The View, et al, its all about the chyks.
> One would have to be a massive retard to have MS-ed that...

You guys are the RETARDED one! lol. What about all the fishing, hunting and
sports channels? Men STILL own Hollywood AND the vast majority of Ad
agencies. DUH Chick shows ARE the new thing. Because there was once such
a lacking, there'll be a lot of shows to meet a need out there. It'll level
out eventually.

Oh, the poor whining tittie babies! Mommy, mommy, my wifey doesn't obey
me! :)
"Andre Lieven" <andrelieven@yahoo.ca> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 12:32 pm, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:25:02 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> >> If you stopped watching TV, how do you know what's broadcast?

>> >He's "all knowing," or didn't you realize that? :)

>> Glad you finally realized it.
>> >I guess Spike TV is for women.

> How " girly " for Jude to point to the ONE men's network, while there
> are Oxygen, Lifetime, H&GTV, and many, many more that are 100% aimed
> at women, and while pretty much every major cable and broadcast
> channel
> during " working hours "is nothing but programming aimed at women .
> But, its not like Feminists have a record for accuracy, or anything...
>> It's not for men of any intelligence.
>> >Men are STILL the overwhelming controllers of Hollywood and
>> >Advertisement.


> Sure. Jude falls, once again, into the " Frontman Fallacy "
> Its Googlable.
>> >I think that just because a some advertisements and movies
>> >are made specifically for women audience, these guys have (perhaps for
>> >the
>> >first time in their self centered existence) have realized that it isn't
>> >all
>> >about them.

>> YOU TOTAL MORON. Read the article linked to by the OP. Watch some TV
>> and LOOK AT THE ****ING ADS.

> Jude has neurons ? Thats not provable by anything it has ever posted
> here.
> And, the fact remains that, when one observes the mass media,
> especially
> during the weekday, one finds pretty much NOTHING for men. From Oprah,
> to Ellen, The View, et al, its all about the chyks.
> One would have to be a massive retard to have MS-ed that...

You guys are the RETARDED one! lol. What about all the fishing, hunting and
sports channels? Men STILL own Hollywood AND the vast majority of Ad
agencies. DUH Chick shows ARE the new thing. Because there was once such
a lacking, there'll be a lot of shows to meet a need out there. It'll level
out eventually.

Oh, the poor whining tittie babies! Mommy, mommy, my wifey doesn't obey
me! :)
"Masculist" <MASCULIST@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...
>> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

>> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet>
>> >> > wrote:

>> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
>> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
>> >> > >> TV is for females.
>> >> > >> Period.

>> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
>> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

>> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

>> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY
>> >> > >aimed
>> >> > >toward
>> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair
>> >> > >color....

>> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

>> >> > Geat rebuttal.

>> >> > laugh

>> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
>> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
>> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
>> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

>> >> Smitty

>> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
>> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
>> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

>> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

> You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
> retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at
> Judy)
>> Women have been "stuffying" their
>> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
>> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

> Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
> saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
> truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

Delusional asshole. LOL I, more than most, show myself as I am and not as
I think others want me to be. There's a lot of pressure from guys to me to
"shape up." **** you. I think freely. I don't need every man's approval
or woman's approval out there. DUH But, you pathetic creatures are so
overly sensitive, I can't believe it's YOU calling ME "Judy." You guys are
the ones who are bunch of whining cry babies, pissed off that you don't get
the center seat and that it could possibly go to a woman OF ALL THINGS!

Bye bye now, and try to enjoy you miserable life.
>> Most men
>> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants
>> to
>> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how
>> low
>> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

> Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
> say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
> going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
> such a ***** as him.
>> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

>> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

> I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.
>> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
>> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
>> > hard -- for the harpies

>> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

>> > LOL!!

>> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
>> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
>> > evil a billion times before?

>> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
>> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
>> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

>> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
>> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
>> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
>> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

>> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
>> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
>> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
>> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

>> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

>> > death to the matriarchy

>> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your
>> mind)
>> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

> <smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
> being superior to him! Dig that.
>> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full
>> citizenship
>> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
>> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

> Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
> here may be a REAL retard.
>> However, it IS true that
>> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like
>> us
>> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men
>> are
>> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they
>> would
>> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).
>> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.
>> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
>> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
>> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what
>> you
>> want. Right?

> You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
> hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
> your ass.
> [Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
> talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]
> Smitty
"Masculist" <MASCULIST@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
>> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...
>> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

>> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet>
>> >> > wrote:

>> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
>> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
>> >> > >> TV is for females.
>> >> > >> Period.

>> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
>> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

>> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

>> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY
>> >> > >aimed
>> >> > >toward
>> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair
>> >> > >color....

>> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

>> >> > Geat rebuttal.

>> >> > laugh

>> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
>> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
>> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
>> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

>> >> Smitty

>> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
>> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
>> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

>> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

> You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
> retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at
> Judy)
>> Women have been "stuffying" their
>> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
>> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

> Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
> saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
> truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

Delusional asshole. LOL I, more than most, show myself as I am and not as
I think others want me to be. There's a lot of pressure from guys to me to
"shape up." **** you. I think freely. I don't need every man's approval
or woman's approval out there. DUH But, you pathetic creatures are so
overly sensitive, I can't believe it's YOU calling ME "Judy." You guys are
the ones who are bunch of whining cry babies, pissed off that you don't get
the center seat and that it could possibly go to a woman OF ALL THINGS!

Bye bye now, and try to enjoy you miserable life.
>> Most men
>> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants
>> to
>> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how
>> low
>> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

> Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
> say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
> going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
> such a ***** as him.
>> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

>> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

> I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.
>> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
>> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
>> > hard -- for the harpies

>> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

>> > LOL!!

>> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
>> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
>> > evil a billion times before?

>> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
>> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
>> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

>> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
>> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
>> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
>> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

>> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
>> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
>> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
>> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

>> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

>> > death to the matriarchy

>> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your
>> mind)
>> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

> <smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
> being superior to him! Dig that.
>> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full
>> citizenship
>> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
>> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

> Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
> here may be a REAL retard.
>> However, it IS true that
>> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like
>> us
>> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men
>> are
>> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they
>> would
>> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).
>> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.
>> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
>> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
>> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what
>> you
>> want. Right?

> You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
> hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
> your ass.
> [Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
> talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]
> Smitty
On Sep 14, 12:46 pm, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> "Masculist" <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1189796023.062459.209160@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
> > On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> >>news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...

> >> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> >> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet>
> >> >> > wrote:

> >> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> >> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> >> >> > >> TV is for females.
> >> >> > >> Period.

> >> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> >> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> >> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> >> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY
> >> >> > >aimed
> >> >> > >toward
> >> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair
> >> >> > >color....

> >> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> >> >> > Geat rebuttal.

> >> >> > laugh

> >> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >> >> Smitty

> >> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> >> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> >> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

> >> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

> > You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
> > retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at
> > Judy)

> >> Women have been "stuffying" their
> >> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
> >> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

> > Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
> > saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
> > truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

> Delusional asshole. LOL

You don't need to put a "LOL" in there Judy. I didn't when I reamed

> I, more than most, show myself as I am and not as
> I think others want me to be.

<smile> What a delusional asshole you are.

> There's a lot of pressure from guys to me to
> "shape up."

I bet there is a lot of pressure from real men on you to "shape up".
I mean just look at yourself Judy! Your slip is always showing.

> **** you. I think freely.

I don't doubt that you "think freely"...in the context of drolling for
sex in women's company.

> I don't need every man's approval
> or woman's approval out there.

Are you sure you don't need women's approval Judy? Your posting from
alt.feminism for crissakes!!

> DUH But, you pathetic creatures are so
> overly sensitive, I can't believe it's YOU calling ME "Judy."

I'm sorry if you are sensitive about me calling you "Judy". Why
should it bother you Jude? Aren't we equal and all the same? That's
the bedrock belief of feminism and what all our feminist laws are
based on.

> You guys are
> the ones who are bunch of whining cry babies, pissed off that you don't get
> the center seat and that it could possibly go to a woman OF ALL THINGS!
> lol

Let me guess Jude. You're a Jewish mommy's boy who works in the
electronics section of K-Mart right? You can fess up Jude, it's OK,
the feminists will still love you...NOT!

> Bye bye now, and try to enjoy you miserable life.

Jude, I've had a wonderful life but I'm a little worried about yours.


> >> Most men
> >> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants
> >> to
> >> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how
> >> low
> >> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

> > Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
> > say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
> > going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
> > such a ***** as him.

> >> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

> >> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

> > I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.

> >> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> >> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> >> > hard -- for the harpies

> >> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

> >> > LOL!!

> >> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> >> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> >> > evil a billion times before?

