Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

I think the Sodomy law should be upheld and I believe you should have a weekly rectal exam to check for stretching and tears cuz yer a known **** offender.. and I believe TJ should be the **** police.. all supervised by eddo..

And yeah.. it is true.. IWS hit the nail on the head.. but he shoulda used the term commie instead of faux conservative.. it's what you guys are advocating for.. everyone must be/think like me.. or else..

And again.. this issue of this discussion is NOT ABORTION.
What does sodomy have to do with this? Stay on topic.

this is not communism... maybe you should look into what is communism before you start throwing the term around.

And again. the discussion is abortion. Try to keep up.

Get nasty.. you wanna make moral judgments on people and punish them.. I'll make moral judgments on you and punish you..

I can read fine.. and also see the bigger picture.. I'm not stuck on my own moral beliefs and biases..
So you have the right to punish someone? You have the right to judge?

I've never seen anyone more stuck on anything than you are on yourself.



New member
I just noticed, in the original article, that it says they have the right to withhold information regarding fetal deformities. Now tell me, it's STILL about having all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Also missed this line the first time through: "requiring women to undergo an ultrasound just an hour before having a termination."

And tell me that gives them the time to sort through the new information they may or may not have received.

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What does sodomy have to do with this? Stay on topic.

this is not communism... maybe you should look into what is communism before you start throwing the term around.

And again. the discussion is abortion. Try to keep up.
This discussion is about IMPOSING YOUR MORALITY ON OTHER PEOPLE..Sodomy was/is Immoral and illegal in your state for 128 years .. try to see past your biases.. and communistic tendencies.. Communism is about total control.. and making everyone the same.. which is what you are advocating for.. Pressuring everyone to see morality as you do.. or else. And you have no problems instituting the services of the government to validate it for you.

Now.. in the case of imposing morality concerning sodomy.. what say you?

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This discussion is about IMPOSING YOUR MORALITY ON OTHER PEOPLE..Sodomy was/is Immoral and illegal in your state for 128 years .. try to see past your biases.. and communistic tendencies.. Communism is about total control.. and making everyone the same.. which is what you are advocating for.. Pressuring everyone to see morality as you do.. or else. And you have no problems instituting the services of the government to validate it for you.

Now.. in the case of imposing morality concerning sodomy.. what say you?
I say that sodomy has nothing to do with this discussion. Please don't bring it up in this thread again.

I'm not forcing anyone to see anything. I'm simply offering my side to this argument/discussion.

Myself and my ideals/beliefs do not fit into a neat little box, I certainly don't expect other people's to.



Active Members
Then ask yourself this TJ... Abortions have been performed for decades WITHOUT the use of ultrasound. How is it possible that this was able to occur if an ultra sound is medically necessary to the procedure?
Where did I ever say it was 'medically necessary"?

Decades ago you did not have to sign a waver for treatment either, that waver is not "medically necessary" but every woman getting an abortion has to fill one out as part of her procedure.

I can answer that for you, so you don't have to spend the next hour typing your little fingers off: They aren't. They aren't even necessary to determine gestational age.

Try to separate "medically necessary" from "morally required" for this argument.
We are talking about the law Merc.

All laws are based on morals, you cannot seperate morals from this discussion because it was moral values that prompted the law. Well it was actually the lack of morals attached to the abortion methods that prompted concern by almost all Americans who do not belive an abortion should be treated like a wart removal.

Responsibility Merc. Without the irresponsible behaviors to create the unwanted life in the first place, we are not having this discussion and we certainly do not have this law. Your trying to blame the fireman for the fire.

Wez, your the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. You impose tyour moral values to justify nasty attacks all the time, but that is okay because it is "you".

Yes, this law is exactly like every other law in America. Murder is illegal because the morals of society says it is wrong. Abortion for irresponsibility reasons is also wrong based on society but tiny segments of people like yourself have been very successful to keep a reasonable moral standard from being put into place. Your the one who is speaking from biase Wez because you killed your own child. Of course you will never see morals connected to this issue because you have none.



New member
Stop with the ******* match, wez... RaE hasn't been disrespectful of anyone's opinion. He does still live in a place where we all have the right to disagree.


New member
I do not think people should have medical procedures forced on them. If I don't want to go tot he doctor and get the weird growth on my leg looked at that is my prerogative. If it ends up costing me my leg or my life, well then, that was my own fault.

