For the moral argument regarding abortion, I say I agree with TimesJoke: Why is it wrong to murder anyone in this country, except an unborn baby? Why would I go to jail hitting my wife in the belly and murdering my wifes baby, but she won't if she decides to sucks it's brains out with a super powered vacuum cleaner?
Well there you're getting into a whole other debate, and it would be: at what point does life begin?
Not everyone believes that life begins at the moment of conception... if that were the case, everyone against abortion would also be against hormonal birth control methods.
I'll school you on that a little bit
Most hormonal forms of birth control do not prevent ovulation or stop a sperm from penetrating the ovum wall. They create a hostile environment within the uterus which prevent the egg from implanting into the uterine wall and creating textural changes in cervical secretions that also help prevent this. If there is no implantation, a fertilized egg will be passed out of the body with the next menstrual cycle.
If you believe that life begins when that sperm and egg collide, then you should also oppose the most convenient and widely used means in which people try to prevent it.
My own belief is that it's not a pregnancy until that egg implants itself in the uterine wall. I'm not opposed to birth control, but found it didn't work for me.... so I have 3 little surprises
Then there's the whole: a fetus is a "parasite" on the "hosts" body.
(please don't take that offensively... it's technically accurate, since that young fetus cannot survive outside the womb.)
Many believe that until that life is viable on it's own accord, is not technically a life until it can.
(also not my personal belief, but I can understand how some may feel this way, especially those without a belief in a higher power.)
So, this becomes a matter of whether or not a woman (the HOST) would prefer to allow that "parasite" to grow into a fully developed human baby, or remove it because she's not up to hosting it for, for whatever reason, over the next 9 months.
If she decides she's up to being a host, it's not someone else's place to take that away from her.
If she decides she's not up to it, she has the right to govern what happens to her own body.