> >> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> >> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> >> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

> >> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> >> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> >> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> >> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

> >> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> >> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> >> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> >> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

> >> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

> >> > death to the matriarchy

> >> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your
> >> mind)
> >> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

> > <smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
> > being superior to him! Dig that.

> >> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full
> >> citizenship
> >> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
> >> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

> > Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
> > here may be a REAL retard.

> >> However, it IS true that
> >> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like
> >> us
> >> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men
> >> are
> >> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they
> >> would
> >> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).

> >> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.

> >> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
> >> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
> >> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what
> >> you
> >> want. Right?

> > You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
> > hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
> > your ass.

> > [Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
> > talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]

> > Smitty
On Sep 14, 12:46 pm, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> "Masculist" <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1189796023.062459.209160@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
> > On Sep 14, 6:18 am, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> "retardsman" <remarks...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> >>news:1189709753.144882.262480@r34g2000hsd.googlegroups.com...

> >> > On 13 Sep, 11:05, Masculist <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> On Sep 13, 10:47 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:

> >> >> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:41:19 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet>
> >> >> > wrote:

> >> >> > >"Viking" <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote in message
> >> >> > >news:ptsie31nvmbe221kaemu948avbo1q6vo99@4ax.com...
> >> >> > >> TV is for females.
> >> >> > >> Period.

> >> >> > >> It's written for, planned for, designed for, and broadcast for
> >> >> > >> females. I stopped watching years ago.

> >> >> > >> The advertisers don't believe that men exist.

> >> >> > >That is a total crock of ****. There are advertisement CLEARLY
> >> >> > >aimed
> >> >> > >toward
> >> >> > >men... RTFLMAO... you know.... viagra.....just for men hair
> >> >> > >color....

> >> >> > Oh yeah, you asshole. TWO WHOLE ADs.

> >> >> > Geat rebuttal.

> >> >> > laugh

> >> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >> >> Smitty

> >> > 'zactly smitty, viagra etc. is all about The Woman, not the stoopid
> >> > duped guy stuffing his body with chemicals to ensure that he's ready
> >> > (LOL!!) whenever Her Sheness is

> >> I can see why your nick 's RETARDman."

> > You can't see **** Judy. Ray and I are both advocates for the
> > retarded. As such, we know who is truly retarded (Smitty glares at
> > Judy)

> >> Women have been "stuffying" their
> >> bodies with birth control **** for decades but I have this suspicion that
> >> you don't give a **** about others, especially if they're women.

> > Ray cares about both men and women whereas all you care about is
> > saying the politically correct thing in order to get laid. You hate
> > truth and love the lies that get you something from other humans.

> Delusional asshole. LOL

You don't need to put a "LOL" in there Judy. I didn't when I reamed

> I, more than most, show myself as I am and not as
> I think others want me to be.

<smile> What a delusional asshole you are.

> There's a lot of pressure from guys to me to
> "shape up."

I bet there is a lot of pressure from real men on you to "shape up".
I mean just look at yourself Judy! Your slip is always showing.

> **** you. I think freely.

I don't doubt that you "think freely"...in the context of drolling for
sex in women's company.

> I don't need every man's approval
> or woman's approval out there.

Are you sure you don't need women's approval Judy? Your posting from
alt.feminism for crissakes!!

> DUH But, you pathetic creatures are so
> overly sensitive, I can't believe it's YOU calling ME "Judy."

I'm sorry if you are sensitive about me calling you "Judy". Why
should it bother you Jude? Aren't we equal and all the same? That's
the bedrock belief of feminism and what all our feminist laws are
based on.

> You guys are
> the ones who are bunch of whining cry babies, pissed off that you don't get
> the center seat and that it could possibly go to a woman OF ALL THINGS!
> lol

Let me guess Jude. You're a Jewish mommy's boy who works in the
electronics section of K-Mart right? You can fess up Jude, it's OK,
the feminists will still love you...NOT!

> Bye bye now, and try to enjoy you miserable life.

Jude, I've had a wonderful life but I'm a little worried about yours.


> >> Most men
> >> want to functional, you sick *******. And, to imply that a man who wants
> >> to
> >> see that his partner is satisfied has something wrong with him shows how
> >> low
> >> you've gone done the "normal" scale.

> > Hey girls, mealy mouthed ***** Judy is willing to lick your ***** and
> > say anything you want to hear in order to do so. Man, you're really
> > going to have to make him work over time in order to get a climax from
> > such a ***** as him.

> >> > can you imagine anything so subervient and emasculated?

> >> I pity any woman (or man if you're gay) connected to you.

