Anna Perenna
New member
Your posts are great. I get so angry in abortion debates, because the issue will always reside in a very murky grey area, but many people seem to want absolute black/white resolutions and regulations for it.No. I'm not saying that at all...
I'm saying that hearing this kind of sh t breaks my heart into a million pieces... and I'd rather that child never had to know of such things. Being blessed with a child is the greatest gift anyone can receive, and if you aren't going to appreciate that fact, you don't fukking deserve a child.
So often I hear things like "If you play, you pay." or a child being referred to as a "consequence" of being irresponsible in these kinds of debates. A child is a GIFT! and it's a gift that comes with a huge responsibility. They were irresponsible enough to get themselves knocked up, but they'll suddenly step up and be responsible as a parent? Some do and some don't. Some can't/won't even step up for the length of a pregnancy. Those that aren't up to taking the responsibility, should not be blessed with that gift.
I also hear the adoption argument often. Not all adoptive homes are a wonderful place to be. Abuse happens there, too.
I don't think most abusive parents start out with the intention to harm their child. "Oh! I'll have this baby so I can beat it to death in a couple weeks or months or years!" I think they are unprepared for the demands of parenthood... especially when it's a young person having the child. There is no way to fully experience what being a parent is until you are one. You have ideas and theories and maybe even some experience with babies and children, but the reality of the day in and day out of it is a far cry from babysitting.
So often these abusers walk away with a slap on the wrist and have their children returned to them once they've jumped through the right hoops. The laws that we currently have don't respect the fact that a child... a child who has no voice in this world... a child that has been entrusted to your care... is being forced to endure more than anyone should ever have to endure.
If our society was half as concerned about the well being of the fully developed children we have already roaming the earth as they are about abortion rights, maybe I'd feel differently.
(case in point: several neighbors heard this child crying "Mommy make it stop!" throughout his torture. Several drug addicts entered the apartment and suggested he needed some medical attention... None of them reported a thing.)
Little Domnick's story just might change accountability.... bills are currently being drafted in order to strengthen child abuse laws in Michigan. I hope it spreads like wildfire across our nation and across the globe.
There are too many scenarios to consider, and to encompass (with policy) for it to ever be a black/white issue - and 'morality' shouldn't be allowed into the decision making process, because it just clouds the issue (and personal judgment) further.
Legal, clean, safe, clinically-aided abortions (performed for fully informed parents) are always going to be the best solution to this grey area issue.
(Sorry for discussing abortion, Emkay)