The whole crux of the "conservative" argument here for forced ultrasounds is that government knows better than a doctor and a patient how to treat that patient.
i.e. see my signature.
Anyone for this is not only a faux conservative, they are are a progressive.
No, your both wrong and your the fake conservatives.
You dodge my questions to both of you about how the Government is supposed to enforce laws and even our founding fathers included the process for creating new laws so there is absolutely nothing anywhere to say Government should not have laws.
Government even goes as far as killing some of our people to enforce laws to intrusion into our lives is not wrong, you both have never complained about the death penalty so you agree that sometimes Government should insert insert itself into the lives of the people, your only now complaining that "this" issue should not be enforced. This has nothing to do with big Gopvernment in the slightest. Government is not made bigger or stronger with this law, it is doing only what the people told Government to do and that is to figure out some way to slow down the irresponsibility based abortions like 90% of Americans want.
I have already established that all laws are based in morality, murder is against the law because society felt it was immoral to murder, killing in self defense is not illegal because society felt that was not immoral. Same dead body, no crime based on the intent of the killer being one of innocence.
So the morals of most Americans say they do not want irresponsibility based abortions to be considered the same as cutting off a wart, are you two saying that the morals of society should be ignored? If the wants of the people should be ignored then your exactly like Obama and how he ignored Americans and passed his healthcare bill against the wishes.
We are a Nation of laws, laws creadted through the process that has been set forth from the beginning of America. Laws that are based on our beliefs and morals as a community, not all laws are always perfect, but they are part of what makes America great. The process was followed, the people responded and supported the law, and enforcing the laws is part of the duty of Government. Every true Conservative respects the legal process and the American history of forming laws to represent the values and beliefs of Americans.
You seem to be saying that all aborted babies would end up being abused, that is a horrible possition and honestly not true.
Tory is right, people who would be that abusive would never abort their children because they love the power too much, no based on the statistics, almost all abortions are done by women who already have chidren, I don't believe it is reasonable to say abortion babies is the same thing as saving them from abuse. Women who really did not want their children enough to kill it would more than likely be great canidates for giving their children up for adoption.
In fact, that is the kind of government supported pregnancy crisis center I could get behind to help women get through the issues of child birth and make connections with them and prospective parents. Most big cities have waiting lists for adoptions that are measured in years, not months. There will be lots of loving homes for these babies.