> > I pity any gay that you give a blowjob to.

> >> > females have become such power-slobbering, vengeful monsters that men
> >> > have to prop their dicks up with chemicals just to get hard -- fake
> >> > hard -- for the harpies

> >> > what's next, girls? popsicle sticks and twine?

> >> > LOL!!

> >> > great article by Rebecca Traitor, btw -- Men Can't Handle Powerful
> >> > Women, hmm haven't we heard this rationalization for the matriarchy's
> >> > evil a billion times before?

> >> > of course, not a word as to how Ms. Traitor and her fellow Equalities
> >> > GOT those academic slots, jobs, etc. allowing them to lord it over
> >> > those Children Of a Lesser Goddess, males

> >> > not a word about the mass male poverty, criminalization, degradation,
> >> > homelessness, unemployment, and unrelenting stomping of boys and men
> >> > that GAVE those 'powerful females' -- under coercion of the
> >> > Matriarchal State -- an iron collar and leash around the neck of males

> >> > no, see . . . it's because females are actually SUPERIOR to males,
> >> > see, and males, boorish and unevolved primates, just can't accept
> >> > their complete and utter inferiority with a Big House Smile and a
> >> > response of 'Yas Missus!'

> >> > death to teevee and its luciferian propaganda

> >> > death to the matriarchy

> >> In you perceived threat of matriarchy shows us that (at least in your
> >> mind)
> >> you think women are in control. Well, welcome to feminist's world, pal.

> > <smile> Hey ray, shithead Jude here is actually bragging about women
> > being superior to him! Dig that.

> >> Feminists WERE in a literal world where they were withheld full
> >> citizenship
> >> AND the freedom to go about at least searching for their own destiny.
> >> NOBODY gets everything they want and search for.

> > Swallowed the feminist lies whole eh Judy? Oh jeeze ray, I think Judy
> > here may be a REAL retard.

> >> However, it IS true that
> >> men withheld many basic rights we had and there are some who would like
> >> us
> >> to return to that patriarchy with it's "luciferian" propaganda, i.e. men
> >> are
> >> SUPPOSED to rule because they can beat the **** out of women if they
> >> would
> >> want to (operating on animal level - might making right, etc. etc.).

> >> Complete matriarchal or patriarchal society is not the answer.

> >> What I suspect about guys like you is that you're pissed off you aren't
> >> NECESSARILY "on top" anymore. The world (in free countries) isn't shaped
> >> like it used to be - virtually completely patriarchal and that is what
> >> you
> >> want. Right?

> > You're projecting Judy. Go back to your feminist sand box and dig a
> > hole to stick your head in. But first you'll need to pull it out of
> > your ass.

> > [Note: I'm really not this profane in real life, only on the intenet
> > talking to feminists. They bring the worse out in me]

> > Smitty
On Sep 14, 12:41 pm, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> "Masculist" <MASCUL...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1189794544.007269.13760@22g2000hsm.googlegroups.com...
> > On Sep 14, 9:38 am, Viking <no...@goodgoodbye.com> wrote:
> >> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:39 -0500, "Jude" <Ca...@thebayou.wet> wrote:
> >> >> Yeah and she lists Viagra commercials which dupe men into thinking
> >> >> they have to please the gal and take medication to do so. This takes
> >> >> any responsibility off the gals. Sound familiar? It's the same old
> >> >> mantra of feminists, "All responsibility on men and none on women".

> >> >I'm a man, you dumb****.

> >> Lie. No matter what the **** your biology is.

> > Ain't that the truth. I thought all this time that Jude was a woman.
> > What a sick, sick asshole she is...oops, I should have said "he" but I
> > just can't do it.

> The fact that you put me in another category of men than yourself is a
> compliment. Thanks!

By calling you "Judy" I didn't put you in another category of men, but
of women. Hmmm, wait a minute, maybe you're gay? Oh that's it,
you're a fudge packer. Why didn't I think of that before?

Have you ever had AIDS Jude? Do you catch? Which bathhouse is your
favorite? What child trauma caused you to be gay? Mommy's boyfriend
perhaps? Mommy?

> >> >You think in terms of men vs.
> >> >women. I don't.

> >> You think in terms of females vs men, you sick, sick asshole.

> > She (He) thinks in terms of "mommy, mommy, mommy, help me!"

> Do not. However, it's OBVIOUS that you think of terms from mommy to wifey.

True, and all three wives failed the test <smile>. I bet you think in
terms of Unky (your uncle). That's how you started to "catch" isn't