But, I also do not think that unborn babies should be murdered just because mommy and daddy are too irresponsible to handle the little tike. I think the fact that another life is involved here changes the discussion immensely.

Removing abortion from this debate would make it a completely different debate, and I would be all for patients being able to decide what procedures they want done to themselves.

I think the unborn baby should have more of a voice to protect it and give it a chance at life, and if an unltrasound helps jr to have a voice, then I am all for it- and like I said, I would rather my tax money go for that rather than planned parenthood (which it currently does.)

Ideally, my tax $$ wouldn't pay for any of it, as RaE has said- this is a completely elective and preventable procedure. Don't want an untrasound? Don't have an abortion. Don't get pregnant. Be more responsible for yourself and who you sleep with. Accept that responsibility if it comes your way. Make the necessary changes to your life to give your baby a chance for a life of it's own.

I can agree with Merc that one hour before the abortion is not enough to process information gathered. Make it a week or so, and I'd be more comfortable with it. It should be more than a "look at the little life that you are about to snuff out" kind of thing.

For the moral argument regarding abortion, I say I agree with TimesJoke: Why is it wrong to murder anyone in this country, except an unborn baby? Why would I go to jail hitting my wife in the belly and murdering my wifes baby, but she won't if she decides to sucks it's brains out with a super powered vacuum cleaner?



New member
I say that sodomy has nothing to do with this discussion. Please don't bring it up in this thread again.

I'm not forcing anyone to see anything. I'm simply offering my side to this argument/discussion.

Myself and my ideals/beliefs do not fit into a neat little box, I certainly don't expect other people's to.

I say it totally relates to this topic.. It's about imposing morality on people.. Sodomy is immoral.. you need to be punished.

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I say it totally relates to this topic.. It's about imposing morality on people.. Sodomy is immoral.. you need to be punished.
You would say that, and you'd be wrong. Have I made a moral argument about this subject so far? Have you read any of my replies? I think not.

Sodomy is no more immoral than ******** or intercourse. Maybe you should open your eyes some.

oh, and btw, when I was performing 'sodomy', it was legal in my state. Why should I be punished again?



New member
I do not think people should have medical procedures forced on them. If I don't want to go tot he doctor and get the weird growth on my leg looked at that is my prerogative. If it ends up costing me my leg or my life, well then, that was my own fault.

But, I also do not think that unborn babies should be murdered just because mommy and daddy are too irresponsible to handle the little tike. I think the fact that another life is involved here changes the discussion immensely.

Removing abortion from this debate would make it a completely different debate, and I would be all for patients being able to decide what procedures they want done to themselves.

I think the unborn baby should have more of a voice to protect it and give it a chance at life, and if an unltrasound helps jr to have a voice, then I am all for it- and like I said, I would rather my tax money go for that rather than planned parenthood (which it currently does.)

Ideally, my tax $$ wouldn't pay for any of it, as RaE has said- this is a completely elective and preventable procedure. Don't want an untrasound? Don't have an abortion. Don't get pregnant. Be more responsible for yourself and who you sleep with. Accept that responsibility if it comes your way. Make the necessary changes to your life to give your baby a chance for a life of it's own.

I can agree with Merc that one hour before the abortion is not enough to process information gathered. Make it a week or so, and I'd be more comfortable with it. It should be more than a "look at the little life that you are about to snuff out" kind of thing.

For the moral argument regarding abortion, I say I agree with TimesJoke: Why is it wrong to murder anyone in this country, except an unborn baby? Why would I go to jail hitting my wife in the belly and murdering my wifes baby, but she won't if she decides to sucks it's brains out with a super powered vacuum cleaner?
You should have a choice in the way you are to be treated in any instance. You can't decide who is moral and who isn't..because all our positions are so varied. That's why we have the freedoms we do. Remove one and all are fair game. I specifically chose this because I knew it would be difficult to separate the two. It's inflammatory to be sure, but the underlying theme is what I am aiming at..not abortion per say. And the procedure they are talking about is designed to instill guilt and also to prevent a woman from making an informed decision. Withholding info about physical deformities is about erasing any chance at the termination being justifiable. It's unfair and unnecessary. If it's okay for a woman getting an abortion to be treated this way, then we can expect alcoholics, gay people, overweight people, or anyone else deemed morally unsound to be treated in the same manner. It's a slippery slope.

BTW...drinking, smoking, drugs and prostitution all have laws attached...and it still continues despite the number of people that die every year because of them. Forcing people in laws governing their bodies just force people to find better ways at avoiding the law...most of them horrible.



New member
You would say that, and you'd be wrong. Have I made a moral argument about this subject so far? Have you read any of my replies? I think not.
I believe that having an abortion should be as miserable as possible.~ RaE

Why do think that? Do you think it's morally wrong? Or do you just like to see women suffer?

Sounds like a moral judgment to me..

Sodomy is no more immoral than ******** or intercourse. Maybe you should open your eyes some.
That's your opinion.. Your community seemed to think differently for 128 years..

oh, and btw, when I was performing 'sodomy', it was legal in my state. Why should I be punished again?
Oh.. and btw.. abortion is legal.. why do you think women should be punished again?



New member
You should have a choice in the way you are to be treated in any instance. You can't decide who is moral and who isn't..because all our positions are so varied. That's why we have the freedoms we do. Remove one and all are fair game.
my stance isn't based on the morality of anyone. You wanna screw around, have at it. You wanna do drugs, fine.

My stance is that there is more than one life to take into consideration here, and that life should have just as much of a chance to succeed as it can get. The very existence of the one that cannot speak or protect for itself trumps the "choice" of the one that can, once that one that can has made the choice to have ***.

my moral stance is:

Abortion as a form of birth control is about the saddest thing that we as a society have let happen. Murdering an innocent life, simply because we don't want to be bothered is sick and disgusting- and completely irresponsible.



New member
my stance isn't based on the morality of anyone. You wanna screw around, have at it. You wanna do drugs, fine.

My stance is that there is more than one life to take into consideration here, and that life should have just as much of a chance to succeed as it can get. The very existence of the one that cannot speak or protect for itself trumps the "choice" of the one that can, once that one that can has made the choice to have ***.

my moral stance is:

Abortion as a form of birth control is about the saddest thing that we as a society have let happen. Murdering an innocent life, simply because we don't want to be bothered is sick and disgusting- and completely irresponsible.
I don't disagree with your stance on abortion at all. I am saying....eh it doesn't matter never mind.



New member
For the moral argument regarding abortion, I say I agree with TimesJoke: Why is it wrong to murder anyone in this country, except an unborn baby? Why would I go to jail hitting my wife in the belly and murdering my wifes baby, but she won't if she decides to sucks it's brains out with a super powered vacuum cleaner?
Well there you're getting into a whole other debate, and it would be: at what point does life begin?

Not everyone believes that life begins at the moment of conception... if that were the case, everyone against abortion would also be against hormonal birth control methods.

I'll school you on that a little bit ;) Most hormonal forms of birth control do not prevent ovulation or stop a sperm from penetrating the ovum wall. They create a hostile environment within the uterus which prevent the egg from implanting into the uterine wall and creating textural changes in cervical secretions that also help prevent this. If there is no implantation, a fertilized egg will be passed out of the body with the next menstrual cycle.

If you believe that life begins when that sperm and egg collide, then you should also oppose the most convenient and widely used means in which people try to prevent it.

My own belief is that it's not a pregnancy until that egg implants itself in the uterine wall. I'm not opposed to birth control, but found it didn't work for me.... so I have 3 little surprises :)

Then there's the whole: a fetus is a "parasite" on the "hosts" body.

(please don't take that offensively... it's technically accurate, since that young fetus cannot survive outside the womb.)

Many believe that until that life is viable on it's own accord, is not technically a life until it can.

(also not my personal belief, but I can understand how some may feel this way, especially those without a belief in a higher power.)

So, this becomes a matter of whether or not a woman (the HOST) would prefer to allow that "parasite" to grow into a fully developed human baby, or remove it because she's not up to hosting it for, for whatever reason, over the next 9 months.

If she decides she's up to being a host, it's not someone else's place to take that away from her.

If she decides she's not up to it, she has the right to govern what happens to her own body.



New member
Wez, your the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. You impose tyour moral values to justify nasty attacks all the time, but that is okay because it is "you".
Calling someone a moron is a nasty attack? Whatever.. call the morality police.. they can give me an ultrasound..

Your the one who is speaking from biase Wez because you killed your own child. Of course you will never see morals connected to this issue because you have none.
The issue is imposing morality on other people.. not abortion.. and how can I impose my morals to justify my nasty attacks if I have none? Please explain..

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New member
I just noticed, in the original article, that it says they have the right to withhold information regarding fetal deformities. Now tell me, it's STILL about having all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Also missed this line the first time through: "requiring women to undergo an ultrasound just an hour before having a termination."

And tell me that gives them the time to sort through the new information they may or may not have received.
Excellent point merc.. I pointed it out on the first page and Tori was the only one to even acknowledge this little tidbit which further proves the intention is to impose morals and punish...

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Active Members
If it's okay for a woman getting an abortion to be treated this way, then we can expect alcoholics, gay people, overweight people, or anyone else deemed morally unsound to be treated in the same manner. It's a slippery slope.

BTW...drinking, smoking, drugs and prostitution all have laws attached...and it still continues despite the number of people that die every year because of them. Forcing people in laws governing their bodies just force people to find better ways at avoiding the law...most of them horrible.
None of those other things involve killing a baby.

So considering your possition that just because bad things still happen even with laws against them you believe we should not have the laws? Should murder no longer be illegal because murders still happen even though there are laws making murder illegal?

I say we should never stop trying to make things better, never give up. Why? Because giving up on society means we give up on our children's future. I as a parent want a better world for my kids to live in, turning a blind eye to wrong is wrong itself.

my moral stance is:

Abortion as a form of birth control is about the saddest thing that we as a society have let happen. Murdering an innocent life, simply because we don't want to be bothered is sick and disgusting- and completely irresponsible.
Well said sir, with all the great things we have created with our modern times, we seem to have also created the most imoral society possible at the same time when people can justify killing their own children just because they were too lazy to use protection.

Well there you're getting into a whole other debate, and it would be: at what point does life begin?

Not everyone believes that life begins at the moment of conception... if that were the case, everyone against abortion would also be against hormonal birth control methods.
This is why we don't use any one person's view on the subject but instead look to everyone to voice their opinions and try to find common ground for things like this law.

Almost everyone in America agrees that abortions for irresponsible reasons should be restricted at least a little bit. Almost all people find killing babies in the womb to be horrible but tiny segments of society have blocked every attempt to bring the abortion issue into compliance with what 90% of Americans want for our society.

So, this becomes a matter of whether or not a woman (the HOST) would prefer to allow that "parasite" to grow into a fully developed human baby, or remove it because she's not up to hosting it for, for whatever reason, over the next 9 months.

If she decides she's up to being a host, it's not someone else's place to take that away from her.

If she decides she's not up to it, she has the right to govern what happens to her own body.
If she did not want the "parasite" growing inside her she could also "choose" to use protection.....right?

In every discussion about abortion the pro-abortion crowd always refuses to admit that the woman did have a choice, a choice that was made "before" the baby was created.

No, the abortion is not a choice about being pregnant, the abortion is the action taken to get out of taking responsibility for the choice already made.

By bad Wez, I was wrong, you do have morals, unfortunately in the area of abortion and respecting the miracle of life your morals are corrupted and bad because you made a rash decision to pressure your girlfriend to get an abortion so you would not be trapped into a relationship you were wanting to get away from.

But you know what is interesting?

You were upset at being in that relationship, hated the girl, but you were still having unprotected *** and created a baby with her. Your the very picture of irresponsibility I am talking about in connection with this issue Wez.



New member
By bad Wez, I was wrong, you do have morals, unfortunately in the area of abortion and respecting the mirical of life your morals are corrupted and bad because you made a rash decision to pressure your girlfriend to get an abortion so you would not be trapped into a relationship you were wanting to get away from.

But you know what is interesting?

You were upset at being in that relationship, hated the girl, but you were still having unprotected *** and created a baby with her. Your the very picture of irresponsibility I am talking about in connection with this issue Wez.
Good thing you're not my morality judge.. and I'm immune to guilt tactics from narcissistic control freaks.. and nothing you say is true..

And like I told you before.. we were using birth control.. it failed.. even if we weren't.. none of your biz.. you aint my judge/jury/executioner no matter how bad you wanna be.. you're nothing but a pathetic soul who can only glean a fleeting glimmer of pleasure from others pain.. you prove it time and time again.. You have my sympathy.. as does everyone who comes into contact with you.

Hey TJ.. Is your son respecting the miracle of life or learning how to end it without a shred of emotion like you did?.. so it's inside the uterus precious miracle.. outside the uterus KILL KILL KILL?



New member
Would the two of you care to take a step back and compose yourselves??

Looks like you could both use a break.

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